Run | Teen Ink


April 12, 2019
By Anonymous

The ball got stolen from the other team and they were dribbling down the court I was right on her tail, almost catching up. I was running as fast as I could. But it was too late she was already to the basket, she made the layup. It was our turn to bring our fire. I dribbled down the quart, passed it to my teammate and she dribbled in to make a lay-up but faked it and threw it back out to me, i shot the basketball, it was almost like slow motion as soon as I made the three point basket the crowd went wild. It was almost like a NBA game. Everyone was so excited and anxious. The players were so nervous, but they were having a good time.

The other team was bringing the ball down the quart, I was guarding her she picked up the ball she couldn't get past me. She finally got it to her team, but before we could score we stole it back. They passed the ball to me and i dribbled as fast as I could down the court and in for a layup and I made it. Suddenly the other team looked so slow, almost not moving, then I took a couple steps and I was in a different place as if the basketball game was a dream. This place was much different it was dark and gloomy. I could hear this crazy sound. It was like a growl or someone mumbling.

This place wherever it was a giant forest, I was alone. No one to be seen for miles. All I could hear was the mumbling noise. Everywhere I turned all I could hear was that noise. Then Suddenly i heard a rustling in the bushes by the trees I wondered if it was just wind or if it was something way worse. The rustling continued, I turned back to the path and looked all around but I couldn't see anything but trees. The rustling stopped I turned back to see if something came out of it, and something did come out of it! All I saw was eyes, bright yellow eyes.

I started to pick up the pace and start running, I was running through trees and bushes, Tree limbs were hitting my legs and my face. I looked back at the moving eyes and they kept getting closer and closer. I then started running faster but it kept coming closer. I then couldn't escape this creature. It grabbed my leg and I fell to the cold hard ground. It had my leg then I tried to get away then all the sudden it started to be in slow 

motion again. And all the sudden I fell down into a long tunnel. My stomach dropped. I closed my eyes hoping i’d be back at the basketball game.

I wasn't I was this city, but it didn't look like anyone was there, maybe a ghost town? I started walking along the road looking around. It was to lonely here, but then I heard footsteps coming from everywhere I whispered to myself “well maybe i'm not alone” I yelled out to the open city “Hello! Is anyone there!” then out of the blue someone walked out in front of me they were wearing all black and had a mask over there face. He started running towards me. My feet started slipping back as i turned and run. I didn't look back I just ran, and ran. I was scared I didn't know what to do expect keep running. I turned the corner and i was somewhere else. It was dark almost black but there was water over my feet, it gave off light. I could hear the water splashing, I wasn't even walking, it felt heavy and like people were watching me. I started hearing footsteps in the water. I could see someone in the distance, I couldn't quite tell who it was. Instead of going up to them i bolted. I ran as fast as I could, even if i knew who it was. I was long gone. I tripped in the water and fell down into long tunnel i just kept falling. I finally fell into my bed As if all of this was some sick dream. LIke none of it actually happened, or maybe it did?

The author's comments:

I made this sort of about me, in a way. I based some of the settings on my favorite shows, and sports. so it connects to me. 

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