Kings of Fools (Act 1, Scene 2) | Teen Ink

Kings of Fools (Act 1, Scene 2)

March 7, 2014
By Southernerd SILVER, DeRidder, Louisiana
Southernerd SILVER, DeRidder, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A man who stands for nothing falls for anything."

(GUARD 1 and GUARD 2 stand at the entrance of the castle, blocking the way of a small woman: MADAME MYSTIQUE)
MADAME MYSTIQUE: Let me in! The king must answer for this! His men have ransacked our village for the sake of "taxes!" He must answer!
GUARD 1: (snickering) Sure, sure, once he sees fit, he'll come right out.
GUARD 2: (shakes his head) Maybe he'll even reward you for your "brave deeds." Bah! Leave now, wretch!
(GUARD 1 and GUARD 2 enter the gates as MADAME MYSTIQUE clenches her fists and screams)
MADAME MYSTIQUE: Is the "good king" deaf to his subjects!? Answer us, tyrant! Let the people hear your lies for themselves! Or are you so ignorant to us that you wouldn't deem it fit for you to carry the message personally?!
(MADAME MYSTIQUE walks off as the curtain falls and thunder crashes. The curtain raises to a poverty-stricken home, with a small mat and a campfire. MADAME MYSTIQUE is discussing with SHADOW)
MADAME MYSTIQUE: He is blind! He rules us as a puppet master, not a king! Death to him and dishonor to his kin! (She spits on the ground)
SHADOW: (sighs) He was once a good man, but yes, his greed and content have restricted his mind. He must remember why a king serves.
MADAME MYSTIQUE: And who he is supposed to serve: us!
SHADOW: He will learn. I'll take care of it. (Takes out a small bag from his clothes, which are pitch black) Give this to a guard and say it is for His Majesty. Once opened, the revelation shall begin.

The author's comments:
Dun dun DUN! What is in the bag? What will King James learn? Find out as the series continues.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 7 2014 at 12:24 pm
uncomfortableBrunette SILVER, Lr. Sackville, Other
5 articles 13 photos 164 comments

Favorite Quote:
I want to hate you half as much as i hate myself

I need to know whats in the bag! This is just the story I've been looking for! I've been into king arthur/medivil  stuff lately, so this is a really great play for me to read!