Story's From the House Of Hell | Teen Ink

Story's From the House Of Hell

April 7, 2014
By melodygrace BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
melodygrace BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The House of Hell
Nina watched as the blood oozed from the cracks in the wall. She stepped back in terror and heard a loud crunch that caused her to scream. She glanced down to see a crushed and mangled hand that was still connected to what appeared to be a man. She shuddered and moved away. Suddenly the blood on the wall started to form words. She looked on in horror as an invisible hand took the blood and began painting a grotesque, bone chilling poem on the wall.

As suddenly as it had begun, the painting stopped and the words started to drip away, Nina looked around the room. The room was full of evil-looking tools and huge tables. Animal bones littered the floor and the remains of the man whose hand she stepped on were lying in the corner, partly obscured by a large barrel labeled ‘formaldehyde.’ Stuffed snakes and rats lined a shelf on the wall, and small sculls littered the ground beneath the shelf. She shuddered again. She really wished she hadn’t taken the dare to enter this house, especially on Halloween. She remembered the warnings and horror stories about this house. It was said that an evil scientist lived here once, long ago. He committed unspeakable crimes and finally he was taken away by evil spirits, or some such nonsense, never to be seen or heard from again. As creepy as this place was, and as frightening as the blood on the wall happened to be, Nina didn’t believe the stories. Houses couldn’t be haunted; all of this was just special affects her friends had rigged for Halloween...she hoped. She’d had enough of this room. She quickly moved down the hall towards the stairs. As soon as she reached the top of the stairs a loud sound caused her to jump on the fragile floor boards. They gave way and Nina fell through the dark hole, never to be seen again.
Legend says the poor girl joined the rest of the scientist’s gruesome collection and can be seen only on Halloween night, shaking in fright, trying to wipe away the words on the wall.
50 years later:
Ben and his twin brother Alex quickly made their way up the stairs of the old house. When they reached the top they encountered a huge hole that they quickly stepped around. They didn’t want to fall through the odd opening into the dark abyss. It was Halloween, and the boys had been dared to enter the scientist’s lair. They knew all the rumors but didn’t believe any of them. They glanced into a room and were surprised to see that it was full of dolls and other such things that might be enjoyed by little girls. They felt oddly drawn to the bone chilling collection. Many of the dolls were broken and cracked, adding an aura of extreme creepiness to the room. Suddenly they saw a movement in the corner. They froze in fear. One of the dolls appeared to be rocking back and forth in a little rocking chair. The chair creaked and groaned as it moved. Ben glanced at his brother and saw a look of pure fear that mirrored his own. As suddenly as it had begun, the rocking stopped and the doll sat there staring at the boys. Ben moved to the side and bumped into an ornate music box. It produced a haunting tune, causing the boys to push and shove each other in their hurry to make it to the door. They ran towards the stairs forgetting in their fear the huge opening at the top. Ben encountered it before his brother and with a strangled cry he disappeared into the abyss. Alex stopped just shy of falling through. He called and called for his brother but never heard a reply. As he prepared to make his way down the stairs, he slipped on an unknown substance and fell into the crack in the floor.
Both boys are rumored to reside in the doll room, trying to stop the rocking and close the dolls eyes- all the while humming the haunting music box song.
The horrible House of Hell hides many haunting stories in its humongous depths. These are just a small sampling of the kind of rumors you’ll encounter in the weeks leading up to Halloween in our little town. Be warned. Entering the house isn’t in your best interest. But for the brave few that will attempt it, I wish you well. I would hate for you to suffer the same fate as my Great, Great Grandmother, and Great uncles.

Sincerely, Rosa Linero
The Cliff
Lisa ran on in terror. The shadows jumped and crawled all around her. Her heart beat in an unearthly rhythm. Suddenly the seemingly endless woods just ended. Lisa found herself at the edge of a huge cliff. She glanced down into the ravine and the sight she saw shook her to the core. Littering the floor of the cliff were hundreds of rotting corpses. Some of the bodies were human and some various animals. She saw corpses that appeared to be brand new; they looked like the people were only sleeping in the hell hole that was the ravine. Others were partially rotted with flesh appearing to drip from the mangled broken bodies. Still more looked like they had been there for a long while and had been baked and charred in the burning sun.
Lisa fell to her knees, unable to stand under the weight of the scene before her. She took a deep breath and was instantly overwhelmed by the smell of rotting, burning flesh, death and decay. She vomited over the edge of the cliff and watched it fall to the ravine floor. Suddenly to her horror the corpses her bile had landed on began to move. They moved slowly but surely and began climbing the walls of the ravine. She shrieked in horror. She tried to run but was frozen in her kneeling position on the grass. She felt a cold wind surround her. She glanced to her left and saw a ghostly figure that appeared to be part Native American witch doctor and part warrior chief. He had a devilish grin on his face. He began speaking in a voice that sent shivers down Lisa’s spine.
“I see you’ve found my ravine! New food you’ll be for my little friends, Spirits and servants in their graves. Rotting corpses are what they are, Delicious morsels from near and far. I am the keeper of this place of death, my penance to pay for my life of murdering greed. Your vomit awoke my little pets and now you’ll be dragged down into my pretty abyss.”
The ghostly spirit reached out his hand and stroked her cheek. His eyes glowed red and his flesh become human again.
“You! You! You!” he shrieked with a maniacal laugh. “You have the blood of the great chiefs in your veins. You can make me whole again and free me from this place of death, blood, destruction, and gore!”
Lisa shrieked in terror and attempted to run away, but gory hands grabbed her and pinned her to the grass. She watched as the ghostly chief removed his headdress, fell to his knees and slowly spread himself on her body. She struggled but the weight of the ghostly chief was too much for her. He slowly lowered his head towards her neck and with one fell swoop sunk his teeth into the milky white skin of her neck. Lisa fought to hold on, but she felt herself slipping away. She was forced to watch as the once-ghostly figure became flesh once more. His zombie cohorts cheered in gravely dismantled voices. The chief finished feeding and stood, a human once more. He glanced down at Lisa, surprised to see that she wasn’t dead. He summoned a recent victim, a pretty young woman about Lisa’s age.
“I think I shall keep this one,” he said. He motioned to the young woman to spread herself on Lisa’s body. He summoned all of his evil voodoo magic to join the spirits of the two young women into one living apparition.
“This new life shall be my queen,” he announced to his zombie slaves. The task was complete. Lisa rose, pushing the charred remains of the once-pretty young woman off of her. She stretched and smiled a grotesque, wicked grin. The chief held out his hand the body that had once held Lisa took it.
“My queen,” he said, “Let us go to my teepee and become one with each other.”
Lisa’s body glared at him, but she was no match for the newly reincarnated chief.
The zombies cheered as their rulers made their way through a spirit door to the ghostly underworld palace of the dead.
Lisa was never heard from again. Her spirit lives on in the underworld with her undead husband. They watch and wait for each new victim of the cliff. Her scream can be heard as an echo by those that encounter the gory monstrosity. Lisa does all that she can to spare young woman the fate of the zombie corpses. Her story is told as a legend and horror story around campfires. But it is said that you can see the marks in the grass from her joining with the young woman and the stains of blood from the chiefs first feeding.

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