The Death Of Frank | Teen Ink

The Death Of Frank

January 25, 2019
By Amerriman_00 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Amerriman_00 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Death of Frank

    Frank was an internet star. He was known for his funny views on everything and the sketches he would make with his friends, quickly becoming one of the most well-known personalities on the platform. He was a shorter man in his mid 20’s and was very creative when it came to interacting with people. With him, he had his friends who were also personalities on the platform like Ian, one of his closest friends, was a creator who came to light through his criticisms of others. Max M a smaller personality and met Frank through Ian and started to do more collaborations. Along with that was Ethan, the oldest of the group who was a trendsetter, starting joke that would spread fast through the platform. Frank was the one who had the largest following out of the group on what is a very competitive platform. The twin brother, Joji, who was a musician and strived to reach the top and become one of the greatest rappers of is time and would be a part of the group in some of the videos.

On a Tuesday night, Frank told the entire group to go to his house the next day to shoot a new video idea he had. He said to show up around noon the next day.

Ian was the first to arrive at the house around 11 ish, he walks up to the door and knocks with no response figuring that Frank is still asleep he knocks on the door louder still no response. He remembers the spare key that's somewhere on the front porch, looking around he finds it hidden under a fake rock. As he enters the house finds it to be silent like no one lived there, when searching the house he sees that Frank’s room is empty. As Ian searched more for his friend he looks into his office and sees him slumped down in his chair, looking like he stayed up too late editing videos. But as he gets closer he sees a large red stain on the carpet and once he looks around the desk sees the large hole in Franks' chest. At that moment Ian thinks this might be a prank, and the video idea he was referring to but as he searched the room for a camera and find nothing the reality sinks in. Frank is dead.   

Max was the next to show up at the scene to find the door wide open and Ian in the office with the 1000 yard stare right at the body of  Frank Concerned

Max asks “What happened?”

“H-he’s d-de-dead,” Ian said, with fear in his voice

Slowly everyone else shows up, Ethan the last to show pulls up to the house right as the police show up to the house. Ethan clueless to the situation is met by a scared and teary-eyed group, even more confused, Joji who seemed the least distraught of the group explains to Ethan the situation.

Eventually the police arrive and the main detective on this case, Officer Dubbs, who is a taller gentleman,  skinny, almost sickly, with a short buzz cut, and looked very similar to Ian other than the fact Ian wore glasses starts to look around the area where the body was found and was in search of a murder weapon.

   Officer dubbs starts by looking at the place where the body was found and realized that the death didn't happen that day but the night before, as he had a cold bowl of ramen and half-empty can of monster next to him looking like he was killed last night in the middle of dinner. His body was analyzed and found that the time of death was around 1 am last night, and the cause of death was a gunshot to the chest. So Officer dubbs starts to ask everyone questions. He starts with the people who had contact with Frank before his death was Max, Ian, and Joji who were all at his house the previous night hanging out and listening to Joji's newest song. So Dubbs starts with Ian to find any motive asking him

   “Is there anything Frank did that bothered you”

   “Yeah” Ian replied

   “What was that?”

   “Frank was one to act a little boastful about how he had the largest following showing us the award he got for hitting the one million milestone,” Ian added hastily. “But he was my closest friend why would I want to kill him?”. With that Dubbs moves on to Max, the youngest of the group.who was sitting on the curb with the look of horror on his face. He asks him the same question  he did Ian

“ Frank would always make me the butt of a joke having me eat the oddest things for a challenge that he would post,” Max said almost angry about it. “ I would post mostly the similar thing but why was it his videos that got popular and not mine?” he said under his breath. Moving on to his final suspect Joji, Franks twin brother, again asking the same question to find anything.

“Frank is my brother there were plenty of things he did to bother me but none I would say was enough to kill him for. In fact, one of the reasons I was at his house last night was so he could help promote my concert coming up” Joji said with pride. Finally, he moves on to Ethan. A taller man but a bit large and his hair was short gray curls, time had not been kind to him. Dubbs asked him the same question as he had to the others.

“Frank would get on my nerves sometimes but never enough where I would get really mad at him, like sure he had more followers than me but I had other things to worry about, besides to make him shut up I would just vape in his face and walk away,” He says, while vaping.

Dubbs goes through everyone asking if any of them own any guns and the only person was Ian who own guns but he said the last time he took them out of the safe was last week when shooting a video with Ethan and Joji for Joji’s music video saying that the guns were all put away after that day. But following his hunch Dubbs ask if he could look into Ian’s safe but sure that everything is there, he says yes.

When they arrive at Ian house he leads them to the basement where he kept the safe and like a game show everyone was in suspense to see if everything. Ian opened the safe with confidence not even looking and proudly states that everything is there, however, Dubbs askes why is there an empty place for a pistol. Shocked Ian quickly looks at the safe and looks around it as if it fell out of the thing and constantly reassuring himself that it was there last time he saw.

When they get back to the house Officer dubbs seems pretty confident as to who was the one who killed Frank. He lines everyone up against the wall in the house and proceeds to explain what happened the night before

“The killer is one of you!”. Everyone looks among themselves in disbelief as to why they would want to kill their friend. “ The killer was jealous of Franks success on the platform and desired to beat him out because of his boastful personality. Though they couldn't beat him normally they worked with him so that he would advertise them in his videos eventually had their opportunity to do it” Dubbs boldly states. “ Frank thought everyone went home that night but the killer stayed close by and as Frank went to his office while he didn't have time to react the killer used the gun missing from Ian's safe and killed him right then and there.”

Everyone in the group seemed amazed by the fact that the goofy looking detective figured this all out n the matter of a few hours a quick look around and just asking a few questions. However, two faces seemed very nervous when he explained the situation.

   “The killer will have the murder weapon in their car!” Dubbs shouts. So the start to move car to car to find the weapon and next was Ian’s car and as they opened the car all they found was trash, empty Mcdonalds bags, and a large amount of Amazon boxes but no gun. Ian seemed relieved but scared because he still doesn't know where his gun is. The final car was Joji’s and he was waiting there by his car with a smile on his face.

   “ You won’t find anything here”. But as they open his trunk the handgun was the only thing there everyone seemed really confused as to why he would be so confident. But with a shocked look on his face, Joji ran for the gun and points it at the group. Joji exclaims, “ I'm not going to jail for this! All I wanted was to finally reach the top of the charts but somehow my brother got in the way but with his help and his death I’ll finally make it!”. With a face of terror he tries to run for the car but trip over the curb and lands right on his face and was knocked out completely and when he woke up was in the state prison. While Joji was put into jail, the group mourned their friends by posting one last video on his channel: his thank you for reaching 1.5 million followers.

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