Annabelle | Teen Ink


October 29, 2015
By Puppie.loved BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Puppie.loved BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All your dreams can come true, if you pursue them." -Walt Disney

Ohio, October 31st, 1972. It was a Halloween night and there was a pep rally at the Roswell High school football game, the seats were loaded with fans, shouting and cheering. The star quarterback, Hunter, had the ball in his hands running as fast as he could dodging the other players. The  crowd was going wild when their team scored a touchdown. The “popular” kids were heading off to go to the after party for the players, they were pumped up and so excited they won the championship game. They drove off and they noticed a girl from there school walking home alone, her name was Annabelle, she was usually sitting by herself at lunch, and she was very shy most of the time.

“Hey do you want to come with us to the party and hang out with us?” Chelsea, the head cheerleader asked 

“Oh, um, no thank you I’m not very good at parties.” Annabelle explained

“It’s going to be really fun you should join us.” Hunter said

“Ya, sure, I’ll go.” Annabelle said cheerfully

Annabelle always liked Hunter ever since she’s been a freshman, but he’s always been taken by Chelsea, they’ve been dating for three years now.
Chelsea and Skylar saw something very suspicious about Annabelle, they thought that she liked Hunter. Skylar is Chelsea's best friend, they do everything together, like ballet, soccer, and now cheerleading.

“Wait, if you want to hang out with us you have to do something first, see that creepy old house over there, I dare you to go inside for one hour, and if you make it out alive then you can be with us.” Chelsea said

“I don't think-” Hunter tried to say as Skylar cut him off

“It's a perfectly good idea, if she's even brave enough to do it.” as Skylar said  with a smirk.

“Ya, if you want to hang out with us then you need to do it” Chelsea said eagerly

“Isn’t that house actually haunted though, I heard this story about this old lady, Ethel, used to live in there and she committed suicide in her bedroom, know one knows why she did it, but ever since she’s been haunting that house and whoever goes in it dies.” Zach, Hunter's best friend and Skylar's boyfriend added.

“That story is not real, don’t believe what Zach is saying Annabelle, he obviously doesn't know what he’s talking about”

“Fine I’ll do it, but you promise I get to be in your group?” Annabelle questioned

“Ya, it’ll be like we’ve known you forever.” Chelsey reassured

“She is not going to be in our group right? She is so weird.” Skylar mumbled to Chelsey

They park in right in front the haunted house, Hunter, Chelsea, Zach, Skylar, and Annabelle walk nervously up the steps to the haunted house. All of them open the door and walk in. It has cobwebs and dust every where, the floors crawled with spiders, and there was a creek in the floors.

“Lets leave, this place is creepy.” Annabelle pleaded

“Uh uh, you still have to complete the dare, we just got here, we are going to be outside waiting for you”  Chelsea said

“You can’t just leave me in here alone” Annabelle said

“This place is way too creepy, we should leave” Hunter uttered

Chelsea and Skylar came up with a plan.

“Let's tell her to go turn on the lights, and when she walks away lets walk out and lock the door behind us” Chelsea  schemed

“Anything to get us out of here. Ok let's do it, I think I hear something, maybe it’s that old lady. ” Skylar agreed

“Hey Annabelle, can you go turn on the lights? It’s too dark in here.” Chelsea asked

“Ok, I will.” Annabelle said

Annabelle walks over to go turn off the lights. While she’s walking, Chelsea, Skylar, Hunter, and Zach walkout the door and lock it behind them.

¨Hey guys, the lights don’t work. Where did everyone go? Hello?¨ Annabelle asked 

Annabelle hears a creak in the floors.

“Guys, this isn’t funny, come out, this isn’t a joke.” She says fearfully

She walks towards the door, and tries to open it but it’s locked. It won’t budge. She hears people talking on the other side.

¨I don’t think this is a good idea, we shouldn’t have just left her there¨ Hunter spoke

“Relax Hunter, it was just a joke, i'll open it. Wait, It’s unlocked, but it’s not opening” Chelsea adds

“Guys I hear something get me out of here!!” Annabelle shouts

“Here, maybe if I-” Zach stops for a moment

“Um, ok, maybe if me and Zach run to the door , and push on it” Hunter adds

“Ok, Annabelle, step back!” Skylar yelled

“One…..two…..three!!” Zach screamed

“It didn’t open!” Chelsea pointed out

”It must be the old lady I think she’s keeping the doors closed” Zach feared

”Zach, we told you that rumor isn’t true, stop filling your head with lies.” Chelsea argued

”Wait, I don’t hear anything inside. Annabelle, are you in there?!

They hear a loud scream coming from inside. The doors creak open very slowly, and they see Annabelle, hanging from the top of the stairs with a rope around her neck. Annabelle lifts her arms up and pulls the rope around her neck, and she falls to the floor and they hear a loud ¨thump¨. She lifts herself off the ground, and floats to the doors, they all step back in fear, she lifts them off the ground and slits their throats one by one, except Chelsea, but she’s still in the air.

¨Please don’t kill me, it was just a joke, I didn't mean for you to get killed¨ Chelsea cries

Annabelle slowly puts all of them down. Chelsea takes the keys from Hunters lifeless body and runs to the car. Puts the ignition on and starts to drive away, but that wasn’t the last of it. Annabelle lifts her hands in the air and the road behind Chelsea's car starts to crumble and fall into the earth. It keeps on getting closer and closer to her car. Chelsea notices in her rear view mirror, and she starts screaming. The rear end of her car starts sliding backwards and Chelsea starts to scream even louder. The car is gone and it is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. Annabelle quietly closes the door and goes back inside the Haunted house where she can spend the rest her life.

Now, every Halloween, if you go in the house you can hear the screams of the three teens who lost their lives. There is also a story about the girl in the car, and they put cement over her car and she haunts the road every Halloween night.

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