Taken Away | Teen Ink

Taken Away

November 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Abruptly, my solid hazel eyes flash open in alarm and I am awaken from my deep slumber. The disastrous mess from the tornado was unexpectedly large for such a small and short storm but we do live in Oklahoma. An aching pain shoots through my body starting at my toes all the way up to my face and I wince in pain as the tips of my frozen fingers Drag across my minor head injury. When I pulled my shakey hand back down to my side and looked at it. My left eye must not yet be responding to my bodies wake up because all I saw was black. My right eye was as good as could be without my glasses. I opened my eyes wide trying to see out of the left one. With no success I reached up with my right pale hand and touched my left eye. Sticky, cold and a stinging went through my face and onto my finger. My eye was open. I felt my heart drop. I was afraid that the large overhead light that had been just above my head in Mr. Olson's reading class had hit me when the tornado reached the Oklahoma High School leaving me with a large goose egg on my head and blind in my left lifeless eye. I shiver just of the thought of that large white over head projector falling from the ceiling and landing on anyones head, not just mine.

With only one eye it is hard to see completely what all is happening around me. I examine my body for any other injuries and besides my eye and head there is a throbbing pain in my right foot down near my ankle somewhere. I attempt to stand, slowly lifting myself off of the cold hard cement floor. With my rear end going up first and then I collapsed exhausted and beaten. I tell my self "common Sarah! You got this. Get up!". This time around I rolled over on to my knees hoping and praying to God that I wasn't paralyzed too. On my hands and knees I slowly crawled hoping to hit a wall or rock or something that I could grab to keep balance as I tried to stand on my own two feet. Moving about three feet a minute I crawled for what I estimated was ten minutes take or give a few minutes before I could feel anything.

I came across a hard discolored unknown object. It was the size of an American Bulldog or maybe around the same size as a child around the age of ten and fourteen. Not beingg able to see clearly I moved my hand in circular motions getting lower to the ground each time until I felt something cold pointy but not sharp and with a little bump on it. Small tears dripped down from my eyes and I knew at that moment what it was that my stranded body was laying on. My brother Steven had gone to my school too and with my right eye, I looked down at the face of the cool lifeless body and saw my young brother eyes frozen in the middle where he had a dark hazel ring just like mine. Drip after drip tears poured every time I forced myself to look back at him. He was probably so lonely and scared and he died that way.Then a scary thought came through my mind and I couldn’t get it to go away. That night not being able to move i slept with Steven right there still thinking, "This is probably the same way I will go if I never get out of this place."

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