Strangers | Teen Ink


May 13, 2016
By Anonymous

 It was March 15, 2010 when I was taken from my home by a man who I thought I knew, whom I had met on a dating website.  I remember all of the nice things he would tell me and how much I “meant” to him. He promised me that I was everything to him that he wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt me. I remember every single little things up to the day he took me. It all started when my friend Claire told me about this app where you could just meet people and just have fun. At first I told her that she was crazy that I would never open an account like that. Later that day at lunch she told me that she had opened an account for me and that boys were dying to start talking to me. I loved the idea of having people interested in me, especially boys! I had never been talked to by any boy especially at school everyone was always mean to me. Not because I was ugly or anything for that matter, because I wasn’t. I was just smart and no one liked talking to me because I liked talking about interesting things that most teenagers don’t like to talk about. That night I went home talking to this boy named Mateo. He seemed like such a smart caring boy that I felt like if I didn’t talk to him something was going to happen to me. He made me feel like I had a place where I belonged. Mateo lived in New Mexico, but I felt like he was there with me everyday. From the time that I woke up to when I went to sleep. As the days progressed we continued to talk and he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I told him that I would. A few weeks later he gave me the good news that he was going to come to New York to visit me so that we could finally be together. All I had to do was wait until my school was on Winter break so that I could finally get to see my then Prince Charming. I decided to tell my mom about my secret relationship with Mateo because now that I knew that he was coming he would need to meet my parents and make everything perfect. My mother’s reaction was not the one I was expecting because she told me that I was crazy and that I shouldn’t be talking to strangers because I don’t know what their intentions are with me. I revealed this new information to Mateo and his solution was that I would tell her that I had ended everything with him like she had asked me to, then when he came i would tell my mom that I am sleeping over at Claire’s house and instead go with him to have an “adventure” as he put it. At first I was not so sure, but as the days got closer to my winter break he convinced me. The plan was that I would tell my mom that I am spending the weekend at Claire’s house so that we could do a project that was assigned to us. Instead of staying at Claire’s house I would go with him and have the weekend to see him. As the date started getting closer I started getting more anxious to be able to see him finally. I know that  all of this sounds like a fairytale, but it wasn’t because as that weekend arrived everything that I was supposed to do fell into place. I gathered all of the things that I needed for that weekend about five times. Mateo had arrived the previous night and the meeting time would be at 2:00 in the afternoon after he picked me up we were supposed to go back to the hotel he was staying at, But as we all now know that none of that even happened. It was 1:55 when he texted me and told me that he was outside of my house which was perfect because my parents weren’t home. As I was leaving my house my home phone rang and for some reason I felt obligated to answer it. When I picked up the phone Claire’s panicked voice came on begging me not to go, she said that she felt like it was a really bad idea! If only i had listened to her I wouldn’t had been taken against my will. I hung up the phone and left my house the only car that was parked outside was a white van I found that to be very suspicious, but I blew it off. I decided to call Mateo to ask him where he was and he told me that he was in the white van that was parked. He said that, that was the only car that was the cheapest to rent. After hanging up I made my way to the white van as I was getting closer something in my gut kept on saying that something was off, but I kept on brushing the feeling away. When I opened the door to the passenger side of the van Mateo was there the person from the pictures that were sent to me. In that moment all of my doubts and worries had disappeared. I got into the car and maybe a mile away from my safe home someone in the back put a wet rag in my face forcing me to inhale the toxic drug. After what seemed like seconds I was out cold. I woke up to a killer headache and dripping wet from the water that was thrown at me. When I finally recovered my vision completely I started to panic because I was now laying down on a gurney strapped down.When I looked around impatiently I saw that I wasn’t the only one that was there. There were approximately another 15 boys and girls. I didn’t understand what we were doing there, why we were strapped down like if we were a danger to whoever had us here. I tried to stay as calm as I possibly could, soon after waking up I started to hear footsteps come closer to me. A dim light uncovered Mateo’s face, his face showed no remorse, no emotion. He did not come alone he came with someone dressed like a doctor. The doctor came towards me with an IV in hand that’s when I really started to freak out, This was the moment that made me regret absolutely everything, everything started to replay in my head like a movie. I always thought that it was complete bullshit when people in movies portrayed it like that, but now I get what they mean.The doctor implanted the IV into my arm and whatever was in the IV made my veins feel like they were burning for a little while, but after the pain came the relief because I ended up passing out again. That new time that I had woken up it was similar to the previous but instead of having a headache I had so much pain in my abdomen that I felt like I had been ran over by a train. When I tried to move there he was, Mateo was looking at me like this was nothing new to him. I tried to move but I couldn’t it wasn’t like I was tied down or anything I just simply felt like I didn’t have the energy to even move a muscle. After a while I just gave up on trying to move. I knew that I would eventually move but at that moment what worried me was what had happened to my abdomen? Why was it hurting that bad? For those couple of minutes I had forgotten that Mateo was there until he started to talk. He said not to try to move as much because one of my kidneys was removed and the movement would cause the stitches to rupture. I could not believe that he just said that he just took my kidney with that much calmness. How would he like it if he was in my position and I in his? He also told me that they were just waiting for me to gain a little bit more strengths before they took me back to surgery to remove part of my liver. Mateo started to walk away then turned around and told me to forget about my family because they would never see me again because they were going to take every single organ in my body so that they could sell it in the black market. His words ran chills down my spine, I couldn’t imagine not seeing my mother or my father ever again! In that moment all I wanted to do was escape from the mess I had put myself in. I cried for a few hours trying to sooth myself then afterwards tears just couldn’t come out anymore. I started coming up with a plan, I decided that when Mateo returned to me and kept an eye on me I would steal his phone and send Claire a message saying that it was me asking for help telling her not to text back and also sending her the location with the help of the phone. I was so scared because I didn’t know if I was going to have that sort of strength to get out of the bed and walk towards Mateo and send the message that would not only save my life but all of the other people that were there. The time came when Mateo came to do his watch and played a few games on his cellphone and ended up falling asleep and dropping it on the floor which made it so much easier for me because he wouldn’t feel that I was taking his phone. As soon as I heard him snore I got out of the bed slowly and grabbed his phone from the floor and sent the planned message to Claire along with the location of where I was. I finished sending the message and when it was sent I deleted it so Mateo wouldn’t be suspicious. All I had to do next was wait for the help. It wasn’t long before the help came, although that it felt like it took forever now I know that it took them less than three hours to find the location of the warehouse where they were keeping us. I sighed in relief knowing that I would be okay from that point on. The next thing that I remember is waking up at an actual hospital with my mother sleeping next to my bed.This horrible experience is the reason why I am standing here in front of your school talking to you about why you should not talk to strangers because you don’t know what their intentions are with you. I know many of you might think that not everyone that’s out there that’s in a dating site is bad just be careful don’t become their next victim. 

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