The Spoooooky Skeleton | Teen Ink

The Spoooooky Skeleton

December 18, 2014
By Brooks Davis BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Brooks Davis BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

               “Hey Zach!” Charlie called to his trailing friend. “This looks like a good camping spot over here man”
“Hell yeah it is, It has everything we need!”  Says Zach
“Let’s get the camp started than bro”
               As Charlie and Zach set up their camp they failed to realize where they were, this was not an ordinary camp it was the…… Spoooky forest. They decided on the location by throwing a dice on a local map and going where it landed that morning. The camp site was surrounded with dense Oaks disabling the ability to see anything happening around them. Zach and Charlie finally looked around and wondered about the weird setting they were in.
“Zach” says Charlie in a nervous tone “honestly after checking things out a bit how in the world would a setting like this just be here”
“Stop whining you big baby it’s a great spot now enjoy it”
               The night crawled in and the teenage boys began to find themselves in the tent. Charlie could not sleep due to a sense of presence of something outside the tent. Charlie had to pee extremely badly. He forced Zach to wake up and wait for him to come back. Zach decided to play a cruel trick on him and become a spooooky skeleton. Right as Charlie began to urinate Zach ran up behind him in a costume, he made out of nowhere, and petrify him. Charlie screams pees all over Zach and that is the story of the spoooooky skeleton.

The author's comments:

Its a spooooky skeleton

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