Allen Green | Teen Ink

Allen Green

May 20, 2014
By A_Sorce BRONZE, Algonquin, Illinois
A_Sorce BRONZE, Algonquin, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I woke up I knew nothing where I was or even who I was I it all was fuzzy nothing makes sense. All I know is that I seem to be in and old mansion. I didn’t even wake up in a bed, I woke up on the floor with broken glass around me but that is strange because the window I am next to is completely fine. But it is hard to tell because it is very dark. In the room that I am in there is a door on the left side with a window on the right a dresser in front of me.

When I looked at the table there was a lamp with no wax and no way to start a fire so I just brought it with me just in case. When I went to open the dresser it was looked so I took the chair next to the table and smashed it against the dresser and when I looked inside there was a key that was for the door to get out and jacket which was very helpful because it is very cold in this small room. When I was putting on the jacket I noticed that I had massive cuts on my arm that I assumed were from the glass on the ground which I still was very confused on.

Because there was nothing else to do and I was kinda scared I decided to use the key and go out of the room. When I opened the door there was a long corridor with a music box at the end playing classical music but every fifth beat it would skip back to the beginning and every time it would skip I thought I could hear glass breaking but I thought I was just hearing things. When I finally got to where the music box was I saw that there was a lock on the box so you could not open it or change the song. There was another corridor to the left and the right. I decided to go right but very step I took there was a same sound coming from the left but when I turned around there was no one there just shadows. I kept walking but I kept hearing the noise which bothered me because I would look back and no one would be there. The third time I looked back and I swore I saw a face but as soon as I thought I saw it, it was gone so I just kept walking. The next room I came up to was a library room. The walls were covered in book cases and in the middle of the room there was pedestal with a glass case over it. Inside there was a book but there was no cover it was just blank. Since I couldn’t open the glass I took the lamp I had taken and smashed the glass. When I grabbed the book there were a lot of pages but there was only one sentence. Welcome to ….. the place was smudged and faded but all of the other pages were empty except the last page which witch said Allen Green. This name was so familiar and then it hit me this must be name!

Because there were no more paths I decided to go back the way I came and go to the fork in the path. This time I took the other paths which lead me to what seem to be a waiting room in a hospital. There was a corridor to what I guessed to be the operating room and I was definitely not going there. Several hours had passed and I had gone back to all the rooms I had been in and the only way to advance was through the operating room. But I was very tired so I had gone back to one of the rooms I had found that was a bed room and decided to go to sleep. I had surprisingly slept very well id dreamt that I was in the woods not a scary woods but a calm woods and I was just sitting there under the shade of the tree and I looked like I was in a park. I got up and walked for awhile before I crossed the street but before I could step on to the road there was a load noise and a blinding light and I woke up. But something very weird happened when I went to look at the bed on the corners around me there were indents in the bed like someone had kneeled over me. But since this probably was because of me tossing and turning in my sleep I thought nothing of it. It was still dark in the house so I had no idea what time it was so I had no idea on how long I was asleep. Now I knew that I had to face my fear by going through the operation room. It took me a while to find my way back to the waiting room but I eventually got there. When I got there I stood in front of the door building up the confidence to go through. Then I clenched my hands and grit my teeth and busted trough the door like I would have a glass window. But when I did it surprised me because I was wrong what I had busted in to was a room with a tattered red carpet on a wood floor which I had not expected but the worst thing was when I turned around there was no door it had disappeared. The room was dark but at the end of the red carpet there was stares that led to one single throne with a man sitting on it .I yeld to him asking if he was lost too but all the man said was you are not lost you are just waiting. I was very confused now but I said I am Allen Green who are you? The man broke out in to hysterics and uncontrollable evil laugh. Then he said you are not Allen green, I am Allen green! Then I said “but in a book I found it said Allen green and it sounded familiar.” He roared with laughter again.” Do u know who I am” said the man. I am the keeper my name is Allen Green but when you unscramble the words in to Lalne Rgene that means the keeper of the dead. Then I said Wait what, what dose that mean? And he replied you are dead. But how is that possible! “you are dead and you have been sent to the waiting room where you are waiting judgment.” Said Allen Green, This is purgatory and that dream you had was no dream that was how you died and this place you are in is the waiting room. When do I get judged? And who am I? neither answer I can give you but all I do know is you better have lived a good life.

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