Emotionless | Teen Ink


September 7, 2023
By Atpadron BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Atpadron BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A few hundreds of years ago, taking place in a luxurious small palace, a new member of the cult was born with a special gift. The newborn infant was born with extraordinary rainbow eyes, very bright blonde hair, and fair skin. This child was so special to the cult, that everyone has praised him for being born with an abnormal appearance with very delicate features. They gave him the name, Doma. But there was only one problem with the young man, the boy was born with no emotion. Not a single feeling in his face or heart, he didn’t even cry when he was born either. Throughout his whole life, he never felt a single emotion. The boy is apathetic. And the cult is left questioning, what was this boy feeling, and why does he not express any emotion?

When Doma turned thirteen, he is put in charge of the cult, taking the role as “God”; on a throne with a crown. While playing God, he listens to his followers' everyday life struggles and gives advice to his followers to make their lives better. Although he understands what is going on with his followers and knows how to solve them, he has no idea how they are feeling over what they’re suffering over or  know what to feel over his followers’ grappling lives.

One day, one of his followers was murdered and the body of the victim was left behind in the throne room. When Doma saw the dead body, he disliked the mess in the room and ordered the room to be cleaned. After that, Doma notices that he reacted differently than a normal person would react to. He began to question himself, why did he give that sort of reaction instead of grief to a person who was murdered then found in his throne room? Was that family? Or a member of the cult? 

The boy was curious on how emotions worked, and decided to seek professional help. Doma seeks out multiple therapists for help and he succeeded in understanding how emotions work with other individuals. However, he still doesn’t feel any other emotion. Despite his efforts on trying to learn emotions, he himself has not fully understood how to express his own feelings.

A few years later, Doma is a full grown adult now in full control of his cult. And still apathetic as ever. Instead of giving up, Doma decided to ask his cult members how they feel over their confession to their “god”. And his usual response from his followers were “grief”, “nefarious”, “despair”, “broken”, “crumbled”, and “fear”. While hearing these words, Doma felt a single tear roll down his cheek. This surprises Doma, he felt something else other than pure emptiness.

The next day, at night, after finishing up with clients and cleaning up, his last client appears. It is a man with long black hair, in a wavy middle part, and sharp nails, wearing a black luxurious tunic. The man calls Doma “the flower that never bloomed”. Doma was confused about what this man was talking about. “The flower that never bloomed”? What was this man talking about? Doma was curious by his meaning of “the flower that never bloomed”.

Before Doma could talk, the man disappeared and kills Doma in a blink of an eye. To the man’s surprise, Doma didn’t scream, or even yelled out in pain. Just an emotionless death for Doma, not even sadness. Before Doma can be presumed dead, the man introduces himself as “the king” and he wants Doma to join his clan. In exchange, he will give Doma an emotionful life. Doma accepts the offer.

And right before his eyes, he is awoken with all limbs attached back to his body. However, he noticed some minor changes to himself: he’s much taller, paler, and feels more healthy as a horse. That is when one of his clients entered to check in on him, but that was a fatal mistake. Doma begins to dribble and in a blink of an eye, the client is murdered and devoured by the blood thirsty Doma. Doma wasn’t a human anymore.

A few hundreds of years later, Doma continues on with this act and gains the new title as “the god that will live forever”. He is still apathetic but masks it with fake emotions. The people were happy that their god now has emotion and can help them with their lives, but are abstracted by Doma’s man eating appetite, and his psychopathic-emotionless mask.

The author's comments:

This is based off of a famous manga.

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