The Wrong Online friend | Teen Ink

The Wrong Online friend

January 13, 2021
By Anonymous

The Wrong Friend Online 

            I was finally going into high school, I’ve always been the best student and kid. “Hailey come  downstairs for your birthday breakfast.”I couldn’t believe I was finally turning 15, my mom always told me once I’m in highschool I get my first phone and I couldn’t have waited any longer for this day. I went down stairs and I could smell fresh cooked bacon, eggs, sausages. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAILEY” my mom dad and two sisters said to me. 

“Thank you guys.”. After that we ate the big breakfast my mom made for us all , which was pretty good. 

“Hailey here’s your first two gifts I want to give you.” She handed them to me and I opened them and I couldn’t believe it. I got an iPhone and my first laptop. I was excited and filled with joy, I always knew it was coming but it was finally here in my hands. “I hope you like it Hailey” both my parents said. 

“Like it , I love this thank you so much”! I ran over to hug my parents.

            A few hours had passed and my best friend Bello came over. Bella. Bella was always the cooler one then me , she always got what she wanted. She always had her first phone since 6th grade, but she never judged me about what I had or what I didn’t have. 

“Happy birthday Hailey!”

“Thank you Bella.”Me and Bella were having a sleepover tonight. We were both starting high school together tomorrow which we both couldn’t wait for. Bella’s parents never really checked her phone or anything. She always had so much freedom. 

“So Hailey , have you ever heard of Instagram or Snapchat?”

“No not really I’ve just been setting up my phone and I still don’t know how to work it yet.”

“Give me your phone, I'll help you with everything, and how to keep secrets from people except me of course.” Bella has taken my phone from my hand, and started doing anything and everything on my phone. I didn’t know much and how to work these things so she was all the help I really needed. 

        “Ok I’m done” Bella said with the biggest smile on her face. She created all types of accounts for me. So I was finally open to the internet. My curiosity led me one thing to another. It was all so fun no one could tell me what to do or post. Bella shouted me out on all her accounts and many people started following me. Bella had fallen asleep early which was fine. I was watching YouTube when I got a notification that someone added me on this random game I downloaded. His name was Ronny, it shows your profile picture and name on there. He looked cute. He was about a year older than me which was pretty fine. He texted me hi and so I texted him back. He was pretty interesting and that whole night I stayed up talking to him. We played the game and he was so funny and awkward. 

       It was the next morning and Bella was still asleep, I only got about three hours of sleep last night which wasn’t that bad. I hurried and checked my phone and messages to see if Ronny texted me which he did not too long ago. Bella woke up , and was staring at me funny. “What?”? 

“Why are you smiling at your phone so much Hailey?”Bella said with a flirty smirk on her face. 

“Oh I saw this funny video on YouTube.” She snatched my phone out my hand , which I regret not putting a lock onto my phone now. 


“He is just some guy I met and played this game with.”

“But you stayed up all night texting him, which you always say you need to get your beauty sleep.”I blushed so hard when she said that, but I mean I did just meet the guy. Why would I fall for him? 

“Bella, he is just a friend.”

Bella headed home after we ate breakfast. I really wanted her to stay longer, but she had to visit her uncle's house. Ronny and I spent the whole day playing the game and texting. 

“HAILEY IT'S TIME FOR DINNER” my mom yelled. My dad was out at work. It was just my siblings and mom eating together like always. Don’t get me wrong I love my dad but I always wished we spent more time together. I was still texting Ronny while I was at the dinner table. “Hmm hmm Hailey could you please set down your phone until after dinner?”My mom said. I set my phone down and started eating. 

My phone kept buzzing so I set it to silent. “Mhm you must be crazy famous” my mom said with a laugh. 

“No no no it’s just Bella texting me” I lied between my teeth. I was always honest with my mom but I wanted to keep Ronny a secret for right now. 

    After dinner I got into the shower I haven’t texted Ronny since before dinner. I washed my hair and listened to music on my phone while I was showering. I then got out and did my nightly routine. I checked my phone and over 100 plus messages from Ronny. I texted him to let him know I was fine and I lied and said my mom took my phone. He calmed down and we played the game and text with one another. 

        A few months have gone by and my school grades were decent, not the best I have ever done. Ronny has started to send weird messages and things I didn’t like. I always thought he was kind but the things he has been saying were weird. I told Bella and she said to ignore him, but he has been making multiple accounts to get a hold of me. So today I’m going to go talk to my mom about this and see what she has to say about this whole situation. 

After school I waited for my mom to arrive home and when she did I asked if we could have a long talk. She listened to me and said she was going to help me out. Since she is my best friend and my mom. She looked into his account and she noticed it was linked to a Facebook account. When we clicked the account it was an older man posted on there. He was about my dad's age and was so creepy and weird. I wanted to barf, my mom told me to block him which I did and to never go on that game again. 

      The next day Bella stayed the night and my parents went out for dinner. I told Bella everything and she said let’s confront him online. I was so mad and upset I agreed which I regret now to this day. “What are we gonna say Bella?“

“Let’s call him a creep and make an account exposing him”! Hailey said with an evil face. So we did it, we made an account and I was nervous. We added him and all his friends on his account. Then I logged into my account and I got twenty messages from Ronny. He was threatening me to take down the newly made account. But how would he even know I made it ? 

I was terrified I told Bella but she laughed. “Well duh he can see who made it , it shows all your guys messages.”I then felt better.

There was a sudden knock on the door. “Who could that be”? 

“ I don’t know, did you order pizza Bella?”? 

“No, not this time.”

I went to look through the door window thing. And I couldn’t believe it.  It was Ronny. How did he figure out where I lived??? I ran up the stairs as fast I could. I could hear him trying to get in. 

He was yelling my name. “I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE HAILEY!”

Bella cried with fear. I called the police and my mom. He was breaking the windows. I could hear him shattering glass. I could hear footsteps as Bella was on the phone with the police I was texting my mom. Me and Bella were hiding in our safe room which no one knew where it was. 

“Hailey, why did you have to do this? I didn’t want this to happen. We could’ve been the best gamer couple”.

I was crying and in my head. I was thinking what is wrong with this man.

I could hear the officers yelling. “PUT THE WEAPON DOWN OR ELSE!” I heard three gunshots. My mom came into the house yelling my name with fear in her voice. I knew everything was safe and fine after I heard her voice. My mom ran and gave me a kiss. I was ok and fine. After that night Ronny was locked up. And I never talked to strangers on the internet again. And that’s the end for the wrong friend online. 

The author's comments:

My piece is just about , how you need to watch out who you become friends with on the other side of your screen.

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