Suspense | Teen Ink


January 18, 2019
By Awbrown BRONZE, Baraboo, Wisconsin
Awbrown BRONZE, Baraboo, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It had been 3 months since the my father's death which the police called an accident. My father was in our basement where he spent most of his time but my sister and I were never allowed down there. They found him down there with a broken neck and his eyes were missing. After his death, whenever I walked past the door to the basement, I could feel something pulling me towards the door; it wanted me to go down there. I always tried to ignore it but each day the feeling got stronger and stronger and my curiosity kept growing. At night I began to find it hard to sleep as I would hear voices saying my name. If I ever did fall asleep, I would always have the same dream where I would be in a dark room all alone but I would hear screams, children laughing, and nails running along a chalkboard. Then one days when I came home after school I noticed something. The door to the basement was opened a crack. As I walked over to the door to shut it I heard a voice from behind the door but I couldn’t make out what it was saying. It was a soft voice that sounded as if it came from a little girl. A moment later I heard the voice again but this time I did hear what it said. It was whisper but it was a little girl saying “Help.” I hesitated for a moment then I heard it again and again, the voice began to grow louder and louder until the door swung open and I got hit with a large rush of freezing cold air. I was knocked of my feet and as I got up to run something grabbed my leg and began to pull me back. I screamed and clawed at the hardwood floor as I was being pulled down the stairs. I fought with all my strength but all of that left me as I watched the light disappear and the door shut leaving me in complete darkness, however, unlike my dreams... I was not alone. I sit still in the darkness, my senses are intensified. My mind races as I think of all the possibilities of what was watching me in the darkness. Suddenly I hear the shuffling of feet from a corner of the room and a chain sliding across the frigid concrete floor. Then i hear what sounds like a soft moan and then something catches my eye. There is a flicker of light and then it disappears. I stop and stare in the direction and a million things are going through my mind at this point. I don't know what to do, should I call for help, should I head towards this flicker I just saw, should I try and talk to what’s down here with me, or should I make a run for where I think the door knowing that if I miss the door I may anger whatever is down here even more than it seems it already is. I ponder these possibilities for a while and I decide I will go towards the flicker I saw since it is really my only sense of direction. I slowly stand up and try to calm myself and gain my balance. I begin to tip toe over to where I believe I saw the flicker then I fall to my hands and knees and begin to feel around on the floor trying to find whatever I saw. Then it flashes right in front and I quickly swipe for in and right as I do this I feel a sharp pain in my hand and I yell in agony. I bring my hand to my face and I see something that shocks me. My father’s Marine pin from his uniform and somehow it is glowing then there’s a awful ear piercing laugh followed by a scream and I stand up again and start running frantically around the room searching for the staircase. All of the sudden, I see a light from the door that goes upstairs and I bolt for the stairs but as I do that I slam into something heavy hanging from the ceiling that knocks me off my feet. I lay there grasping my head from the collision. I feel a warm liquid dripping on my forehead and as I touched it and looked at my fingers the lights suddenly flicker and then turn on completely. Then I realize there is blood on my fingers and that it was dripping on my forehead. I slowly look up to see where it was coming from and I felt heart drop and my will to live leave my body. Hanging from the ceiling is my mother and sister tied together each with a noose around their necks and blood dripping from their mouths. Then there's a laugh and I look over to the corner of the room and their is a dark misty figure standing there. It has no facial features its just pitch black an pure evil. Suddenly I see two eyes open and toothy grin appears, but something looks familiar as I focus on it’s eyes I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I cannot explain. Those eyes are no ordinary eyes... they are my father’s eyes. As soon as the figure appeared, it vanished leaving me all alone with no family left to help me get through this. I feel myself fade into darkness as I pass out on the basement floor.

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