The Mansion | Teen Ink

The Mansion

May 28, 2014
By W2110 BRONZE, Pleasent Plain, Ohio
W2110 BRONZE, Pleasent Plain, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


The Mansion: Chapter One

One stormy day eleven-year-old Johnny was locked up in his house. It was the last day Johnny got to spend in this house that he’d grown up in. Johnny was sad that they were leaving but his dad, a multimillionaire, and mom, a business lady, didn’t care about him. His mom was always out on business trips around the United States. His dad owned a section of Nike, so he was so rich he could do just about anything. His dad decided to move to a mansion a little outside of Salt Lake City. Johnny was mad because all of his really good friends are here and he’s moving an hour away from them. On this last day, he said goodbye to all his friends and neighbors. When his dad got home Johnny whined, “Why do we have to go? I don’t like this. I’ll miss all my friends and be a loner!” His dad replied,“This house is old and worn down, son, and I will have a place to hang out with my friends now; you’ll make your new friends and we’ll all love it.”
In the movers’ truck on the way there Johnny sat in the back and took a nap. Johnny was thinking of what his new house would be like and if he’d meet anybody his age around his house since he's never really been to this “Mansion”. Johnny was still mad at his Dad but decided to talk to him anyway. “Are we almost there?” His Dad finally replied. “Yes, we’re 10 minutes away from the house. Your Mom will be here at 8:30 and we will start having dinner.” Johnny got his bags unpacked and checked out his neighbors. One of his neighbors was a couple with a twenty-seven year old living in Wisconsin. His other neighbors were a nice couple with an eleven year old child named Jonathan. Jonathan and Johnny played until dinner and had a good time. His mom finally got home and loved the house. She thought it was beautiful. She also brought home dinner from KFC because she knew it was a long day. Everybody sat down and started eating dinner.
The Mansion: Chapter Two

While at dinner the family heard some noises. They heard scratches on the walls and thought maybe there was a family of squirrels or raccoons in the walls. The next day they decided to call the pest control to check it out. The pest control said there was nothing, so the family assumed that the tree out front’s branches were what had scratched the house. The next day Johnny’s mom went on a business trip to Miami, Florida, and his dad had some trouble going on at Nike. Dad said that Johnny could invite his friend Jonathan over to play since no one was at home with him. Johnny and Jonathan had fun playing some games outside. Once the two went inside they started hearing weird noises in Johnny’s room.
They headed upstairs and heard flapping. They then noticed that the window was open but Johnny had yet to touch his window. They crouched, sweating heavily, their faces as pale as a ghost. When they lifted the bed skirt a bird came tumbling out and both kids trembled with fright. They immediately sped to Jonathan’s house and explained what had happened. Jonathan’s mom replied with, “Well, the wind was strong this morning. Maybe the window wasn’t locked.”
The Mansion : Chapter Three

Late that night Johnny’s dad got home from a long day of work, exhausted. Johnny stayed at Jonathan’s until his dad showed up because of the event that occurred in Johnny’s room. When his dad got out of the car his son ran up to him and explained to him what had happened in his room. His dad went up and checked it out and started down the stairs. Dad questioned Johnny’s tale and replied, “There is nothing up there. Are you sure that you heard a noise under your bed?”, “YES, I AM SURE!” replied his son. “Okay, take a chill pill. I only asked you a simple question.” replied dad.
The next morning Johnny started school and Mom was off in Miami, Florida. His dad had the day off. His dad invited his friends over and had a little housewarming party. When all the friends left, dad started to hear noises upstairs. They started coming from Johnny’s room and so dad went upstairs and started to check it out. The dad now started to believe Johnny as he inched toward the doorknob sweating heavily and nervous. Dad opened the door and there was nothing to be found. He decided to check the room out again. Still nothing, so he decided to leave the room and go downstairs. On his way out, the door slammed in front of him and locked from the outside. Then the window burst open and the wind was howling. Dad fell back on the ground and started to get up and run. A voice asked, “Where are you going?” Then dad started crying and screamed “STOP THIS TORTURE!” Then all of a sudden dad felt a grab and fell down again. This time he fell asleep. The next moment, he was being dragged to the basement.
The Mansion: Chapter Four

At around 3:00p.m. Johnny arrived home soaking wet from the thrashing rain. He didn’t have a key and the door wouldn't unlock so he decided to hang out at Jonathan’s house. When he got over there Jonathan’s mom, a stay-at-home mom, said that she heard crying and voices upstairs in their house but it shortly stopped. The door still wouldn't open and Johnny’s mom wasn’t coming back till tomorrow so he asked if he could stay over at Jonathan’s and Jonathan’s mom replied with a yes. The next day when Johnny’s mom got home Johnny went home only they could not find dad. They looked everywhere and his car was still in the driveway. They looked everywhere but the hidden basement. Then the next day Johnny went to school and his mom was off. Then the mom started hearing noises upstairs. She went to check it up and something said “I've been waiting for you” then the mom screamed,`` “Who is this?! This isn’t funny! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!”

Then the mom got her golf club and propped it on her shoulder. She was not in the mood for this as she had work to do. The ghost grabbed hold of the club and the mom fell asleep and was being dragged down to the basement. The ghost turned on the light in the basement and there was Jonathan’s mom and dad, too. All the parents were tied up and around the ghost. The ghost told them that their sons were next and this was all for the misery of the ghost and how he was treated. Then the ghost turned the light off. At around three Johnny and Jonathan got home and only Johnny’s door was unlocked.
The Mansion: Chapter Five
The two kids raced through the door as they got greeted by the ghost. “Don’t come in so eager. We have time to sit and chat.” The two kids ran and the ghost yelled, “You can’t run. You need to suffer like the rest.” As the kids ran their heart out they stopped in the closet and wondered, “What does the ghost mean suffer like the rest?” Then it hit them, their parents! They ran downstairs and checked everything and everywhere. Even in the attic but there was no sign. They finally gave in and asked, “Why do we need to suffer? What did we do? We can help you.” Then the ghost replied, “No you can’t. I’ve suffered for years. I was killed in the basement. Now you guys have to suffer for my suffering. Everyone who enters this HOUSE HAS TO SUFFER!” The kids looked at each other and had the same thought. “THE BASEMENT!” The kids looked for a passage and found it.

The latch was in the fireplace. It was the middle log and when pulled a big stairway went to another room. When they reached the bottom the ghost yelled, “GET OUT OF THERE!” The kids turned on the light and untied everyone. The ghost sounded closer. Everyone was frightened. Then the ghost said “I give up. Go ahead. Torture my house.” Then the mom replied “But we only wanted to live here. We had no idea. If we leave will you leave us alone?” Then the ghost replied, “Sure, but never come back or you will regret it.” Everyone agreed and the two families moved away peacefully. Three months later a new family arrived at the Mansion and had big smiles on their faces, but what they didn’t know was that this was a Haunted Mansion.

The author's comments:
its good

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