Haunted | Teen Ink


May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Jessica Newman is trying to start over. After the deadly encounter with her father, things are finally starting to look brighter. Jessica is offered a job at the local coffee shop and a place to stay. Saving up at the coffee shop she works at, Jessica is finally able to move out of the apartment she and her friend shared. She’s ready to move forward in life and move away from the bad and good memories of her father. Luckily, she finds a perfect little house in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s quiet, stationed in the historic part of town, and most importantly within her budget. It’s as if the house was waiting for her, and it was.

“Lisa, you better get over here and help me!” I’m finally moving and I can’t wait. I’ve been living here with my best friend Lisa for over a year now. She’d been generous enough to let me live here, and I’m so grateful. If it weren’t for her, I’d be living in the streets. My father did the most horrendous thing possible . My ex-boyfriend and I were expecting a baby, and when my father found out he flipped out. He stared at me intensely, veins popping out of his neck and forehead. I’d never seen him so angry. Out of rage he charged at my boyfriend, clutching his neck, suffocating him. I fell to the floor and tried to pry my father off of him, but by the time I did, he was gone. I fell to my knees and squeezed him tighter than I had ever done before. I distinctly remember crying hysterically and calling his name. He was the father of my child he couldn’t die. We were supposed to move into our own little house with the white picket fence, and start our family, grow old together. I glared at my father with hatred filled eyes. All he said was “I’m sorry Jess, I-I…need to go.” I heard the door slam shut. Silence, it’s all I heard. Everything was spinning, leaving me. My eyelids were heavy, and I could feel my own heartbeat in my ears, ba-dum, ba-dum. Everything goes dark. I wake up in a clean, white room. It smelled of latex and hand sanitizer-hospital room. My mom jumps frantically to my side and yells, “Doctor, Doctor she’s awake! Don’t worry honey you’re safe here.” She stroked my head and gently kissed my forehead. “Mom what’s going on”, I mumble, still confused as to why I’m there. She breaks out in tears and looks me straight in the eyes. “Jess your boyfriend Caleb is dead. They found you in the house, passed out next to his body. Honey I’m so sorry.” She broke out crying again and hid her face in her hands. My heart dropped to stomach and my blood went cold. “Mom no this is all a dream! Tell me it’s a dream,” I begged. “I wish it was Jess,” she whispered soothingly. I clutched the sheets until my knuckles turned white, arched my back and screamed. I hugged my bulging belly. My baby is all I have left of Caleb. My father left town that same day, but fortunately he was caught. I never forgave him, and I never will. I despise him.

Lisa replied, “Hey Jess, what do you need help with?” “Help me carry these last few boxes to the moving truck will ya,” I asked. “No problem Jess. Hey where’s Ryan?” “Oh, he’s in the backyard playing with his truck.” Unless I haven’t mentioned before, Ryan is my son, Caleb’s little boy. He’s already three, and boy has he grown up fast! Every time I look into his sparkling green eyes I see Caleb. They have the same eyes, cheeky smile, and of course bubbly personality. Ryan is the only person who brings sunshine to my life. Oh, and of course Lisa does too. How could I forget about her?

“Mommy let’s go,” shrieks Ryan. “I’m coming Ryan,” I yell out the door. I take a step outside and take a deep breath. I stare at the apartment and smile. As I start to get into the driver’s seat of the moving van, I hear Lisa call my name, “Jess, wait you forgot your cell phone.” “Thank you so much Lisa,” I chuckled. She gave me a quick kiss on my forehead and said good bye. I pulled out the driveway with my little boy in the back seat. I’m finally getting a fresh start at life after the incident. I think of Caleb and tears start to fill my eyes, my vision getting blurry. I look back and glance at my little boy Ryan. He’s sleeping soundly. I envy his simple life and innocence. I smile to myself knowing that I’ll always have a little piece of Caleb.

I arrive at the new house, step out the car and take a look. The little house is perfectly trimmed and manicured with not a stick out of place. The windows shine in the midday sun, and the front door calls my name. I grab Ryan and take him inside. The creaky door opens and light streams through the door illuminating the living room. I still don’t know why this house was so cheap; it’s perfect in every way. I walk outside and grab a few boxes, setting them down in the kitchen. I bend down to open one of the boxes when the door slams shut. I jump and turn my head quickly. “Ryan, honey did you close the door?” “No mommy I didn’t,” Ryan exclaimed. That was the first time I experienced these “events”. They seem to happen all the time now. Doors will slam shut, faucets turn on and off, and I occasionally I hear a voice, but I try to convince myself that it’s just the neighbors. No matter how hard I try I can’t help but think that all of this is not just the neighbors’ doing, faulty doors and drafts. I refuse to accept any other explanation because ghosts aren’t real. There’s no way possible. There is no such thing as ghosts. There is no such thing as ghosts. I have to maintain my sanity.

It’s already been four months since I’ve moved in and things are great, except for the fact that I hear things. I have to admit it has been pretty lonely. The neighbors don’t talk to me. They seem to shoot worried glances at me every time I pass by. I guess I’ll never know why.
After a long day at work I finally get home. I stagger inside the house and crash on the sofa, feeling its warmth under my skin. “Tired Jessica?” I shoot up in fear. Thankfully it’s just the babysitter, Joan. “Yeah, it’s been a long hard day at work and all I want is to crash in my bed,” I complain. Joan lets out a giggle. “Where’s my little Ryan?” “He’s sound asleep in his bedroom,” she states. I let out a sigh of relief knowing he’s still safe and sound another day. “Umm, Joan can I talk to you about something?” “Of course Jessica, anything for you,” Joan said. “Well, this might sound a little crazy but do you believe in ghosts?” The room was silent except for the chirping of grasshoppers outside. “Of course I do. They’re all around us you know. They’re as real as you and me,” she explained. “I don’t know Joan. I just can’t bring myself to believe in them. I can’t believe in something I can’t see.” “I understand,” Joan whispered while she looked at the floor. “Well Joan thank you so much for babysitting today. Have a safe drive home,” I cheerfully stated. “Jessica, is there anything going on,” she asked worriedly, “Something doesn’t seem ok with you.” I don’t know if I should tell her or not about the “ghost” problem. “No,” I simply state.
“Ryan where are you?” I pace around the room and panic. I can’t find my little boy. Where can he be? I search the entire house and nothing. “Ryan, please where are you?” I plop myself on the sofa and start to cry. SMASH. I look up and see my mother’s vase on the floor, broken. CRASH.SMASH. SMACK. Cups, dishes, picture frames and chairs are flung around the room. “What’s going on,” I scream hysterically. I run for cover but I’m stopped in my tracks. Someone is behind me. I freeze and stare straight ahead. The hairs on the back of my neck start to stand up and my heart starts to beat out of my chest. I turn around slowly and see Ryan. The chaos in the room stops. “Ryan where were you? You scared me to death!” I run up to him and squeeze him as hard as I can in relief, but all he does is stand as still as a statue. “Ryan are you…ok?” I grab his tiny shoulders and look into his eyes. They’re dull and lifeless. “Ryan what’s wrong? Please say something!” I cry even harder than before and plead him to tell me what’s wrong. All of a sudden I see him grin, but this is different. It looks…almost unnatural. I stare at him and shake his shoulders. “Get away from me you mortal pest,” he yells. I stare in disbelief at what I just heard, when I realize what’s happening. He’s possessed. “Get out of him now! Give me my son back. Leave.” I scream to empty air and demand my child back. “Your pathetic kid is gone. His body is my property. You can’t do a thing.” The boom of his voice fills the rooms. “Please leave him!” I start to yell and scream. I drop to the floor and grab Ryan. “Ryan please come back. PLEASE.” He starts to tremble and shake. His eyes roll behind his head, revealing the white’s of his eyes. He goes limp in my arms and starts to foam violently at the mouth. “What do you want? Why are you doing this? Give me back my son I command you,” I scream at the top of my lungs. All is quiet. “Mom what’s going on,” Ryan asks. “You’re back Ryan! You’re back!” I hug him as hard as I can and kiss his cheek. He’s going to be alright.

I stare at the little house for what seems like eternity. We’re moving again. After my son’s possession my best friend Lisa helped me clear out the house. I refused to step inside that house so she did all the packing. I don’t know what saved my son that unforgettable day, but I have a feeling it was all Caleb’s doing. He protected Ryan through it all. There’s no doubt in my mind about that. After the move, Ryan and I visited Caleb’s grave. I stared below at the grave site and tears filled my eyes. I could feel a gentle hand touch my shoulder. I turned around to see Caleb, as real as the last time I saw him. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I started to cry. They were tears of joy.

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