Messenger Bottle | Teen Ink

Messenger Bottle

April 27, 2015
By holly989 BRONZE, Deer Park, Wisconsin
holly989 BRONZE, Deer Park, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever found something that you wish you wouldn’t have found? Maybe something never even found before by other humans?  Well I did, and I wish I didn’t.  We didn’t know what we got ourselves into, and we never got ourselves out of it.
I stumbled upon it during a walk on the beach.  It was just there, lying in the sand by seashells.  It, was a tiny, grimy messenger bottle that had, what looked like an old pirate ship in it.  As I picked it up, I could see the tide getting stronger and the sky getting darker.  The messenger bottle started to give off a weird vibe as I held it in my hand.  I then dropped it in the sand and walked away from it.  The sky started to lessen the clouds, but the bottle didn’t.  The farther I walked away from it, the more force it had on me pulling me towards it.  I picked it up, threw it in the water and ran away as quickly as I could be but the bottle pulled me in the water with it.  I swam back to shore, breathless for air.  I laid in the sand, staring at the bottle that was in my hand. 
  After the long and strange day that I had, all I wanted to do was sleep.  I crawled into bed, pulled the covers over my head, and gazed at the moonlight coming from my window.  My eyes started to shut gently but stopped when I saw a figure in the window.  I slide out of bed to see who the dark figure at my window was.  It was him, who usually came over often to my house but never this late.   I opened my window without a sound to let him.  The moonlight showed his glistening, russet eyes upon a dazed face.  His jittery hand came closer to me, covered with something inside.  The hand opened with a bottle appearing out of it.  It wasn’t just any bottle, but a tiny, grimy messenger bottle with a pirate ship in it.  I started to feel frightened as I looked at my bottle and then at his.  How could there be two of the same exact messenger bottles? He went on telling me about where he found it and what it did to him.  The bottle appeared in the same exact spot as mine and as soon as he walked away from it, it pulled him right back in.  I was trembling with terror.
The moonlight started to hide behind the clouds, as if it knew something was going to happen.  I could hear the palm trees rustling as the wind started to pick up.  My heart started to race when I saw what had happened inside of the messenger bottle.  The pirate ship no longer lifeless but instead sailing in stormy waters.  His messenger bottle was doing the same thing.  We put both of them side to side to see what would happen.  A message glowed blue on the sides of both ships reading “Ye’ who find thee two bottles must search upon a third bottle hidden nowhere else, then itself”.  I looked frantically at him and then at the bottles.  I grabbed both the bottles, ran across the sand, and through them in the ocean far from finding us.  I started to run away but got drawn into the ocean by the bottles vibe.  He was now running anxiously towards the water to save me from drowning.  I felt his hand grab my arm as he pulled me out of the water with the two bottles.  I throw the bottles on the sand vigorously lying there breathless.  “What are we going to do now since we can’t get rid of these impulsive bottle?” he questioned.   “I guess do what the bottles say,” I murmured. 
Now we were sitting in the sand, hovering over the bottles, trying to figure out which one to open first.  We couldn’t open both of them at the same time because we didn’t know what would happen then.  He pointed to my bottle to open it first.  I picked the bottle up with my left hand and had my right hand on the cork.  I gently pulled the cork out of the bottle which made a quick popping sound.  All of the elements inside of the bottle twirled with a light blue to it, drawing us into the bottle.
I opened my eyes promptly at the feeling of being breathless.  I felt rain trickle upon my face as I stared at the gloomy, gray sky.  My whole body was wet from what I couldn’t figure out until I stood up.  Waves were splashing on and off of the ship gradually as if it never stopped.  Not just any ordinary ship, but a pirate ship.  I got up, ran across the deck to hide behind the stairs hoping that no one here saw me.  All of a sudden a hand covered my mouth and I began to scream.  It was his hand thinking that it would be funny to scare me in a situation like this.  I asked him if he saw the messenger bottle anywhere and said he didn’t.  Where are we supposed to find a tiny messenger bottle on this massive ship? We couldn’t just go wander the deck thinking that the pirates on this ship won’t do anything to us because they probably would.
   The ship kept swaying back and forth, throwing water everywhere.  The captain’s room was behind the staircase where we decided to look first.  The room was more quite then the deck.  It had a very large dining table centered in the middle with a maroon table cloth that covered it.  Lying neatly on top of the cloth were two dining sets, one on each end of the table.  Over on the right side of the room was what looked like his desk.  Spilled ink, a quill, half eaten apple, and ruffled papers were what laid upon the desk.   We started looking through the drawers in his desk, but didn’t find the bottle.  We looked around the room and never found the bottle.  The door started to open making a loud screeching sound.  We ran from behind the desk to under the table.  The captain walked forward towards us and then to the other side of the room where we bolted out the door towards the staircase.  I grabbed the bottle out of my pocket, took the cork out, pulling us right back into the bottle.  Instead of waking up lifeless after being thrown out of it, we were in the same positions as when we left for the first journey. 
It was now time to go into the second bottle.  I picked the bottle up with my left hand and had my right hand on the cork.  I gently pulled the cork out of the bottle.   All of the elements inside of the bottle twirled with a light blue to it, drawing us into the bottle once again. 
I still woke up breathless with rain dripping on my face, just like before.  The ship was exactly the same with its mad pirates and flashing waves.  I quickly ran to the staircase.  A hand grabbed my face but this time I didn’t scream because I knew it was him trying to scare me again but when I turned around it wasn’t him.  He was right beside me. 
  A lifeless, ghostly, little girl pulled her hand away from me.  She whispered, “Follow me” and she floated onto the other side of captain’s room.  I started to crawl towards the room when he grabbed my arm. 
  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to go in there. You don’t know what she’ll do, he cried.
    “I know, but she could also tell us where the third bottle is,” I alleged.
    We both entered the room and saw her floating on top of the dining table.  She came closer to us, staring into our eyes.  I could feel how cold she was as she got closer to me.
    “I was like you two back then when I stumbled upon the messenger bottle.  I read its message and found the missing bottle,” she whispered. 
   “What happened to the other two bottles?” he uttered.
    “The boy who found the other missing bottle on the beach stayed in the bottle while we were trying to find the last one.  Now he is forever inside of the bottle.  Both of you are now beholders of the bottles that you stumbled upon.  The bottle lives with you forever.  Once you die, you become the messenger bottle as a ghost floating on a ship like I’ve done until someone finds your bottle, releasing your spirt making you free.  The person who finds your bottle will take over the responsibility just like you have,” she decreed. 
“No, that can’t be true.  I want to die peacefully and not wander an imprudent ship forever!” he shouted. 
  “But that’s sadly not how it works, making you stuck with it just like me,” whispered the ghost.  The ghost took both of the bottles and opened them at the same time. 
It has now been 120 years since that dreadful day on the beach.  We now wait until someone can release our souls and set us free.  It feels never ending as we float, lifeless and lonely on a stormy ship.  No matter how long it takes we will always be the messenger bottle.

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