I'm In | Teen Ink

I'm In

May 10, 2018
By Anonymous

“Have you ever heard of the name, Red Grau?” Titus sat in a cold, metal seat at one end of a long table. There were two agents on either side with a stern lady on the opposite side. When Titus arrived, she introduced herself as Agent X, ignoring Titus when he asked whether that was her real name.

“No.” Titus was confused. He shouldn’t even be here. At first he was pretty excited about the fact that he was missing school, but now everything seemed to be too damn serious for him. The agents were already giving him anxiety. He tried to appear confident so that he didn’t look like a complete nerd but by looking at Agent X’s face, it was clear that she could tell he was shaking.

“That’s strange. It’s been all over the headlines. The man who died from the abnormal car crash? Nothing?” She looked Titus directly in the eyes, forcing him to stare right back at her. Titus could tell that she was actually pretty young now, probably in her early twenties. She was built as well.

“Oh yeah, everyone knows about that guy. I just didn’t know his name.” Titus began to sink into his seat, finally realizing why he was there. Agent X laughed, continuously looking at him through those thick, accusatory eyes. The other agents around kept up a blank, stern face, staring at Titus without showing any flicker of emotion.
One of the agents smirked. Titus tried not to look embarrassed, but it didn’t work. His face turned redder with each second. He saw one of the agents walk away, whispering something into one of the other agents’ ears before leaving the room. What was that about?

“Not exactly like the way you said that. I,..” A scream could be heard from above. Bang. A hole emerged in the roof. Bang. Agents began to stand up, shouting at each other what to do. All of it began to happen so quickly. Titus’ vision began to blur as he finally realized what was going on. Agent X was yelling at him loudly, but Titus couldn’t grasp what she was saying for 10 seconds, seconds that could be valuable.

“STAY HERE.” Agent X frantically waved her hand in front of Titus’ face to finally get his attention. She ran with two other agents upstairs, leaving two agents behind to guard Titus. After a couple of explosions-Titus was practically screaming at this point with agents telling him to shut up-Agent X came running back with one of her agents slouched over her shoulder unconscious, red soaking his shirt.

“We need to get him to medical attention,” Agent X said, giving the unconscious agent to the two agents guarding Titus previously.

The author's comments:

Action always inspires me.

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