People Don't Ever Visit Sunny Side City | Teen Ink

People Don't Ever Visit Sunny Side City

January 3, 2021
By saragonzalez BRONZE, Newnan, Georgia
saragonzalez BRONZE, Newnan, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Weep, he would. Burst out in rage, he could. The pain was unbearable. Losing their family to the provincial peoples of the town they live in would surely break many people like it did Malacious Petrova. He had nobody to talk to; nobody to express his deepest emotions of grief. This loneliness bottled up all the sadness inside of him and turned it into anger, which would later hurt the people living in the town. And I know I’m leaving details out, so let me start from the beginning.

Hello, I’m your designated narrator for Malacious Petrova’s story. That’s as much information about me as you need. Nonetheless, let’s go on with the story. 

The Petrova’s were a family of vampires- not like the type you’d normally imagine, though. They were good vampires; the kind of vampires that fed out of animal blood and protected humans from the evil, human blood-sucking vampires. Sadly, the humans of the late 1600s did not know this. The people that they had interacted with years ago (around the fifteenth century) always tried to kill them with wooden stakes, garlic, or sun exposure. Eventually, the death threats towards the Petrova’s became so usual that they decided to move to the outskirts of Sunny Side City, the town they lived in. This worked out in their favor because the outskirts were deeply-forested areas with vast flora and fauna they could live off from, where a few, skinny rays of sunlight usually found their way through the forest’s canopy and softly lit the forest. It was fog-full and tenebrous, with an everlasting scent of the European aspen; the perfect place for a vampire.

The people living in the main town were completely blind to the possibility that there were vampires protecting them. There were stories about blood-sucking creatures living in the woods of Sunny Side City, but many passed these stories through generations as myths. Anyhow, Malacious Petrova- husband of Angelina Petrova and father of Miguel and Ariel Petrova- lived with his family in a dark, wooden cabin, always alert to make sure no bad vampires would attack Sunny Side City. The cabin was not exactly a symbol of the opulent lifestyle the family was used to. Before settling in Sunny Side City, the Pretrova’s lived in a glorious castle that had been passed down from generation to generation. Sadly, some humans burned it and led to them moving to Sunny Side City, where they would settle in town for some time, but later would move to a cabin in the outskirts of the city. Even though the cabin was not very luxurious, it served its purpose of keeping them safe from humans.

Years went by after moving, and humans grew more and more curious of the woods in the outskirts of the town. The Petrova’s could feel it coming, too. They knew they would eventually encounter humans again and that their lives would be in danger. However, they chose not to panic because Malacious assured them that everything would be okay. 

“Even if we always wear black and have incredibly pale skin,” Malicious explained calmly to his family, “society must have changed after all these years. I’m sure of it.”

Malacious was known for his assertiveness, seriousness, and intelligence, which drove people to listen to him and do whatever he thought was best. Anything he said was what would be done. In the contrast of things, Angelina was the sweetest, and most earth-connected being on Earth. She trusted nature’s events and understood them to be signs for people to follow. Miguel and Ariel were two well-behaved, artistically-inclined, and athletic children. They were named after two archangels because Angelina knew they would become the epitome of every parent’s dream children, which they eventually did. 

It was evident that everybody would always do whatever Malacious told them to do, but the truth was that Malacious needed his family to see the world in a positive way- and even to have a will to live. Without them, he would be lost. It would be a tragedy if something happened to his family . . .

One particular morning, there was no fog to be found in the forest, and no umbrage from the dense canopy. The Petrova’s could sense distress coming from Sunny Side City. They knew something bad ought to happen, but decided to keep their sangfroid and continue with their daily chores. Miguel and Ariel went hunting, and Angelina went to Hell Creek to do the family’s laundry- all of which went on while Malacious stayed near the cabin to keep an eye out for their home. 

Around noon, Malicious’ apprehension grew. Nobody had made it back home from their chores yet. He decided to wait until sunset for them to come back, but his thinking was interrupted by sudden screams from voices that seemed familiar to him. 

The humans have found them! How can I save them now? He pondered anxiously, remembering all the cruel things he had witnessed humans do to other good vampires years in the past. No! I must look for them and explain to the humans that we are here to protect them!

With this alarmed thought in mind, he immediately began to follow the screams that had turned into lion roars because of how intense they were. Running and panting, he couldn’t help but think what would happen to them if he didn’t make it in time. Would they be tortured? Possibly. Would they be murdered? Hopefully not. All he could do was keep wishful thinking for the time being and hope the roars would not stop to help find his family quickly. 

What felt like hours of running, were really minutes. Ultimately, he found them in the middle of the town’s plaza, just a few minutes after the helpless roars had ended. Were they alive? No. Did humans internationally let them get severe sun-burns under the noon sun? Yes. Malacious could not process this. It all happened too fast. All he could do was stay hidden and listen to the humans’ inhumane speeches that showed how pathetically self-absorbed and narrow-minded people were.

“Today, mysteries become myths. These creatures from hell will nevermore bother the human race! We are free to walk Earth without constantly wondering if the creatures of the forest exist, or if they will randomly attack our town. Today, we are free! Today, we make history! Today, we become heroes!” proudly exclaimed one human while Malacious wept silently behind the blueberry bushes between the plaza and the forest.

If it hadn’t been enough, the humans began making an enormous pile of wood, and carelessly threw all three severely sunburned bodies on top of it. The beautiful faces of Angelina, Miguel, and Aries had such a frightened countenance that would forever be engraved in Malacious’ brain. He couldn’t believe it when the humans lit up the pile of wood and let the Petrova’s silky soft, pale, and carefully-carved bodies turn into dust. At the sight of this, Malicious ran home crying inconsolably. His family had been taken away from him without hesitation, and now all he felt without them was loneliness and melancholy. 

That day, something changed in Malacious and the town. The sky in Sunny Side City suddenly turned gray for the first time in its history, and a large storm began entering the town. Now, not only were the woods obscure, but also the city had turned permanently gray, even though people didn’t know it for sure yet. Those building walls they had painted yellow looked like a mixture of brown and gray without the sun shining on them. Those perfectly-placed stone floors were now cracked. And, just like the town, Malicious’ heart turned dark. He had lost his only family, but now he couldn’t cry any more tears. After realizing the cruelty in the humans’ actions, he only felt rage. A storm inside of him washed every bit of kindness and protectiveness he felt towards the humans. His heart was now as hard as stone, and emotions of hatred and rage took over him. He now had the heart of a ripper, and the town would soon face the consequences. 

The next two days, the town grew more and more anxious. Even though the storm had stopped after a day, the overall aura of the town stayed gray. Many wondered why the town had suddenly become somber when it usually kept a warm-colors aesthetic. It was evident that this event was tied to the vampires they had killed, but they still held the ignorant belief that they had done society a favor. While this happened, Malacious’ anger kept growing exponentially. He had destroyed the old Petrova cabin from how insane he was becoming. All that was left from his outburst was broken, damp wood and clothing all over the scene. In his mind was the urge to attack the people in the town, but he understood he was in too much distress to think logically. However, that was not going to stop him; he calmed himself down enough to plan his next move. His critical thinking elaborated a step-by-step, easy-to-follow plan: he would attack the town after everybody had gone to sleep and kill every single person living in the town. 

Hours after setting up his plan, it was time for Malacious to carry it out. He waited for the last candle to be blown to strike his first victims. When they were no more lit candles, he went to the house farthest from the plaza. The town’s houses were built in straight lines, all connecting to the plaza, kind of resembling a half-sun with rays. Malacious would go through every household, killing everybody in distinct ways for his own entertainment. Once he killed the first person, it got easier for him to block out any emotions of pity. One by one, kids and elders, men and women- he killed them all with no hesitation. He kept going until his last victim, who was a newborn. This baby had clearly been alive for less than two weeks. Malacious picked him up, and ripped the baby’s head from his body, causing much of the baby’s blood to spill on the wooden floor of the house. However, he did not care. He had had enough of the human race- even those who hadn’t had anything to do with his family’s death- so ending all of the lives of the humans living in Sunny Side City seemed like the most reasonable plan he could have come up with. 

After finishing with everybody in town, he realized what he had done- or worse yet, what his anger and insanity had planned and carried out. All the blood that was shed, and he still didn’t feel better. In fact, being alone in the gray-toned town made him go mad. He kept hearing and seeing hallucinations of his dead family members and victims that kept damaging him mentally. In other words, he was going even more insane than before. It was only thirteen minutes after realizing his loneliness when he stabbed his heart with a wooden stake he found at the nearest house. The town ended becoming a murder town where no sun ever hit again. It was constantly covered with fog and had the strong scent of Death all over it. Because of its infamous history, the town was forgotten and erased off from maps forever.

Now you know why people don’t ever visit Sunny Side City.

The author's comments:

This piece was written for a Literature, extra-credit assignment. The assignment required me to write a unique and creative Dark Romanticism piece. If you like tragedies and vampires, you'll love this piece!

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