The Prophecy Of War | Teen Ink

The Prophecy Of War

January 4, 2017
By 72726 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
72726 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One angel named Akitto, and a demon named Kittito were sent to earth a month before the Great War that would destroy many things. If they stopped it from ever happening and can protect the humans from being killed and that they can discover their true powers that they possess. Now  we begin the great tale of the heroes, magic, and villains.  
“Huh where are am I? Whoa! Who is that is that? A human? Then that means I’m on Earth,” Kittito thought, “So the transport was a success! And now to see the demon who will help me. Wait he looks like he doesn’t know where he is at all. He must have  lost his memory while he was transported here. How shameful  to think that is the son of Satan. What a shame. Well let's just act like I don’t know anything either,” thought akito.
Well you're finally awake you two are so cute you can fit right in my hand you're so small i love it  so hi my name is  neon and what’s yours neon said ,  my name is  akitto said akitto  and my name it’s kittito and i have no idea what i’m doing here said kittito. “ Wait where are my clothes I need a demon full body clothes that are red  with a black cape and scythe,  and a dagger and bow and arrows please neon” said kittito and i’ll take an angle clothes with a white robe and a sword and wand neon sir said akito  sure thing and in a flash of light the things they had requested were right in front of the they put on all the new stuff that was made for them thank you neon i love it said kittito over excited thanks sir wait would you prefer master or sir i think neither neon is fine yessss neon he stumbled on saying neon he wasn’t used to names it’s fine wait are some kind of wizard no i’m half of an angel and demon  so I have magic says neon well i’m hungry what’s to eat  says kittito don’t be so rude idiot no no it’s fine i’ll order pizza what’s that  it’s a cheesy meaty square piece of food you'll like it ok pizzas here mmmm it’s so good I told you so it’s alright I guess. Well we gotta go to do what well we gotta collect demon magic to wait you're both demons technically we are weIam a  black angel which  is a demon angel  and i’m a grim reaper the strongest demon next to satan wow that’s cool i wish  wait maybe i could join you on your quest ,no, that would be great thanks , i said well ,he didn’t ask you sorry  i’m just a kid ,wait what!!!!!!!!!!, Yeah i’m only three years old ,that’s insane, it is who i am  so deal with it fine let's go get alright let's go yay i can't wait to collect  my powers we should go like now one sec let me pack my bag ok ok fine let's go where to first demon school and angel school for the first half of the mission half are powers are there  so we gotta go for now alright  a few days later there we just collected all that we have or need greedy little devil hey i’m a demon not a devil ok fine and i’m an archangel  so call me by my name okey doke so what should we do now and only have one day before the war yeah i know baka but what should we do in the meantime ooooo we should just relax for the day yanow fine just shut up you're so annoying the next day we finally get to the war wait i’m getting a message from the big guy and me too wait you want me to participate in the war ok fine yay i finally get some action  and then a day later huf huf huf what am i going to do I to fight   akitto now to win the war but should… guh what was that for akitto i need to win this war your father killed neon no he didn’t it was yours too  no it wasn’t it was all yours mine would never do that i’m sorry but did you say father yes satan is your father   what!!!!!!! Then  what’s my real name is it really kittito yes it really is baka stop calling me that  never baka I will end you right here and now then let's end it right here and now   fine i will and then he releases all the power he’s stored up and the fight begins satan’s flames and blue flames shot at akitto protection from the light age of darkness and everything  went pitch black and then akitto heard portal to endless void and  a portal of red flames appeared right under him  he fell in and heard kittito say i win baka and then he heard akitto say age of flight but before he made it kittito sayed portal seal and the portal closed and then a light spread across and he was pulled out of the endless void by none other than a crying kittito saying i can’t i just can’t kill you you're the only friend i ever knew why would i want to kill you when i could help you  stop the actual fight from happening how like this  time travel of the gods you have god magic yes i have god magic i’m the demon god so i can do this let's go ok.whoa that was awesome wait when are we right before the war cool let's go stop a war dad please stop you should be friends with satan not enemies with him never i’m done with his imbecile being harsh to humans so often that they eventually die. Please dad you have to stop this chaos with the humans it bothers you're whole people that they have abandoned you  you've lost so many of your  people so please stop never and be kind to him i would rather kill his son than work with him wait that was a good idea   and then satan charged at akitto but before he could kill him kittito got in the way and satan had killed him instead no!!!!!!!!!!! Shouted akitto what have you done his dad was now feeling bad that he just realized how important that demon had been to him he shouted out look what you just did satan you just killed your own son you dirty sinner i’m so so so sorry kittito i didn’t mean to and then like it never happened the war had continued but this time just the commanders had to fight so they fought and fought until they heard a crying akitto say stop this isn’t right he died protecting me so why would you continue this nonsense do you think kittito would want this  no he wouldn’t now let me see his body i have a revival stone left i might be able to bring him back but only now and the spell was cast and he burst out breathing what happend did i die yes you're alive now so please dad stop this war stop harming humans and even killing them it isn’t right please dad you have to stop ok fine please dad you stop too fine let's agree on never doing this again and they all lived happily ever after.

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