The Seminole Tragedy | Teen Ink

The Seminole Tragedy

December 20, 2014
By NMStories BRONZE, Alpharetta, Georgia
NMStories BRONZE, Alpharetta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Imagination is as close as we will ever be to godhead . . . for in imagination, we can create wonders.”
― Chris Wooding, Poison

Act I Scene 1

A run down café in Belgrade. CONSPIRATOR 1, CONSPIRATOR 2, CONSPIRATOR 3, CONSPIRATOR 4 and GAVRILO PRINCIP are all sitting in the back of the shop.
CONSPIRATOR 5:  [sitting down and holding a package]: It’s time. I need a candle [GAVRILO PRINCIP holds out a candle]. Thank you my good man. Here’s the newspaper clipping. [Turns to the conspirators and reads the newspaper clipping]: Archduke Franz Ferdinand to visit Sarajevo.
CONSPIRATOR 1:  [Turning to the other conspirators]: It’s time. Our name shall become famous. [A cheer erupts from the other conspirators as they all take a drink].
Act I Scene 2

Outside a palace. On July 28th ARCHDUKE FRANZ FERDINAND and SOPHIA enter stage. They get inside a carriage. THE DRIVER begins driving. A crowd is gathered. CONSPIRATOR 1, CONSPIRATOR 2, CONSPIRATOR 3, CONSPIRATOR 4, CONSPIRATOR 5 GAVRILO PRINCIP all hide in the group.

CONSPIRATOR 1: [pointing to the Archduke]: so that’s the one? Is he the one getting in with his wife? That’s the Archduke?
CONSPIRATOR 2: He chose a terrible day to come here. He chose to come directly on the anniversary of the battle of Kosovo. Either he has terrible timing or he wants to die today.
CONSPIRATOR 3: It’s obvious. He’s mocking us. Do you know how prideful he must feel? He has oppressed us so much, and to come here on this day? It is too symbolic, too great of an insult. Something must be done to finally thwart these tyrants. Think how famous we could become if we strike while the Serbs are fighting in Austria-Hungary? The Serbs are striking in Austria-Hungary. We must do our civic duty and help them overthrow the tyranny we have faced [A silent cheer erupts throughout the crowd as they go into position. CONSPIRATOR 1 AND 2 goes towards the first corner, CONSPIRATOR 3 goes towards the second, and CONSPIRATOR 4 goes towards the third, CONSPIRATOR 5 goes towards the fourth a grenade in his hand, GAVRILO PRINCIP hides behind a building in case something goes wrong.]
[Back to ARCHDUKE, he and SOPHIE have a talk about what they were doing].
SOPHIE: I don’t know if this is a good idea. Today is a specifically important day to the Serbs. They won a great battle today. Don’t you think they’ll feel sad that we are destroying their traditions like this?
ARCHDUKE: Don’t worry, my dear Sophie. I don’t intend to trample on their rich heritage. I for one believe that what I am doing is too great of an importance for them not to notice. Don’t you see? I’m trying to show them that I care about their heritage.
SOPHIE: I just think this isn’t the correct way to honor their traditions.
ARCHDUKE: Don’t worry about these things, my dearest. It is our anniversary. We shouldn’t think such negative thoughts. Let us just enjoy the parade.
CONSPIRATOR 1: Why aren’t we firing?
CONSPIRATOR 2: Have we truly thought this through? I mean, have we thought of the consequences of our actions of killing this man? He holds so much power.
CONSPIRATOR 1: Don’t let your fear get away from your fame! Remember the fame and fortune you shall gain once this man’s foul tyranny is gone!! He won’t be able to destroy us anymore [aims his gun]. Drat. He’s gone. We missed our chance.
[They ride towards CONSPIRATOR 3]
CONSPIRATOR 3: [Starts taking aims then stops]: Sophie…Sophie…do you truly deserve what we’re about to do to your husband? Is it really you that we care about? Is it truly you who are the one we want to get rid of? Should you be accused for something your husband shall do? Unless I can answer these questions in myself, I can’t bring myself to shoot.
[They ride towards CONSPIRATOR 4]
CONSPIRATOR 4: [Tries to get his pistol to shoot while looking at the ARCHDUKE]: Why? Why now of all times? Why must you break when the Archduke, the symbol of our impression, is walking away free? Why hasn’t our partners already killed him? Why? Why? Why?
[They ride towards CONSPIRATOR 5, already having the bomb in his hand]
CONSPIRATOR 5: Enough of this foolishness!! I shall take out the Archduke myself. I’m not scared of these people like the other fools are [steps up and throws a grenade near the ARCHDUKE. The ARCHDUKE notices and ducks. The bomb goes off on the streets, injuring 20 people. CONSPIRATOR 5 runs until he is caught. The DRIVER rushes back to the palace. GAVRILO PRINCIP watches from behind the building].
PRINCIP: [saddening]: so it’s done. Our goals, dreams, ambitions, all our fame and our glory are gone. The Archduke is alive, and shall live for another day. If only I have seen the Archduke, then I’m sure I would’ve assassinated him where he sits. [Goes to a nearby restaurant to get a snack].
Act I Scene 3

City Hall. The Mayer and The Archduke are talking about what happened.

Mayer: please, my lord. This was a one-time incident. Nothing will happen once we get you back towards your travelled route. Please, continue your route and leave everything else to us.
Archduke: [angrily]: Are you crazy? You want us to visit museums while bombs explode on your streets? I cannot condone this type of mismanagement done on your side. [Calms down and begins thinking]. This is a sign from God. Sophie was correct. We shouldn’t have here on this specific date. God is telling us something. Something important will happen. I’m just not sure what. But it doesn’t matter. If this is God’s test, then I shall gladly accept. Sophie and I shall visit the hospital where the wounded have been placed. We shall help them get better. God should be proud once we give him what we want.
[FERDINAND and SOPHIE all go into the car without telling the DRIVER the plan changing. The DRIVER makes a wrong turn and starts going down another lane accidently onto Franz Joseph Street. Enter GAVRILO PRINCIP.]
PRINCIP: Hmm…maybe this won’t be the last time for greatness. I might’ve failed today, but there’s always next time. Maybe we might see the Archduke again and-oh my god is that the Archduke [ARCHDUKE and SOPHIE are right in front of PRINCIP. PRINCIP drops his sandwich. An angry look is on his face. In almost no time, PRINCIP takes out his gun and fires two shots. One hits the ARCHDUKE in the heart. The other hits SOPHIE. ARCHDUKE takes SOPHIE’S hand in his].
ARCHDUKE: Sophie, please, please, don’t die on me. Live for our children.
DRIVER: [turns around and stares at the ARCHDUKE]: Milord!! Are you ok?!] Please, answer me!! [ARCHDUKE looks back at the DRIVER]
ARCHDUKE: it’s nothing. God is paying me for my family. It’s nothing. It’s nothing. It’s…[dies].

The author's comments:

I've always loved World War 1...especially what led up to it. This week I'll be writing a play outlining the beginnings and what led up to it. My dream is that someone reads it, learns about world war I, but also is able to play it in a school. That would be my dream.

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