Who Did It | Teen Ink

Who Did It

October 25, 2016
By aliminix33 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
aliminix33 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All you could hear was people yelling for people to go. The honking started giving me this intense pounding in my head. New York traffic is terrifying in the morning, and there’s no way to get to your job or home without the traffic. I knew I should've left sooner in the morning, and I could have probably missed all of this. I was finally moving after about thirty minutes of waiting. I could see the building it was only two minutes away. Then I started to see people slow down and start to stop. I got so mad in frustration I honked my horn for about five minutes start. After about an hour of waiting I finally got in the parking lot of my job.
I normally never get this frustrated with anything. I’m a very easygoing person, but people normally say when I do get mad I’m a terrifying person to be with. I always have a smile on my face even with the most difficult times. When I was about a year old. My parents got in this accident. I don’t exactly remember what happened. After I grew up I got more into being a detective because I didn’t want people to go through what I went through.  I’m always nice and generous to people because I don’t know what they are going through. I have dark brown hair that is put to the side with crystal blue eyes. I am a tall man for my age, I am twenty-five years old.
   Even after all of the frustration I went through driving none of that was going to ruin my day. I walked through the doors with a smile on my face, ready to start my day off better. I walked over to my station to set down my paperwork for the boss. I heard my phone start to ring and when I heard the ringtone I knew who it was exactly. It was the only man I work for which is my boss. My boss is a very old man and no one knows what his real age is. Everyone says he’s fifty-six, but I don’t think that’s his real age. He has the whitest hair you’ll ever see. It looks like it has been dyed. When you look through his eyes you can see all the pain he has been through his whole life.  He has scars all over his face and he looks like he’s been through a war he has lost.
“What do you got for me today boss?” I said with a questionable voice.
“There has been an attack so John get here as soon as possible!” The boss said
“Okay? What’s the address?”
“1800 drive lane.”
“Okay I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
I ran around the office getting everything I needed into my transport bag. While I was getting everything ready I couldn’t stop thinking about what the boss needed me for and why he didn’t tell me. I took my long legs out of the office door. I walked nervously to my car with my head filled with bad thoughts to what might have happened. I was shaking trying to grab my keys from my pocket. I finally got my keys out of my pocket and I unlocked the car. I shoved everything into the passenger seat. I put the keys in the highjack, and all you could hear was the car speaking loudly. I ran through traffic without a thought about it. I finally arrived to the scene and everyone just looked at me when I forcefully opened the car door. The puffy eyes just stared at me with a hurtful look that’s when I knew it was either him or her.  
I walked over to the crowd of people, and I saw the only person I knew since birth. It was my best friend the only person that helped me with everything in my life, and it was Carl. He laid there without an expression, no movement, no nothing, and he looked like he was in pain. Carl was one of the deactivated for the FBI and he was the best of the best. He had black shimmery hair that was put to the side, and everyone loved the way his hair fell. He has dark painful gray eyes no one knew what he has been through besides me. He had a great personality that everyone liked. Everyone was drawn to him there was no one that disliked him. If you were important to him and you betrayed him he would never be able to cope with it.
I could feel my heart shattering inside my chest and I could feel all the emotional memories come back. I could feel the eyes just staring at me, and no one said a word. Everyone was still broken inside.
“John are you okay?” said my boss.
“Yeah I’m fine” I replied nervously.
“Okay now let’s figure out what happened to him.”
I start to examine him with a disgusted look. I knew he was gone and I would never see him again. I noticed that he had bruising on his wrist and ankles. He has unusual scaring that looks like that has been there for two weeks.
“That doesn’t make any since?” I whispered softly.
How can he hide the scarring if all he wears are t-shirts? Wait it does make sense he was on vacation for two weeks. The agents started to walk over to get the body. I walked away as fast as I could so no one could ask me questions. I reach my car before anyone asked me questions.
I just sat in my car and here came all the thought I was trying to block out. What happened to him? Could I have saved him before all of this? How am I going to hide my emotions from everyone? I could feel the wetness of the tears rolling down. I could feel the salty water in my mouth. No matter how hard I tried the tears wouldn’t stop rolling down. It felt like I had nothing to live for. I sat in my car feeling the tears roll down my face.
I wiped away all of the misery and confusion from my face and drove out of the parking lot. I reached the building that would answer all of my questions. When I walked through the doors no one said a word to me. I reached my desk and immediately logged into my computer. I went through Carl’s emails, calls, texts, and I went through when he got on the plane for his trip. Everything seemed normal nothing unusual he got on is plane at the normal time, he answered all his calls, and he answered all of his emails on time.
“Is there something I missed?” I whispered.
I pushed in my chair with all my frustration I was going through. I walked down to the lab to hear what Rilee had for me. Rilee is this really sweet girl that would do anything for anyone. It takes a lot to make her mad or upset and when you do she seems like a different person. I’m the only friend she has that she trusts with anything. Everyone she has known betrayed her to see her in pain. She has lushes brown hair that falls perfectly in her shoulders. She has the brightest green eyes that you just fall in love with. I have known Rilee since I was about 15 when we had chemistry together. I have been in love with her since the first day I met her. I don’t think she likes me as much as I like her though.
I walked to the elevator to get down to the lab. I reached the elevator thinking about everything that was happening with me. I slammed the button down without any hesitation. No one heard the loud bang that came from it. I felt my stomach drop when the elevator moved. Once it stopped and I reached the lab I was ready to hear any news she had for me.
“RILEE!” I yelled.
“YEAH JOHN!” She screamed back
“I’m right here.”
“Okay, what do you have for me.”
“The marks you saw on his wrists and ankles. Those are hand cup marks, and the scaring you saw those are cuts. It looks like her got those the day after he left. He looks like he was purposely like this.”
“So you're telling he was held captive?”
“Yeah and who ever were messing with was smart hiding his tracks.”
“I don’t care if he was smart hiding them or not I’m going to figure this out.”
I walked out of the lab so fast I didn’t want Rilee to see me mad. No one deserves to that not even the worst of the worst. I reached the elevator it temptation once I reached the main floor. I went through his records and read his emails. I notice something very odd about his responses. When Carl responses he always has complete sentence but whoever this was did not.
I spent hours upon hours reading through all of his messages. One thing I couldn’t understand was how did he get on the plane and back here without anyone noticing. What if he wasn’t really the one that got on the plane…what if someone else got on the plane acting like him? The next thing I knew I was woken up from Rilee shaking me.
“What happened to you?” She asked with worrying look on her face.
“I fell asleep working on Carl’s case.” I said still drowsy.
“Are you okay with all of this? I know he was your best friend and the only person that has been with you your whole life.”
“No I’m not fine. I lost my best friend I lost the only person that I can trust with anything!”
“Everything will be okay John I know your struggling with all of this.”
“Just let me figure out what happened with him please. I don’t want to feel like what I felt with my parents.”
Rilee walked away in total frustration.  I logged onto my computer trying to remember what happened last night. Then all of the memories came back and I had two suspects. I got up from my chair and walked to my bosses office to tell him the suspects.
           "Boss I have two suspects." I walked in telling him.
            "Who are they?" He replied back.
             "David and Kevin."
             "Okay do your research on them and go get the killer."
             "Will do sir."
             I walked back to my computer and started with my research on them two. David works as car owner he's not a trustworthy person. He has an ex-wife which is Carl's girlfriend Carl took David's wives from him. David has a lot of people that hate him and a lot of enemy's. Kevin is the type of person you want to be friends with. You also don't want to get on his bad side you'll never hear the end of it. Carl and Kevin were in a fight to be the best deactivate. Carl won and made a war between them two.
             I went to David's house in anger but I didn't want him to know I was mad. I reached his door and knocked there was no answer. I knocked again until he finally answered the door David was still in his pajamas when he answered.
            "I would like to ask you some questions" I said with a steady tone.
            "What is this about" he asked with a worried look.
            "Where were you on Saturday at 7:00 am?"
            "I was at home."
           "Is there anyone that can say you were?"
           "I have cameras that you look at"
           "Why do you have cameras inside you house?"
           "Just in case someone breaks in I have video."
           "Oh okay."
           I look through the videos and he was not a suspect no more. I drove to Kevin's house ready to arrest him. I knocked really hard this time for intimidation.
          "I would like to ask you some questions to the murder of Kevin James" I asked.
          "Okay what is this about?"
          "Where were you on Saturday at 7:00am?"
         "I was at my sister's house."
          "Where is your sister?"
          "SIS COME HERE!"
         "What do you want" she responded.
         "Was I with you Saturday at 7:00am?"
         "Yes you were."
          "Okay thanks sis."
         "Is that enough proof?"
         "Yes that will be all."
           I drove back to the office in frustration. What am I going to do now? I walked in then it all clicked.
          "I KNOW WHO DID IT!" I yelled.
           Everyone looked at me confused. I ran out of the building and into my car. I drove as fast as I could to get to the killers house. I slammed my car door in anger yet excitement. I used all my force to knock down the door. Once the door was down I saw all the pictures and pain in Carl's face. I turned around and I saw the murders eyes staring at mine then everything went black.

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