Winnie of the Woods | Teen Ink

Winnie of the Woods

January 14, 2019
By 22-villaemo BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
22-villaemo BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The forest seemed endless as we walked forward. Tall pine trees stretched upwards, blocking out the sun, making it dark. My legs had grown tired walking along the rocky trail. As I started to complain Eleanor interrupted. “We’ve been walking forever, can’t we just go home” she groaned. As I looked into her eyes I responded: “No, I know there's something in these woods and I need to prove it.” She looked away annoyed at my stubborn reply. We both heard the strange noises coming from the forest but Eleanor doubted that it was anything more than a wild animal.

The rest of the way we were quiet. After hours of walking, I began to wish we had stayed home. That was until we stumbled upon a small pile of firewood. The smell of burning pine told us someone was here recently. Now I knew for sure. Something had to be living in the woods.

Lost in thought I hadn't noticed Eleanor calling my name. “Anna looks” she said. She pointed me toward a small stone house. My tired expression brightened as I saw it. The building was comforting with greenery climbing up the walls and a warm glow coming from a window. Slowly we crept up to the house, not wanting to be seen by whatever was inside. When I was close enough I peered into the window to see a fireplace burning along with many small candles. Someone must be inside. Eleanor and I stood at the door and as I reached for the handle she grabbed my arm. “No,” she said, shaking her head “we don't know what's in there.” “Well we're about to find out,” I said as I quickly opened the door. Eleanor held her breath, waiting for something horrible to jump at us. Looking into the room we saw a couch with a small wooden coffee table placed in front of it. We entered the dimly lit living room and the door slammed shut behind us. It was quiet and empty. I sighed, relieved thinking we were the only ones in the house but soon heavy footsteps began moving towards us. I huddled close to Eleanor as the steps got closer and closer. At the hallway, the footsteps stopped and we were met by a tall woman. She wore large black boots covered in mud from the forest and a dark and flowy dress that barely touched the floor. Her pale, narrow face was framed by raven hair and her smile was kind and welcoming. “I wasn’t expecting visitors,” she said in a raspy voice. “Can I get you two anything to drink?” By now Eleanor was calm but I was still suspicious. In a quiet voice, Eleanor asked: “can we have some tea?” “Of course,” the woman said as she walked away into another room. “See,” Eleanor said “nothing strange here, just some woman living in the woods.” I knew she was right but how could we be so sure she was just a woman. “Maybe” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

Once again she came from the hallway but this time holding small teacups. She handed us the drinks and stretched out her hand for me to shake. “My name is Winnie” she said with a toothy smile. “Nice to meet you” I began “I’m Anna and this is my friend, Eleanor.” Winnie looked us over with dark eyes. When she was done examining us she nodded her head and offered us a seat. Eleanor and I sat across from Winnie on a leather couch. My eyes darted across the room while the two began talking like they've known each other for years. I began to notice skulls and bones of small animals as well as jars full of plants scattered across shelves. My suspicions grew and the hair on my arms stood up straight. “May I have some more tea?” I asked. “Well, of course, Anna” Winnie said taking my cup and walking back into the other room. I turned to Eleanor saying “we need to leave.” “Why?” she asked, “were having such a great time.” “Maybe you are but I don't trust her” I snapped. As I stood up to leave my legs gave in and I collapsed onto the wooden floor.  Eleanor screamed and Winnie waltzed back into the living room with a devious smile on her face. As I lost consciousness I wondered ‘what had she put in the tea.’ Eleanor got up to help me but soon she too fell to the floor. “So glad you two can stay for dinner,” said Winnie in between giggles as she dragged me into the back to prepare her next meal.

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