My Neighbor on Harvest Lane | Teen Ink

My Neighbor on Harvest Lane

December 16, 2015
By Anonymous

Harvest Lane was known as a quite picture perfect neighborhood. Although that reputation was shattered a few days after a sold sign took the place of the for sale sign that was in the front lawn of the only old and depreciated house on the street for the last few years.
Emily Carter; the single mother of Bentley Carter lived a busy yet gratifying life in their large brick house standing within the gated neighborhood. Several houses line Harvest lane, with white picket fences standing along the border of bright green lawns and colorful flower gardens embellish the porches of the houses. Emily was standing in her living room window watching her 15 year old son sitting in the yard playing video games; not quite what Emily had meant by “you need to start playing outside more.” While looking out the window she noticed a moving truck pull into the driveway of the old, rundown abandoned house that stood diagonal to the Carters house. A man about Emily’s age slid out of the driver’s seat, as far as she could tell he was the only one in the truck. She went over and opened the big black front door that lead to the porch where Bentley was still sitting, face buried in his tablet, playing the newest zombie hunt game.
“Look Bentley someone bought that old house across the way.” Emily said pointing   
across the street
“Sounds like an unfortunate investment if you ask me.” Bentley declared not caring
enough to even look up from his phone
“Well I think we need to go over and introduce ourselves to the new owner, lets go.”
Bentley looked up to shoot his mom an annoyed look but stopped and got up when he saw the serious, and demanding look on his mother's face. He knew not to push the issue when she looked at him that way, so he proceeded to walk towards the beat up house. When they got closer to the moving truck the air smelt like diesel fuel, and old furniture. As Emily knocked on the door, the red paint chipped off onto the cement porch, making them realize how long it had been since someone actually lived there. Moments later the man Emily had seen unloading the moving truck earlier, swung the door open.
“Yes? Can I help you?” he asked, looking puzzled.
“Hi” Emily said, “We’re the Carters, we live across the street, I’m Emily, and this is
my son Bentley, we thought we would come over and introduce ourselves, I apologize if
we have disturbed you while trying to move in”
“Hello!!” he said a little overly enthusiastically, “No you didn’t disturb me at all, nice to
see that they neighbors are polite. My name is Gabriel Tucker, I just moved here from
Lexington, a small town in the outskirts of Maine.
“Really?” Emily said shocked, “That’s my hometown and where Bentley was born, I wonder how we haven’t met before, it being such a small town and all” Emily said suspiciously.
Gabriel looked down at Bentley and and back up at Emily with a worried expression on his face.
“What are the odds, well I really must be going now, still have a lot of unpacking to get done before it gets dark out.” he said and quickly slammed the door.
“That was rude and kind of strange.” Emily thought to herself. She and Bentley walked back home and went inside. When Emily turned to shut the door she glanced back at the house to see Mr. Tucker  watching out his front window, she quickly swung the door shut, “that man gives me a very weird feeling,” she thought. “Gabriel Tucker. I just can’t seem to place him from anywhere in Lexington. Who is he really?” Emily said to herself. I shiver of fear ran down her spine, something was just not right, but what? She was certain she would have remembered Gabriel. A man with dark, almost black eyes and a scar that ran from his temple to his cheek, really isn’t hard to forget especially in a small town like Lexington, Maine, with a population of only about 216 people. Surely she would remember. Going to her closet, Emily dragged out her photo albums and old yearbooks, she began to search for any information on Mr. Tucker. Hours went by as she flipped through the piles of books and suddenly she spotted Gabriel’s picture in an old high school yearbook.
“This is so odd.” Emily exclaimed “I never saw Gabriel Tucker at Lexington High School while I was there. How could he possibly be in my graduating class picture?”
With a shrug she set the book aside for another day. It was already late and she still had to pack Bentley his lunch and a snack for before football practice tomorrow. She walked down stairs to find that Bentley hadn’t finished the dishes she had told him to clean up after dinner,
“BENTLEY DALE CARTER!” she yelled “I thought I told you to clean up these dishes before you returned to that game!” she waited for a response, knowing he wasn’t going to reply
“Ugh I’ll deal with him later.” she muttered to herself.
After Emily had finished working in the kitchen, and packing food for Bentley, she shut off the lights and headed upstairs to take a shower, knowing she had to be at the hospital early, for the morning nurse’s shift. She walked through the darkened house, as she passed by the living room window, she let out a scream. Gabriel Tucker’s face was pressed against the foggy window and his dark eyes were filled with hatred. Bentley came running out of his room, his footsteps sounding like a herd of elephants charging down the stairs.
“WHAT? what’s going on mom?” he demanded
Emily told him in a shaky voice what she had seen, Bentley ran outside onto the porch and looked everywhere but could not find Mr. Tucker anywhere.
“Mom… I think you should try to get some sleep, you’ve been working a lot of graveyard shifts the past couple of weeks  maybe the lack of sleep is catching up with you, because I don’t see anyone outside.” Bentley said.
Emily agreed and walked up the creaky wooden stairs, with widened eyes and shaky legs.
Later that night Emily awakens to find Gabriel standing over her.
“You don’t remember me Emily, but i’ve been watching you all these years, tracking your Facebook updates, your vacation photos on Instagram, and every tweet you have ever sent out about your nights out with friends. I knew everything you were doing and knew I loved you ever since the first day I laid eyes on you in our High school chemistry class. I’ve loved you from afar, while you were with Bentley’s father, and after he left you when he found out you were expecting, and still do as we speak today.” Gabriel said
“What do you want from me Gabriel?” Emily questioned trying not to show him her fear, “Am I just supposed to tell you I have loved you since high school? I don’t know who you are Gabriel, get out of my house and my neighborhood now and I won’t call the police on you.”
Gabriel continued, not even acknowledging Emily’s request “ Now you will pay for the heartbreak you have put me through Emily, you and your son.”
Just as Gabriel reached for the weapon in his pocket, Bentley charged into the room and tackled Gabriel, sending him flying off the bed with a sickening scream. Bentley rolls over off Gabriel to continue his tackle to find that he had pushed him onto his own knife, Gabriel Tucker was dead.

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