A Shoe in the Road | Teen Ink

A Shoe in the Road

October 29, 2013
By leon9856 BRONZE, Guilford, Vermont
leon9856 BRONZE, Guilford, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A young child was scrounging around for food and shelter in the pouring rain. He had nothing to live for, but for the feeling of being alive. He has lost his mother, and has never known his father. He sits, perched on a telephone pole starring of into the distance, with nothing to do, but look for hours. Not seeing anything, but a vast blur.
Then something catches his eyes; a tiny speck in the distance. When he finally reaches it, he is faced with a small red heel. Amazed and confused of what he has found in the street, he looks up, to spot the owner in a tight black dress, running for cover. She takes a turn around a building, into and alley. He sprints towards her. By the time he reaches the alley; she was gone.

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