New Town Terror | Teen Ink

New Town Terror

December 1, 2014
By CMartin BRONZE, Lancaster, Wisconsin
CMartin BRONZE, Lancaster, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Henry had just moved into town. He had heard many great thing about this new, quant town. It was full of tall church steeples, old rustic buildings, vintage stores, and that small town atmosphere. A few car were usually on the roads, but other than that it was quiet. Everyone he had seen seemed nice and friendly. They strolled through shops with a small smile and a positive outlook. Henry was always the type to go out and meet new people. He always thought that since you only live once you might as well live it right. People loved listening to his soft, soothing voice. People were attracted to his bright blue eyes and nice clean teeth. In fact, he was very good looking, so Henry was never afraid to move to another town.

Everyone Henry would speak with would warn him about a boy named Ron. “Ron is a menace to our town, stay away from him,” they would always say. But whenever he would ask what Ron does or who he is they would just say, “Never mind.” Henry would just forget about it and move on.

Henry was just settling in and getting comfortable in his house when one night around 8 o’clock there was a knock at the door. He had been lounging  by the fire, drinking a mug of warm coffee, and reading his favorite book. The knocking grew louder. This was odd because he didn't have any close friends yet, and none of the town’s people would come this late. Henry confusedly  walked towards the heavy wooden door. He peeped through the window but no one was there. He unlocked the door and peeked outside. Nothing, no cars in the street or people walking, nothing. Befuddled, he closed the door, but all of a sudden he heard a rustling in the newly trimmed bushes. Henry rushed to get a flashlight, flicked it on, and examined the moving bushes.

At first he didn’t see anything. Then he caught glimpse of an arm. There in the shrubs lay a boy, about 12 years old. The shirtless and frightened boy shrieked in sight of the bright light.

“Who...who are you?” asked Henry. No answer came from the boy. He could see the boy’s bleach white hair glowing in the light. His jade green eyes gleamed at him with hatred. Henry cautiously walked over and pulled the boy from the bushes. He had noticed a certain slime on the strange boy. Letting go, he discovered his hands had turned yellow like iodine.

“What is going on?” Henry thought to himself. He shined the light on the boy and could see that this was no ordinary boy. His skin was light and distinctly pink. He was extremely muscular for a boy his age. Every muscle was poking out of his skin, no sign of fat. The boy’s ripped jeans revealed his thick stout legs. No shoes on, his long jagged feet jet out from his jeans poking into the freshly cut grass. His toenails casted out out like a prison shank. His thin, round face glared at Henry with an evil look.

“Who the heck are you, what do you want?” Henry repeated. But the boy just stood there smiling, showing his mismatched, sharp teeth. Henry could smell his breath from 10 feet away, raunchy smell of a sewer. Then a loud, piercing roar erupted from the boy’s mouth stabbing Henry’s ears. Henry rushed inside and locked the door, which seemed frail to Henry. He peaked through the window. The abnormal boy was crawling around on all fours. It began digging a hole in his yard.

“Knock it off! Get off my lawn!” Henry yelled while pounding on the thick window. The boy turned its thick neck, stared at Henry, and let out a loud screech. Henry crouched down in pain. He felt a liquid dripping from his ears, blood. His heart pounded in his chest. He bolted up and ran to the phone. Then he went back to the window while he dialed 911, but the monster was already gone. He went outside and examined the hole. However, Henry found more than just a hole. There was a shiny object in the hole and a message burnt into the grass. Little did he know this small object and message would change his life forever.

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