The Huge Storybook | Teen Ink

The Huge Storybook

October 25, 2016
By annmarie123 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
annmarie123 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

*BEEP* … *BEEP* … *BEEP*. The noise doesn’t stop. I stumble out of bed. My bed is not a regular bed. It's pretty unique. It's round. Like in the movies when a couple goes to a fancy place with a heart bed. But my intentions are not going “that way” with my bed. Anyway I have a white thin canapé draping down to my hardwood floor. And I can turn my bed. Underneath my bed my mom came up with the idea to put wheels under the bed. So, my dad put the wheels on it. It’s just amazing. Anyway, when I do, I find myself in a warm yellow fluid. Pee. I quickly step out of it and look up to my cat staring me dead in the face with a “I didn’t do it” look.
“Really Muffin?” I say walking to my bathroom to wash off my foot.              
  When I walk to the bathroom I feel the pee off my foot trying to stick to the freezing hardwood floor. When I walk off Muffin follows me and uses her high pitched meow to get my attention.
  “What?” I say quietly trying not wake the others while I walk back into my room. You should really get used to me talking to Muffin. I don’t really know why I do because obviously she won’t be able to answer, but I do it anyway. When I walk back into my room I finally turn of the annoying alarm. Muffin is still meowing for my attention. So, I pick her up so she will stop. She’s spoiled. After I grab her then I walk over to my french door closet and grab my huge storybook. This storybook is very important. I got it for my 11 birthday, which was the year that parents split up. Not only did the both give it to me TOGETHER (which was a surprise), but they said that it was a special book, for a special girl. It’s not your average storybook. It’s has clues that lead you into the next fairytale. I haven’t read the whole thing, but my parents did. So, when I would reach the end of the chapter they would ask me what that chapters clue was. That’s what language arts was to me when they were together. I’m homeschooled. Along with my sister. Most of my friends go to a public school though.
  I start to walk downstairs carefully because I have Muffin and my huge storybook in my hands.  I have my bunny slippers on and quietly walking down the spiral staircase. I don’t want to wake up the others. Others, meaning my 8-year-old sister, Mary, and my dad, John. Oh and my name is Alison. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am shorter than most of my friends. I don't really do sports. I'm more focused on the books. Yeah that’s the type of person I am. I go to my chair to set down Muffin and my book. After that I see that my dad has already been up. I can tell because he made eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee. He must have gone to work early. Once I walk to the coffee pot I see a note that says I went to work early again, be safe.
Once I fix my coffee just how I like it I go to sit and read my book. I read chapter one of my book. It’s about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. That's a pretty saint-like move to poison someone with an apple. Then after that you die/ sleep and have a prince kiss you and bring you back to life. Wow. Crazy. I also wondered what it would be like to be a dwarf or to have friends that are dwarves. Anyway, I finish the chapter, grab my cup of coffee that’s still half full, and slowly walk up the stairs. When I walk up the stairs i’m still trying not to wake up Mary.
When I walk past her room and enter mine I put my coffee on my nightstand next to my door and bed. I set the fragile book on my bed and walk over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of leggings and my long floral shirt. It’s like one of those shirts that are made to be long to wear as a dress or with leggings. Anyway, I also grab underwear and a pair of boot socks. Even though i'm homeschooled I still like to look nice. Don’t ask.
I get changed and then I put the book back in my closet, grab my brown booties, and close my closet doors. As I turn around and start to walk out I hear a tiny slam, almost like a tiny door. I walk back to my closet and open the door… nothing. Well, beside the fact that my storybook fell over. I bend down to pick it up and see a tiny door on the back of my book. That’s never been there. I try opening it and it won’t budge. It looks like there is supposed to be a tiny key that will unlock it. I look closer to the floor. My face is barely touching the ground now.
I see a tiny tiny black thing in the right corner of my closet. I go to pick it up hoping it’s not rat poop or something disgusting. I pick it up and it’s a tiny key. Perfect! I go to the bed to figure out why and how this tiny door and key is here. I stick the key into the tiny door, and it doesn’t open. I take the key out and try doing it the other way, still nothing.
Not only am I trying to figure out why this key won’t work but also why the key and the door are here anyway. I want to know. After I sit down for a couple minutes my sister comes in, of course, without knocking.
“Oh, cool what’s that?” She asked while she sat down and tried grabbing it from my hands.
“Nothing!” I say loudly pushing the book behind my back. “What do you want?”
“I was just seeing if you finished your homework or lesson for today.”She mumbled because she was too busy leaning to the side to try and see the book.
“Mary, don’t you always come in and ask me at…” I look at the clock, “10:30?”
“Not always.”
“Yes, you do, and yes, I finished.” I say trying to hide the fact I’m lying.
“Ok well if you need help with that book, I’m here to help.” She smiled still trying to examine the book.
“Mary get out.” I exclaimed not trying to be rude, but trying to, well, get her out.
Mary walks out closing the door behind her. That’s like the first time in a long time she hasn’t argued back or slammed the door. I’m still trying to figure out why this storybook I had for a year now, all of suddens has a door with a key to it. I turn around and face forward and just stare at the book for a good 10 minutes. I pick up the key and book and go to the closet. I set it back down in the same exact spot, close the door, and stand back to see if anything happens. I hear pushing and shoving.
          I step back not knowing what can come out or happen. I am back against my door and I put my hands on the handle and turn the shiny yet slippery doorknob. It's slippery cause I'm sweating like a pig because I'm nervous. Nervous? No. Not nervous. Scared...curious. What in the world could possible happen? I mean if anything happened it would not be scary. It's a fairytale book. Right?
         The scrambling is still going.
         “Ooh that's cute!” I hear from a lady-like voice. Whoever it is she must really like what she sees. You can tell there is excitement in her voice. I hoping I’m just hallucinating. Yeah. I must be. I let go of the door knob and close the door behind me. There is no way I could leave it open. Mary would walk in and just flip if she saw something she shouldn't.
         “Ouch! Get off me!” A tiny deep voice hollers.
         “ AAUCHHU!” A tiny yet loud sneeze escapes from a noise of  whatever/ whoever is in my closet.
         I start pinching myself in the arm. Hoping this isn't really happening. Hoping I'm just again, hallucinating.
        “ Let me make sure your hand is ok.” Another tiny voice exclaims.
        I start to slowly walk towards the closet. The voices are getting louder and louder when I get closer and closer. I'm scared right now but I'm gonna find out what the heck is in my closet. I grab the door knob. Close my eyes. Take a deep breath. Let it out. Open my eyes. I slam open that closet door so fast you wouldn't believe it. Oh. My. Storybook.
       “Hi there my name is Snow White, and these are my seven dwarfs, this is grumpy…this is sneezy…----
       The voice starts to slowly fade. Everything all of a sudden starts to get black. I feel like I'm spinning around and can't stop. I suddenly feel my body hit the hardwood floor and feel the pain travel through my body making sure every part hurts. I pass out. I would say for about 15 minutes. I think, I don't really know.

     “Is she dead?” A voice asks.
     I finally snap back to life and see many big nosed, tiny, cute figures leaning over the side of my body. Then a beautiful, pale, black haired girl comes to me and taps on my shoulder.
      “Hey there you kinda fell asleep when I was introducing us,” Snow White says calmly.
      I stand up quick and get on my bed.
     “ guys came..cammee.. from the book?” I stutter.
      “Yes.” Snow White answers.
      “How?” I ask wondering
      “ Well whenever you read our chapter and you leave us in your closet afterwards with the key we come out.” She happily says.
       “How do you get back in?” I ask still freaking out in my head.
       “Umm that's wh-”
       “Ugg, get off me you ugly child!” A woman-like voice says.
       “Sorry.” An innocent voice says.
Great, more are coming. More fairytale characters from the book are coming. I'm just gonna take a random guess and say… Cinderella? The two french doors almost break off the hinges when a horrific woman slams them open. 3 girls follow behind her as the step out of the closet making sure they look at every little thing. They don't even try to meet eyes with any of us. I stand up still dizzy and walk towards them slowly.
       “Great more of you are coming!” I say sarcastically even though they probably take it the other way. Still no attention. This is definitely the Cinderella story. Evil, ugly, stepmom and the two ugly, selfish, stepdaughters. And then there is poor, lonely Cinderella. Well, they are all technically rich, but the evil stepmom and daughters use the money. One of the stepdaughters walk towards my jewelry box. The evil stepmom walks to my window to see the view. The other step daughter walks towards the other daughter.
       I see Cinderella looking at me. Once she sees me she turns away.
      “This is uh keeper!” One of the stepdaughters say holding my favorite necklace.
      “Sure is!” The other stepdaughter replies trying to snatch the necklace from her sister.
       I walk over to the two the two girls and they suddenly stop. While I'm looking at them and they're looking at me I notice every flaw about them. They have blackheads surrounding their noises. They have teeth like that haven't been to the dentist in 5 years. Last but not least, their weird shape formed, big noise.
    “She's staring at us.” One whispers to the other.
     Everyone else is watching the whole seen.
    “Give me that!” I say snatching my gold necklace from her dry small hands.
    “It's her necklace!” Cinderella says calmly. Then everyone goes quiet. The evil stepmom make an intense walk towards Cinderella. Everyone now (even me) focuses on what she might do. Will she yell at her? Hit her? I hope she won't hit her.
    “You shut your mouth,” She says all in her face with angry, “And you…” She starts to walk to me with the same dramatic, intense walk, “Who are you to be yelling at my lovely child?” She asks with a angry face, also with her hand brushing through the “lovely” child’s hair.
    “I--- I am,” I stutter, but then become not so scared,  “I am Alison. And you're in my room. You came out of my huge storybook, there in the closet.” I respond point to the closet, “And I have to figure out how to get you and your not so lovely children and Cinderella back in the book where you belong.”
   Everyone focuses the attention on the closet and then back to me and the mother to see if anything else is gonna happen. The evil stepmother acts like she just saw the devil. She acts like I scared her. I'm shocked to be honest. I just told her the truth. She bowed down to me. Then I was even more shocked.                        
                                *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*
    “Ali who are you talking to?” Mary asks with her face against the door.
     “Everyone don’t say a word unless you wanna die,” I whisper that hoping it will scare them and they won't say anything, “Oh.. I'm just acting like people in my book..that’s all.” I say hoping that she will believe me.
     “Ok did you figure out about the book?” She asks.
     “Uhh yeah, I have it all figured it out.” I reply.
      I'm lying obviously. I mean I know how they get in, but I don't know how to get them back in.
      “Ok, well I'm going downstairs to play with Muffin to watch Netflix.” She says finally leaving.
     “Alright,” I say, making sure she actually she leaves. Ok she did. I heard her walk down the stairs and hear her talk to muffin. Good. I don't know what I would do if she saw what I'm seeing.
    “So, what are we gonna do? I'm tired and I want to go home.” Grumpy ( I'm pretty sure) ask in a grumpy voice.
    “I honestly don't know, but I have to do something before my dad comes home,” I answer, looking at everyone.
    “Is he cute?” The stepmother ask.
     Everyone looks at her like she is crazy. She is crazy though. She is wondering if my dad is cute when we have bigger problems. These fairy tales are stuck in my world. And we don't know how to get them back.
   “He won't be interested trust me.” I say smiling back at her.
    Everyone is just sitting there looking at each other or the ground. We don't know what to do. And then I hear my front door downstairs open.
   “Hey honey. Where is your sister?” My dad walks in and asks my sister.
   “Oh she is upstairs in her room.” She answers.
    Crap he is home. What am I going to do? I have let’s see...11 fairytale characters in my room and I don't know how to get rid of them. My dad starts to head for the kitchen. I can hear his nice dressy shoes hit the tile in the kitchen. He opens the fridge and grabs something. Then his footstep head towards the stairs.
    “Hurry everyone hide!” I say quietly.
     Everyone starts to run around the room finding places to hide.
    “Hey! I was gonna hide there you stu-”
    “Just shut up and hide here,” I say picking up the grumpy dwarf and shove him in the closet on top of the stepmother. “Now be quiet,” I demand.
    “Hey...what are you doing?” She asks me nicely knowing I would snap on her any minute.
   “Just be quiet and let him sit here,” I say, closing french doors. I hear my dad turn the knob, and I turn quickly with my body against the closet. He walks in and looks around.
   “Hey Honey, what are you doing?” He asks walking in to sit on my bed. I look towards my bed and see 3 short stubby figures under my bed. I run to the bed stopping him from sitting down.
   “Oh nothing. How was work?” I reply.
    Whenever my dad sits on my bed he likes to turn the bed since the wheels underneath move. And if he sits down it won't be able to turn since they are under it.
   He laughs, “Ok.. and it was work, just like every other day.”
   The closet door creaks and he looks toward to the closet. I can tell he is about to go to close the door or open it and see what opened the door. I run to the door and grab my dad's hand right before he is about to open the closet door.
  “Sorry dad I'm gonna clean my room.” I say pushing him out the door.
  “But it's not even messy.”
   “Of course it is.”
   “Whatever Ali, I will go out with Mary and pick up some Chinese food for dinner tonight, sound good?”
  “Yeah sounds good, what time will you be back? I answer looking at my clock.
    He looks at his watch.
   “It's 5:30…. I would say no later than 7:00,” He answers taking off his shoes,   
“I might have to do a little running around for some errands.” 
  “Ok, have fun.”
  “Ok, you too,” he said, walking down the stairs.
    I close my door, and I locked it as well.
  “All clear,” I said, waiting for them to come out.
   None of them step out. It's like they are still sitting like someone is in the room. Oh I can't forget that they are from fairytale book. This is gonna be fun. That was sarcasm.
    “You guys can come out now.” I say again going to the closet to open the doors.
   There is a bunch of pushing and shoving going on as they fumble out of the closet trying keep themselves from falling on one another. Also the dwarfs from under the bed come out too.
   “That's was fun!” The happy dwarfs says clapping.
    I got it! I walk over to the closet pushing the characters out of the way. I bend down, grab the book and the key, and walk back to my bed. Everyone walks towards me and finds a spot on my bed so they can all see what I'm doing.
  “Maybe if I read each one of your chapters I can put you back in the closet one at a time.”
  “It might work.”
  “Why not?”
  “But why do you want to send us back so soon?” Snow White asks.
  Everyone is quiet and looks at me waiting to answer. That's a great question. I need to send them back now before it's too late.
   “You guys need to go back now before anyone sees you,” I reply.
    I feel bad. But I gotta to do what I gotta do.
    “I guess that makes sense.”
    “That's true.”
     “So, are you guys ready?” I ask making sure the are ready before I just start.
     “Yeah!” Everyone answers at different times.
      I will read the first chapter Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Whenever it mentions a character's name I will set the book in the closet with the character and hope it will teleport them back into the chapter scene.
    I read the part where Snow White is first mentioned. I place the book on the floor in the closet with the key and Snow White stands beside it.
    “Guess this goodbye.” Snow White says to be before I close the door.
    “I guess so.” I say smile in back.
    I look at everyone and then close the door. I take a few steps back and gross my fingers. I hear a loud swoosh and then it's quiet. I go to open the door and Snow White is still there. The door is open and it's so tiny you would think she wouldn't be able to fit through it.
    “What are you doing? The book is open go in it.” I ask why Snow White is just standing there crying.
    “I don't wanna leave. This place is cool.” Snow White wines.
    “Move out of my way!” Grumpy says pushing people out the way like he is in a hurry to get in the book.
   “Goodbye everyone.” Grumpy says grabbing Snow White’s hand and jumping in the book.
    Just like that they were gone. That's sad, but great.
   “Next.” I kept saying over and over while one would jump in and another would just be waiting.
   “Last but not least, the evil stepmother.” I say with a sigh.
   “Do I have to go?” She asks me.
   “Just like everyone else.” I reply.
   She walks over to the closet and stands by the book.
  “Stay evil. It makes the book better.” I say with a smile.
   She chuckles.
  “I will.”
  Once she jumps in I grab the book and the key and lock it. Once I get down locking it I set it back how I do every night and close my closet door. Once I turn around to my door and open it I hear my dad and Mary walk in.
  “ALI WE’RE HOME!” They holler from downstairs.
“COMING!” I holler back.
  I run down the stairs and help unload the terrific smell of Chinese food from Panda Express.
   “How bout a movie on Netflix and you guys can eat in your chairs tonight?” My dad ask unloading more food and going to his chair.
   “Sounds great.” Mary and I both reply with a smile.
    Mary and I both walk with our dish of Chinese food to our chair. Muffin follows behind me and jumps right up on top of my chair and lays down.
                                               What a night. 

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