Out of Jealousy | Teen Ink

Out of Jealousy

September 12, 2022
By AndreyGonzalez321 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
AndreyGonzalez321 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Robert and Itzel were out on a walk when they saw Robert’s bestfriend Riley. 

“Hey Riley”, Robert said “How have you been?”

“Heyy Robert”, Said Riley in a very friendly manner, “I have been great, what about you?”

“I am glad you have been doing good, I am doing good as well”, said Robert.

“So who is this?” Said Riley in a very rude way.

“This is my girlfriend, Itzel”, said Robert, “We have been together for 4 months now”.

“Wow 4 months, and I am barely finding out now?”, said Riley, “Do you not trust me?”

“No I do trust you I just wanted to be with her and not tell the whole world, you know?”

said Robert

”Ok that is fine I guess”, said Riley in a mean way.

Ever since Riley knew about their relationship she has non-stop been stalking them and their relationship. Riley started to stalk Itzel and she figured out where and from what times she worked, when she goes out, and even where she lives. That same night Riley went and followed Itzel to work and waited 8 hours for Itzel to finish her shift. When Itzel leaves her job she takes a back street because it is the faster way to get to her house. Riley was there waiting for 8 hours just to talk to her.

“Hey Riley, what are you doing here?”, asked Itzel in a confused voice.

“Nothing, just taking a walk to clear my head”, said Riley.

“So far from home?” asked Itzel.

“I wanted to talk to you about something as a matter of fact,” said Riley.

“About what?” asked Itzel

“You have to leave Robert”, Riley demanded.

“Why would I ever do that?” asked Itzel, “ he is amazing to me and he treats me very well”.

“Because he is mine,” said Riley as she pulls out a weapon, “so you leave him or you say bye to everyone you know”.

“I will never leave him,” said Itzel. 

“Ok then,” said Riley in a very menacing way.

Riley let off 5 shots aimed at Itzel that killed her. Riley escapes the murder scene, but dropped the gun used to kill Itzel. There was a witness that saw everything happen so he called the cops to see if they could help catch the murderer. The cops arrived at the scene and they questioned the witness. The witness described everything that happened and he gave the cops a description of Riley. The detectives were searching the area, but nothing was found.   Some time later the cops found the gun that Riley used. 

“Send this gun to the lab to get it checked for fingerprints immediately” said the detective to an officer.

“Alright we got a match, a girl called Riley Marshall,” the officer said to the cop.

The cops made their way to Riley’s house but she was not there. When they were on their way to the next location the radio came on.

“There is a white camry going extremely fast on I-45 and it fits Marshall’s description,” said the cop on the radio.

“Chase her down until yall catch her” said the sheriff 

“Yes sir we are trailing on her right now” said the officer.

As Riley gets off the highway more and more cops start chasing her but she is not stopping. She tries to do a quick right turn but she ends up losing control and she flips it. The cop cars start surrounding Riley’s car and then the sheriff’s radio came on.

“Riley Marshall stay where you are and do not move!” said the sheriff

The cops pull Riley out of the flipped car and take her to the ambulance before putting her in the back of the cop car. Once Riley gets cleared out the cops put the handcuffs on her and take her to the back of the cop car.

“Riley Marshall, you are under arrest for the murder of Itzel Flores,” said the officer, “Everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law”.

The cops put her in the back of the cop car and take her to jail. Riley goes to court and she is found guilty for the murder. The court and the government decided to push for the maximum sentence to give Riley. Now Riley sits in a jail cell the rest of her life and she is still waiting and wanting Robert.

The author's comments:

Teenager in Texas with a cool car.

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