The stalker that was never there | Teen Ink

The stalker that was never there

March 21, 2013
By Joek42 BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
Joek42 BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Danny,Tyler, and Joe were all friends kinda like family. They would do stupid stuff and have fun, but one night changed everything. They all snuck out and met up at a graveyard, and when they all got there Danny had concerns about the night and by the nights end their fun would be changed forever. They walked for a while and reached a quick check, and got drinks and food. It being around 1 am they were getting weird looks from people but didn't care. They decide to go to a grave yard that was back the way they came and just sat on a tomb, and Joe and Tyler each lit a vanilla black and mild Danny of course does not smoke. They were talking and Tyler said " vanilla black are like smoking marshmallows." and they all laughed. They got bored and it was around 2:30 am so they decided to go to a near park. They were idiots and stole some mailboxes because they liked the way they looked. They finally got to the park 10 min later and sat down with music playing and all of a sudden they herd something in the woods behind them. Joe and Tyler shrugged it off as nothing being as they get paranoid when they smoke, but Danny got a sense he was right when he said things would change forever. They kept hearing things move in the woods and something moving around in the fields, but they couldn't make anything out because it was pitch black. Tyler calls his sister and begs her to pick us up, but she doesn't. They make a run for the road hoping what ever they herd wouldn't follow. To their luck they made it to the road safe and ran their asses off to tyler's house where they spent the night.
A week later Joe and Tyler go to the park at around 8 pm to hang and watch old people attempt to play softball. They just sat there with music and just chilled. They were about to leave when they herd something rustling in the woods, they were at the entrance to the park when they herd " Hey you, i've been watching you." They were scared s*** less and ran like crazy. They kept looking behind them to see if there was anyone there but nothing. They got to Tyler's house and Joe's cellphone got a restricted call, he answered it and a strange and creepy answered " Why did you run away from me? I just want to play and put you guys in my collection." Tyler smacks the phone out of Joe's hand and it hangs up. Terrified they get Tyler's mom to drive Joe home.
Joe,Danny, and Tyler decide to hang out a 2 weeks later and discuss some weird stuff that's happened. All three of em have been getting weird voice mails from an anonymous number saying things like they knew what they have been doing, what time they go to school and just as they were talking about this Joe's phone rang again. It was the same thing but this time it was " I can see you three right now and your all alone, wouldn't it be a shame if you all went missing?" and the phone hung up. They all decided enough is enough they were going to challenge this bastard.
They get a call the next day and it says " so I herd you wanna play is that so?" " They all say back meet us at the grave yard at 1 am and we fight and get this all over with.". 1 am comes and the three of them are all there, but wheres the mysteries person? The phone rings but this time its Tyler's and it says "I'm here lets play!" and Danny yells "GO TO HELL." .
something lands near them and its a capsule with a human head in it. All detracted Danny Drops. Tyler checks em out and Joe keeps watch, Danny got hit in the back of the neck with some kind of poison dart. Joe and Tyler run around hoping it wouldn't be able to hit them, but Joe trips on something and looks up there's a man in plain white mask standing over him and as he is about to get up the man pulls out an ax and swings it, chopping Joe's arms and legs off. He now just a head and body squirming, and the guy goes after Tyler and leaves Joe to bleed out.
Out of no where they hear what sounds like a high pitch noise from a jet, but they look up to see a missile heading their way. Its too fast they cant get out of the way and the missile explodes killing them all.
One week later on the news the headline is " 3 Teenagers killed from a missile that was aimed at Russia." turns out it was a missile the united states fired and the programming was messed up and it hit them. The person who tried killing them was never identified, but they never found any remains of it like they three boys, like that person never existed.

The author's comments:
Wrote this because I was bored.

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