The gene | Teen Ink

The gene

January 20, 2017
By Carlsjac004 BRONZE, Medina, Minnesota
Carlsjac004 BRONZE, Medina, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The shooting increased as the air grew colder, but the targets were not increasing. The soldiers only hand warmers are the barrels of their guns. The snow fell into their fox holes at an increasing rate making it harder and harder to keep fighting. Everyone was underdressed and dying of hunger. If a bullet didn't kill them, hunger was going to kill them. This endless battle has been going on for months with no side making any ground on the other. This was a stalemate worst than the great war. If one side was going to win, something had to change quick. That's when it happened. The flash was brighter than 100 suns. The sound burst every soldier on the battlefields ear drums. A soilder laid in his fox hole covering his face with his hands while he asked himself “Could this really be happening”. Unclear on who dropped the bomb, silence grew over the battlefield. There was no more shooting, no more screaming. The battle had ceased. Peaking out of his hole the soldier saw that it looked like a different world now. The snow was now falling black, There were no more trees. Everyone he could see was dead. There was bodies laying everywhere, skin burned off of their skeletons. Why did he survive? He needed to get answers, and he was going to get them no matter what.
“Hey Ryan are your ok?” The soldier turned around and could not believe his eyes. He saw his brother running towards them. His brother joined the army at the same time he did, their parents both very proud of them. Their parents had worked their whole lives with the government researching nuclear weapons. Ever since WWIII, America has been researching the ultimate atomic bomb to end all wars. When they heard that there son were joining the army they were thrilled. “Matt why do you they we are alive” Said Ryan. “I have no idea, but i'm not complaining. Lets try to make radio contact with HQ.” The Johnson brothers tries to radio in HQ but the radios were dead. With no idea how they were alive, no plan on how to get hold of HQ. Things were looking bad for the Johnson brothers. *BOOM* an explosive rattles their ears once again. They hit the ground and pulled themselves together. Agreeing it came from the U.S. lines they decided to retreat back to their lines. After hours of running they reached the lines and saw everyone scrambling and packing the camp up in trucks. “HEY PRIVATES WHERE DID YOU JUST COME FROM?” “The bomb sight sir!” said Ryan. The officers were baffled on how the boys were still alive. Everyone in a 4 mile radius should of been incinerated instantly. If that didn't kill them the radiation should have. “Sir, according to my calculations the radiation will hit this site in 10 minutes.” said a bomb specialist. The men continued to pack up camp and everyone loaded into the trucks and left. Commander Pollen was alerted of the boys situation and ordered them to be air lifting immediately to washington to be screened. An airplane ride from russia to washington was not short so the boys decided to catch up on some well needed sleep.
“So who dropped the bomb” said Ryan. “Right now that is not important, what is important is that you and your brother are somehow alive.” said the commander. “NO I NEED TO KNOW, I WATCHED MY FRIENDS BE KILLED!” The commander begun to explain that Russia dropped the bomb in the middle of the battlefield to disrupt the wars front. They did they knowing even their men would die. Now that the whole western front of the war has been vaporized from this earth, we need to focus on the eastern front which Russia has the upper hand in. The Johnsons parents bursted into the room crying. “I couldn't believe it until i saw it for real, you really are alive.” Said their mom. Listen boys we need to take your blood for some test, we might have the solution to winning this war. They boys were put through more body scanners than they could count. They were blasted with x-rays and radiation. At this point any other normal human being would be dead or have severe radiation sickness. But the boys were better than ever, they were different. The doctors just had to figure out what was different about them. After testing their blood along side with their parents blood they found it. From working with radiation their whole lives their parents cells have mutated to be radiation resistant. Also There skin could be faced with extreme heat and withstand it. These mutations in the genes have passed down to the two brothers. This explains how they survived the blast. The scientist soon began to replicate these cells and clone them into their own bodies. This made them immune to the same elements. With america having this on their side there was no way to stop them. Russia was doomed.

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