Janice | Teen Ink


May 9, 2022
By Anonymous

Janice was sitting on the couch, watching some evening TV. She was babysitting this spoiled kid for his rich parents. They lived on the upper side of town and it got really quiet at night. Janice was dozing in and out of sleep, the kid was asleep upstairs, and she was just waiting for the parents to get home. Or the uncle, the uncle could come home and she would get to leave either way. Just then someone barged through the door. It was the uncle! 

'Speak of the devil and he shall come' Janice thought. He was soaked to the bone from the rain outside, he seemed frantic. 

"Come with me now! There's an emergency!" He said before grabbing her arm and dragging her outside. She didn't even have the chance to grab her shoes. The uncle pulled her over to his car and shoved her in the passenger side. It was an older car, one of those trucks, it was so old it had the little lock thing that stuck out at the base of the window. She got in and buckled as he shut the door. He ran around the front of the car and hopped on the driver's side and backed out of his messy parking job by the garage. He sped off down the road.

"What happened?" Janice asked.

"I can't explain right now" He responded shortly.

'Okkkkaayyyy Psycho' Janice thought maliciously. She turned her eyes to the window to watch the streetlights speeding by. 

After about a good 15 minutes, the uncle made a sharp turn off the road. She was thrown into the window with the force of it. He speeds down this road much darker than the previous. She was starting to get suspicious. He made another quick turn this time throwing her into the median armrest. He sped down what seemed to be a dirt road by the bumps. He slammed the brakes.


Her head hit the dash, her vision started to blur, and her last thoughts of how her parents were probably worried about where she was.

The light was peeking through her eyelids as she awoke. Straining, she slowly opened them. A flashlight was pointed straight at her face, a gag over her mouth, bound to a chair. The flashlight was moved and she had to blink rapidly to regain her sight. When she did she saw the uncle standing in front of her with a sinister look on his face. 

"Don't scream." He said as he reached to take off her gag. She didn't listen and let out a bloodcurdling scream as soon as the fabric was free. He clamped his hand over her mouth and smiled.

"Done yet? This house has been abandoned for years, there are miles of trees around. No one will hear you." He smirked as he finished his speech. Fear twisted its way into her gut. But she resolved to keep a straight face, she would not give him any more power. She took a look at the room, she noticed a mirror pointing directly at her, a bed with lumps and red covers, and finally a dresser with an array of weapons laid across it. He watched her as she assessed the room. He then dragged her chair over to the mirror and placed her in front of it, he stood behind her and brushed her hair away from her face.

"You're very pretty," He remarked, "much prettier than the last girl I brought here" he tilted his head towards the bed. Janice's attention shifted to the bed and it clicked. The bed was not lumpy, from her perspective in the corner she just saw sheets, now she saw the body. The sheets were not red, they were white. She looked back at the mirror, her face was white, her eyes wide. 

"You'll be more behaved than her right?" He said, petting and running his hands through her hair. She nodded fear overpowering her. As she studied herself in the mirror she noticed her eyelashes, one of them was gone, they were fake and cheap so she wasn't too surprised.

'That is the stupidest thing to be thinking about right now. I might die here and I'm worried over my f***ing eyelash.' Janice thought a flash of anger coursing through her. The fear quickly drowned that fire when he touched her face. Panic took over her thoughts yet again.



Back at the house, a tow truck pulled up to the curb, carrying a very fancy and very expensive car. Two adults climb out of the tow truck's cab, the male staying behind to pay the driver while the woman makes her way to the front door of the house. She opens the door and hears the TV still on in the living room and the lights on as well. She pays it no mind and goes up the stairs. She heads to a door almost at the end of the hall and cracks the door open. She is met with an empty bed.

"Ethan? Honey?" The woman calls out, the closet cracks open and she spies the young boy holding his pet snake with tears in his eyes. 

"Ethan! What happened? Why were you hiding?" She questioned rushing to the boy, looking him over for any harm.

"It was the boogieman! The boogieman took Janice!!" Ethan cried. 

"Janice is downstairs honey. She's fine." The mother reassured

"No, she's not! I went down there after a nightmare and she was gone!" Ethan begged. The woman was confused. So she grabbed Ethan, picked him up and put him on her hip, and walked out the room and down the stairs. When the woman and Ethan reached the bottom of the stairs the man came inside.

"Ethan, bud, what's wrong?" He asked after seeing Ethan's red, puffy, eyes.

"The boogieman." The woman responded with a small smile. She then walked towards the living room and looked inside. It was empty.

"What? Where's Janice? Her cars here, along with her shoes?" The woman said

"I told you!" Ethan cried "The Boogieman took her!" The parents share a look of fear. The man picks up the phone and dials 911. 

The author's comments:

I love writing horror, it comes to me like second nature. Also., there will be a part two to this piece.

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