The Not So Perfect Plot | Teen Ink

The Not So Perfect Plot

October 13, 2014
By Anonymous

Alec, was a boy who had everything a boy would ever want, he had a loving mother, a father and a home. They lived peacefully in a small mansion along with Robert, Alec’s uncle. But then, everything changed on the last winter night of that year. As Alec’s parents and Robert were going to the movies, they had somehow lost control of the car, swerved off the road, and crashed into a ditch. Robert miraculously managed to survive the crash with only minor injuries, while the others weren't so lucky. After receiving word from the hospital, Alec’s Butler, gave the boy the worst news of his life; His parents, had died.
“His parents are to be buried as soon as possible,” declared Robert. By this time, through legal right, Robert was the new owner of the home.
“The boy must not see his parents the way they are now”. So then he decided to kick Alec out of the house, with the wish of him never coming back. Alec had to spend his nights in a dark and dreary forest nearby. Every day at noon, Alec would go back to the gates of the home where the butler would feed him scraps left by the servants. Weeks went by until the day of the funeral. Alec pleaded and begged the butler to find him a suit and a place to gather himself for the funeral. His plans were to see his parents for the last time and leave the city. He pictured New York or Boston to be his destination, maybe there it would be easier. Alec was young. He still had dreams.
On the day of the funeral, the butler hid Alec from plain sight and moved him to the servants restroom to give his final goodbyes. When they were ready, they headed out to the servants section of the room, sat down, and waited patiently for the funeral service to start.The funeral was to be held in the home of the deceased. This would be that last time that Alec would ever step foot in his house again. Alec felt completely heartbroken as he saw the two enclosed caskets in front of him. He wanted to see what they looked like. “There are my parents,” he thought, “so close, yet so far.”
As the funeral service began, the butler told Alec to hang around until everything came to an end. And as the service was about to an end, the butler called for everyone’s attention.
“Hold it!” he yelled,”There is something I have noticed wrong here. We seem to be missing a few guests.
“What guest? Who else was supposed to be here?” Asked Robert, “ Everyone who was asked to come, is here.”
“We seem to be missing the most important person. The child of the late householders,” said the butler.
“What child? You’re speaking nonsense you old fool!” Yelled Robert.
“Is that so?”
The voice came from the back of the room. A deep voice that everyone recognized. Suddenly, Robert found himself shivering in fear. The room was still, silent and filled with shock. Right there, before everyone, stood Alec’s Father. And right beside him, stood his mother.
After what seemed like several minutes, Robert was the first to break the silence." are you still alive?" He asked with a cracking voice.
"Shouldn't you be asking yourself, why you are the one still alive, hm? The father responded.
W-what do you mean? W-what are you talking about? Asked Robert with a hint of nervousness.
"Oh?" Said the father, "have you already forgotten that you tried to kill my wife and I? That you were the one who drove us into that ditch?”
“No, i didn’t!” Exclaimed Robert. “ I would do no such thing to a brother!”
“Yes. You did. Since you were the driver, only you had the control to steer us of the road.” Father said calmly. “Only you would have been able to jump out, before the car hit the ditch. That’s how I remember it.”
“You were driving drunk is what I remember!” said Robert.
“Why are you angry Robert? Is it because your plan failed? Father asked.
“Yes! NO! I’m not angry, i’m…”
“Face it Robert all you ever really wanted, was my fortune. I watched as you kicked my son out of this house. Thats just the kind of brother you are. Malicious, sly and greedy.”
Then, he raised an arm and motioned to the police officers who had escorted father to his home, to take Robert away. As soon as he was gone, father spoke up, “Alec!, Where are you? This home is yours to look after now.”
And with those words Alec got up and ran towards his mother and father with arms open, only to find, that he had walked right through them.

The author's comments:

It sucks. 

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