Red Rain | Teen Ink

Red Rain

October 26, 2016
By Emily.M12 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Emily.M12 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The fog made it difficult to see outside no matter how much I strained my eyes. My name is Emma. I’m starting high school today. In 8th grade, some of my friends, who wanted to skip school on the last day of school, would teased me for being a goodie goodie. As I walked along the street, I noticed a red moving truck. At first I thought I was hallucinating, but I swear it was not there before. I admit it. I’m not a morning person and I sometimes do not pay attention, but that truck is way too big for me not to see it. Also, the truck could not have been in the garage. Shrugging it off I proceeded to lazily walk in the direction of the house. Then a girl around the same age as me walked out and yelled, “Wait for me I will walk with you to school. You do go to the high school right.”
“Um, I do go to a high school, but there are three near by. Which one do you go?”
“I go to the blank high school the same as you silly!”
“How do you know? I have not told you the name of my high school.”
I checked my back pocket where I had my school id. My school id was hidden, and my lanyard was not visible. The chances of guessing it right was slim to none. As a result, I just decided to forget it.
“Never mind. I’m sorry I  just been jumpy lately” I responded before she could respond to my next question. In response, she just smiled at me. I was examining her when I noticed that she was really pale with pitch black hair and eyes. I was brought out of my trance when she asked what’s your name.
“My name is Emma. May, I ask what’s your name?”
“My name is, she paused mid sentence as if thinking of a name, Olivia. It’s nice to meet you Emma.”
As we walked to school, she quickly questioned, "Do you like living with your parents? I wish I was old enough to live alone. Then I could do whatever I want." While she said that her face looked darker than before.
"Why do you say that?"
"No reason it's just that..."she trailed off.
She asked, “If we could go to a nearby park?” Once there she asked “Hey! Do you want to skip school with me. I promise it will be fun, Emma.”
“I don't want to skip school because we could get in trouble if someone sees us outside and a person will call the cops.”
“Fine be that way. Emma I will just skip by myself. Bye.” As I walked away, she ran up into me almost making me fall. “Hey! I thought you were not coming.”
“I changed my mind.”
The rest of the walk to school was tense. She walked slightly bent down in disappointment to school. After school I walked out of my last class and I noticed out of the corner of my eye, that Olivia was staring at me. I quickly walked home. Olivia sneaked up on me and pushed me accusing me of not liking her because I did not wait for her. Once I got home my mom, told me the new neighbors were going to eat with us. When Olivia and her mother came over to my house, it was hard to stare at her mother's face. It was like Olivia’s mom had no face, but just skin like a manikin. My parents did not seem to notice, but I was freaking out. Then, I asked to go to the bathroom. After a minute, Olivia came into the bathroom and pushed my against the wall. "You can see it. Can't you? You think my mom is ugly don't you? I wish I had a family like yours. A long time ago, my parents were executed for being "monsters". That manikin was the best I could do to remember her.”
“What are you talking about?”
I was frighten and trembling like a wet cat. Suddenly, Olivia in a blink of an eye bit into my arm. Emma’s nostrils were overwhelmed by the smell of my metallic blood. Blood was slashing out onto the ground like rain drops on a rainy day. Then, my blood started to rise and form into shackles. Then Olivia’s hands tangled around my neck. She pulled me into the living room. The shackles dug into the wall, she then kicked me in the gut making me spit up vibrant red blood.
"Mom and dad run away now. Olivia is crazy. I screamed hoping they already left because of me screaming in the bathroom."
“Oh, it's too late for that Emma. I have them. Want to see them? she smirked at me awaiting my answer."
“Let them go you monster."
"That's very hurtful you're supposed to be my friend.”
I want to cry, but since we're not friends anymore. She struck my face. I felt my nose shatter into pieces. I was nearly unconscious when I saw a blade made of blood coming towards my heart. I awoke in a cold sweat to the beeping of my alarm clock. I convinced myself it was just a nightmare. I went running down the stairs yelling, "Mom and dad, where are you?" I screamed frantically until my voice felt like it was about to burst. I ran to the living room and saw blood all over the walls and floor feeling nauseous. I throw up. I ran to where the monster lived. She was waiting outside smiling like nothing happened, I was enraged, so I tackled Olivia through a window. I got up. Olivia’s head was throbbing from the pain of the glass that was sticking out of her head. Suddenly, Olivia became a puddle of blood. Then, out of the house came my parents, who did not remember anything that happened. That's when I awoke from a coma caused by an accident. I remembered what happened. A woman, who dressed in black, was pale as a sheet with black hair and eyes had attacked me about a month ago. When I got home my mom told me of a family that just moved in.
“After your accident it would be good to make new friends they have a girl the same age as you. She's a nice girl.” mom was interrupted by the door bell ringing. Standing in the doorway was the girl in my dreams. I have to be careful just in case.

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