The Bartender | Teen Ink

The Bartender

October 12, 2016
By Antoinette24 BRONZE, Riverside, California
Antoinette24 BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I’m tired of being alone, gosh it sucks.

Amanda Soto made her way down town to a small bar called St.Elmo’s. She walked towards the bar area and sat down.
“Hey Amanda how’s it goin’?!” said Justin.
Amanda looked up at him and smiled. “I’m fine, just another lonely and boring day”                        “How bout’ you?”
  “Oh i’m doing just fine thanks for askin’.” said Justin.
The bar was cold and filled with men screaming for the football game on the television. It smelled of beer and food. “The bar is a rough house tonight” said Amanda.
She called over one of the bartenders to fix her a drink. Jeez they take forever.  Justin comes over with a scotch on the rocks with a twist. “The usual ma’am” said justin  handing the drink over to her.
¨Thank you very much” she said with a relieved look on her face. As she takes a sip of her drink she realizes something very interesting. She nearly spit her drink it was so interesting.
Oh my , oh my, she thought. I think i just found a way to no longer be lonely.  With a very sinful look on her face she leaned over towards Justin and asked him a question. ¨Um, could I get my check please?¨ she said. He handed her the check , after she paid, they smiled at each other and she walked out.
As soon as she stepped outside she whistled for a cab. When the cab came to a halt she opened the door and got in, greeted the driver and told him where to go.
She started to think to herself…. I wonder if there is any wa- , the cab driver interrupted her thought. ¨Excuse me miss, were here.¨ She hands him the money and goes inside. She right away goes to her computer and searches ´Justin Carter´ on facebook. So many people showed up with the same name. After 15 minutes of searching she found him. ¨Yes, finally!¨ she said with much excitement.

¨ BINGO!¨ she screamed. She had found out everything that she wanted to know. His profile read , ¨single , bartender in seattle, I’m 27.¨ She scrolled through his profile  for at least two hours, after that she closed her laptop and went to sleep. As soon as she woke up she opened her laptop back up and started going through the rest of his profile. That took her a good hour.
¨Wow… there is so much I didn’t know about him.¨ Later that day she went back to the bar to ask what days Justin worked. ¨He works on thursday , fridays and saturdays¨, said the manager.
¨Thank you so much!¨ said Amanda with the sweetest look on her face. She went home and called Justin.
¨Hello?¨ said Justin.
¨Hi, Justin?¨ said Amanda
¨Yeah, who is this?¨ he said.
¨This is..¨ she said. She sat and thought of something to say.
¨This is someone who you will regret ever rejecting or ignoring¨ she said.
¨Uhh, how’d you get this number?¨  said Justin.
¨Look, that’s not a big deal right now.¨ ¨The deal is, your profile said you’re single so just wait and you’ll soon be mine!¨ Amanda said  and she hung up.
What in the world was that all about, random people like that give me anxiety. The next day was thursday, he worked that day. He got ready and went to work worrying that the unknown caller would find him. When he walked into the bar around five o’clock and there was many women sitting in random places.
I hope none of these ladies are the one that called me. Right away Amanda walked in. ¨Hi Juss’¨ said Amanda.
¨Juss?¨ ¨hahaha how did you know that was my nickname?¨ said Justin.
¨Oh I just heard a couple people call you by ´Juss´ ¨ ¨Is it alright if I call you by that too?¨ she asked.
¨Of course you can¨,he replied very quickly. Little did he know she’s the unknown caller he’s been dreading to run into all day long.
¨I have to go , see you later!¨ she said waving at everyone in the bar.

Later that night she drove by his house. She parked across the street at the corner and waited for him to arrive. Shortly after , Justin pulled up in his driveway and did not even notice her car just sitting there. She stayed parked until it was  dark. As she drove away Justin had noticed that the car has been there all day.
Hasn’t that car been there all day?? ¨This is starting to creep me out¨ he said to himself. The next morning he got ready for work and as he went to open his curtains, someone suspiciously was sitting on his porch. What the heck ? ¨HEY!¨ he screamed out of his window hoping it would scare them off or at least make them  look so he can see their face. The person glanced and ran to a white cadillac.
Gosh that was too close! Amanda got her phone and called him.
¨hello?¨ said justin
¨Hi¨ said amanda
¨can you please stop, this is outrageous!¨ he said
¨no sorry, not until you’re mine¨ and she hung up.
Justin was planning to invite Amanda over to see if she was the one. She walked into the bar and Justin popped the question.
¨Hey Amanda, would you like to come over for dinner tonight?¨ he said
¨Sure !¨ she said very excitedly.
She went home and got ready. She owns two cars, a white cadillac and a brown toyota. She decided to take the toyota knowing he had already seen the cadillac. About 30 minutes later she knocked on his door.
¨Hello Amanda¨ he said very suspiciously.
¨May I come in?¨ she asked.
¨Yes you may¨ said Justin.
Amanda came in and sat down at the table.
¨Do you mind, I have to make a quick phone call.¨ he said
¨No, no go ahead.¨ she said
Justin called the stalkers number and Amanda’s phone immediately rang. Justin heard and called the police. When the police showed up  Amanda had been arrested for ¨stalking¨ and was sentenced two years in prison.
¨See you in court!¨ said justin very happily.
¨I HATE YOU!¨ Amanda said sobbing.
After the court date , Amanda was pledged guilty and never heard from again… even after the two years were over.

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