Together | Teen Ink


April 16, 2021
By Anonymous

Where am I?    
Last that I remember, the sun was about to set, and clouds blacken in the sky.     
We stomped through puddles, and our clothes got soaked. Our faces reddened from laughter and the cold. My friends and I were going home from a long day when the rain soon sounded like bullets in the car. Crashing down as there was a duel in the clouds.  
The girls and I have been friends since middle school; however, Diana was new to our group. She moved here a year ago, quiet and timid. I saw her alone one day and introduced her to my friends. Yet she only talks to me. I suppose she opens up to a few selective people.   
Either way, I hope we get home safe.  
Not long, Diana suggested we go to a hotel to sit out the incoming storm.    
As we went into the hotel's direction, some of us got hungry, and she offered us some trail mix. Eating the trail mix, I noticed it was on the road I never heard of, far from the city.   
The car stopped, and my friends were getting off.  
It was an old chiffon mansion with a Brandywine dusk roof and tall glass windows. Ivy twisted its way up the porch's poles and around marble statues carved as people. No other building around other than a swarm of trees surrounding it.    
This was not a hotel.  
I was about to mention my thought.   
When my friends collapsed on the floor.   
Before I could have reacted, my vision became blurry. My body slowly fell as the environment seemed to shift down with me. My head collapses hard against the wet grass.  
And now I woke here.    
Grasping the air in the room, my heart was about to burst out of my chest. I look all around me. I am in a new place.    
Touching my head, I noticed a blanket on me, and it doesn't look familiar. I was on someone else's bed. It was a painted black room with white porcelain furniture. I get up from under the covers to see someone changed my clothes. I sauntered to the gold-painted mirror. I had a green silk robe and black pajamas.     
My expression remained frozen. I shivered as I gaze at my reflection. My eyes widened, and my mouth covered by my hands.    
What disgusting person put me in these clothes, and where are the other girls?    
The doorknob started to move. I ran and crawled under the bed.    
Making sure that they can't hear my breathing.    
The noises of the shoes echoed the room.    
While the humming began to intertwine with the footsteps.   
Getting louder and louder as they walked around the bed.   
"Where are you?"    
The voice sounded modified.   
Don't check under the bed. Don't check under the bed.    
The humming and footsteps stopped.   
"Oh, so you ran outside already," they said as they stepped outside.    
I sighed in relief.    
The sheet of the bed went up.    
"There you are," someone grabbed my leg pulled me out from under the bed.    
I grab tight onto the bed frame.    
They wrapped their arm around my torso and forces me to let go of the handle. The person's hand slid from my waist and tried to haul me up and over their shoulder.     
Their body is shaking meaning they can barely carry me.    
I grabbed the lamp near the bed, and with all the strength from my petite arms, I threw the lamp at them. I fell in the process, but I went straight for the door. I couldn't tell who it was; they had a mask on. Sprinting through the halls, I tried to find the exit and the rest of the girls. Each path was more confusing than the last, some with high, vaulted ceilings that light could not illuminate, and others with low curving beams that pulled the shadows close enough to touch.    
The black marble floors burned at my bare feet. I tried to remember the twists and turns so when I found the girls, we could attempt to escape, but when I passed the same low table with a couple of dead flowers again, I knew I got lost.    
I had to find my friends.   
A blood-curdling scream is heard from the distance. I ran towards it.    
Girls, where are you? Whoever I am coming.    
Another scream is heard from another direction, I paused, and before I could run, yet another is heard.    
Which way do I go?    
I caught myself in a spiral. The screams were getting louder. My body was glued to where I was. It made my own ears scream in agony. I can't take it anymore. My hands, without saying, covered my ears.    
"Please stop," I whispered.    
I had no idea how much time had passed when I released my ears. I could hear my thoughts. I couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing.    
I am such an idiot. I should have fought and tried to go look for them. But I am weak—a weak girl who can't do anything right.  If I went to help one, we could have found the others and be stronger together. I just want us to be laughing and be with each other again. Yet, due to my actions, they could be hurt or, worse, dead.   
"No," I slap the sides of my face with both of my hands. "They could still be alive. I have to keep trying."    
What matters is I find the girls and be together again.  
Grabbed the nearest object to me, which was an empty vase.    
Slowly walked until I heard the humming again.   
As they were about to turn, I went to strike. Letting the vase shattered in the process. Tripping on their own feet, they fell. On the floor, I tried to get their mask.    
However, they grabbed onto my arm, pulled me hard to the ground, and got on top.    
"Get off me!"   
They rummaged through their pockets as they held my hands down. I attempt to get out of their clutches, yet their hands had a tight gib. They placed a towel over my mouth and nose. I was kicking and inserting my nails in their hands until my eyes fell shut.   
When I woke up, I was being dragged to what seems to be a long hallway. The person's hand felt ready to let me go when I heard them kicked a door open. My clothes picked up whatever was left wet on the floor. I made an effort to not enter the room; nevertheless, they already were deep enough to let go.    
I watched with increasing panic as the heavy wooden door closed shut, the door locking into place as my heart sank. I was trapped entirely and utterly trapped.    
The room was pitch black.    
I couldn't see anything. There were no windows to shed light.    
Standing up, I shouted, "Where are my friends!"    
The person started to laugh.   
The lights beginning to flicker as they took off their mask.    
"What do you mean we are all here?"    
The modified voice soon became normal. I know that voice.   
On and off went the lights; I caught a glimpse of who was there.    
My best friends' lifeless bodies lay there before me. Some with their eyes open, another with slashes, and one who looked unrecognizable.   
They must have gone through so much pain. I could have saved them. It's my fault.  
My stomach began to feel nauseous as my knees collapsed on the floor.     
When I lifted my head, my eyes met the one under the mask.    
She turned off the lights.    
I return to not see anything.    
"I have been looking for you my entire life, love. You came to me on that fateful day and never left my side. Today you kept leaving me. I don't understand why. These freaks kept talking behind your back when you weren't around. I couldn't let them ruin your name, "I heard her pulling one of their bodies closer to me.   
Placing their frozen hand against my warm cheek.    
It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault...  
My hands clutched the fabric of the pajamas.   
Tears rain down my cheeks, and my vision became darker than ever.  
"This is why I love you best. Caring and crying for others' wellbeing over your own. I will always love you best."   
She let go of the arm, "No one else will ever love you as much I do."    
Before I could think of moving away, Diana grabbed my face.    
Brought my ear closer to her mouth as she whispered, "I am going to keep you."    
My tears kept coming.  
"What's the matter? Don't cry. Everything will be fine. As long as we are here together, right?" 

The author's comments:

An ordinary day out with friends when an storm appeared. When sitting out the storm, they wake up in unrecognizable room. They have to find their friends before the mysterious figure captures them. Will they make it out all together or is there something else in store.

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