Short Story "1." | Teen Ink

Short Story "1."

September 23, 2013
By BUthoff BRONZE, Solon, Iowa
BUthoff BRONZE, Solon, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Promise only what you can deliver then deliver more than you promised."
~Wolfgang Reibie

He didn't look anything like she expected. He had on an overcoat for it was raining. And when he saw the blue car he strutted over.

“The blackbird sings only at night.” He recited after she rolled down the wet window.

“Oh so true.” She replied as he handed her a small package.

He looked at her with the utmost seriousness when he ordered her, “Give this to your master also.”

“Will do.” She was in a hurry for she didn't want to be late for the next drop off. She started the engine and he stood back as he looked at his watch. His watch clicked to 2:00 AM. Three. Two. One. BAM! The car flew into a thousand pieces. The heat hit the mans face like a wave of water in a wave pool. The car burned to ashes, along with the evidence.
“Bye-bye Sarah. They cannot pin it on me anymore.” The man talked to himself as a child would. He took out his address book and turned the key to open it. There was a soft click from the book as the car kept burning. The fire had reached the leather seats and the heat increased and warmed his face. The rain slid down his long back. The next appointment read, ‘blow up the vice president,’ then he would finally get to the person he had been building up to, the president.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write a piece that was an original short story, that inspired maybe- another writer to write off this.

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