space torunment | Teen Ink

space torunment

October 6, 2017
By Anonymous

This a story about the biggest basketball tournament in the world. It was the “space tournament” where every person, alien titan and animal came together in space to do a 3v3 basketball tournament. But it was going out of style because every year the aliens win every championship and people are tired of it. So this year i want the humans to win so we have a plan to give humans super powers!!!. And when we do the aliens or any other players will never keep up. So we gave them the treatment and there ready to hit the court. When they pulled up to the court the titans were playing “the dog’’ even though the titan are big ‘’the dogs’’ are very skill full. After their game it was time the game everybody has been waiting for ‘’ aliens v.s. Humans ‘’ .

as the tip off started were running up and down the court ,scoring back and back they were up by 2 with 30 seconds left as the time was going down we passed it to our best shooter . he shot it…. And “ bounce bounce’’ he brick!! The crowd is in shock another loss for the human. I guess even the superpowers couldn't help them even tho they had a better game this time they still did not win. Jack is the person who shot it he had awesome game with 22 points he still didn't help us win and take a trophy home.

When we went back to earth everybody was upset that we loss ‘’maybe next year’’ people kept saying. Next year we gone come more powerful and ready to destroy.`

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