The Watcher | Teen Ink

The Watcher

December 8, 2014
By Theawesomeness BRONZE, Castle Rock, Colorado
Theawesomeness BRONZE, Castle Rock, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up sweating being carried on a stretcher. There were voices all around me asking things like, “Is he going to make it?” or “How long does he have?” as I slowly drifted out of consciousness. Next thing I knew I was in a hospital room with my wife and kids standing over me. Susan, my wife said that I had been in a massive car crash and was the only one that survived the impact. I had so many questions that weren’t answered! Who did this? Why me? I was trembling with anger. I tried to stand but I was restrained, they told me to sleep and that I was too weak to stand. They sunk a needle into my arm and I drifted away. I was dreaming everything was a blur… I saw my wife and child running and I cried out but no words were spoken, this was a horrible omen indeed I thought… (Three days later) “Mason! MASON!!! wake up!” my wife screamed desperately. “The buildings on fire!” , she yelled. We ran to the fire exit as smoke drifted into the room.  We then realized claire wandered into the nursery before I woke up. Both of us sprinted for the nursery as adrenaline pulsed through my veins like a knife. She had gone into the closet; we kicked open the door and picked her up. Claire was screaming but very happy to see us. The fire exit was locked! I couldn’t breath and I didn’t know how much longer we could last I sprung an insane idea I darted to the surgical drill ,grabbed It and jammed it in the door... Pop! Freedom… We scrambled down the fire exit like a bunch of frightened cats. The three of us collapsed from oxygen deprivation. I had so many questions, then I remembered that car crash… that man… he had something to do with this mess. Claire and Susan were coughing like crazy and they were in no condition to travel. We made a small camp as our entire city burned. I couldn’t think about anything but that man who smiled grimly at me when my car crashed; why would he come after me? I didn’t sleep that night I just couldn’t get him off my mind. Then I got a call from a guy who had a rough scratchy voice, he grumbled its time then hung up. We heard a loud explosion about two blocks away, it shook the ground and woke us up. Something that resembled a tank and a robot lumbered down the street destroying everything in its path. I was very scared so as a last resort I called the number that called me earlier the man answered and I asked what he wants with me. He said two words that haunt me to this day, “WORLD DOMINATION!”. I dropped my phone, horrified and we ran as the large robot lumbered down the street. He stomped the ground and a large crack in the ground separated me from my family I had no time to think so just sprinted desperately and jumped. My fingers barely caught the edge of the cliff as my family lifted me up. We got up in shock of what just happened and ran until we got to the end of the street. We were cornered and I knew we would be pulverized if we didn’t act fast. Just then a crazy idea sprang into my mind. If it was a robot it must be powered by something, its electronic; so if we get it wet it will destroy it or at least buy us some time. I ran over to the fire hydrant across the street and picked up a large rock. When the robot came close enough to me I smashed the valve of the fire hydrant water sprayed everywhere soaking me and the robot. I knew I was going to die but at least my family would make it. The malfunctioning robot let out a strange buzz then tipped over and exploded. The blast threw me in the street and I saw the rainwater on the street turn red with blood. Just then I saw my daughter claire walk over me she dragged me out of the street and tore of a section of cloth from her coat to cover the blood from seeping out of the wound. Next thing I know I’m in the same situation that I was at first on a hospital bed with my wife and kid standing around me… I made it.

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