Allurement of The Devil | Teen Ink

Allurement of The Devil

December 9, 2016
By lsontiveros98 BRONZE, Greeley, Colorado
lsontiveros98 BRONZE, Greeley, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I gaze around, in search for a particular person. I am standing on the second floor of the ball room. Below me is an army of ants, sashaying from one side to the other. All the women are dressed in long elegant gowns. They all glance at each other with an envious look, raising their chins up in the air afterwards. The men are all dressed in black suits with silver bow ties. Each one of them with a glass of wine on their hands, either minding their own business or talking to the ladies. I walk back and forth, still looking for that particular person which I had met not so long ago at a club I went to last weekend with my girlfriend. I know I shouldn't be meeting other people but this girl. She is something else. I don't even know this girls name. But there was something that compelled me to see her once again. I am lost in my thoughts when I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a short old lady standing behind me wearing baggy old clothes. I wondered how in the world they let her in here lookin like that.

“Looking for someone young man?”  She asks
“No, no one in particular. Just enjoying the view.” I reply, forcing out a smile.
She stares into my eyes for a few seconds, as if she knew I was lying. She slowly turns around and starts walking away.
“Shell arrive Mike, shell arrive” I hear her mumble under her breath.
“ Wait!” I say “ How do you happen to know my name? Have we met before?” She rudely ignores me and keeps walking away. It was probably one of the strangest things that has happened to me all night. I've never seen this lady before, but apparently she knew me. I ignore what  just happened and turn back around. As soon as I do I see the big golden doors in front of the ball room open up. My eyes instantly glance at that direction. There she is, making her grand entrance, like she owns the world. I can already smell her perfume from up here. It is a very exotic, rich scent, that attracts me to her, and only her. Her long, black, silky, hair falls down her back like a waterfall. Her big black eyes pop out, enhancing her face. Her vibrant, red lips call my name. All her features allure me. With her right hand she flips the hair covering part of her face back while she glides her left hand down the side of her sangria red dress. It's like she already knows I've been staring at her since she entered the room. My body automatically starts to make its way down the golden stairway. It is impossible to stop myself. Even if I wanted to. By the time my foot meets the last staircase, I notice that she is gone. I lose myself into the dancing crowd, in search for her. Everything around me starts to move in slow motion. Except for me, and someone up top, where I was a few minutes ago. It’s her.
How? How is this happening right now? I don't remember me losing sight of her.
Everything goes from slow motion to fast forward. It's all very blurry. I hear distorted voices coming from all around. I can't comprehend a single word. In less than a second, everything goes back to normal again. Everyone is moving normal, and I can make out what they are saying. I feel a warm soft breath behind my ear.
I hear a soft whisper, “follow me.”
Once I notice it is her, I follow without hesitation. I see her walk out a back door. The door leads us into a long dark hallway, with nothing but blank white doors. All of them were white except for one. At the end of the hallway. I spot a black door, in which she goes into. I go in, behind her. The door closes behind me and the room becomes pitch black. There is no sign of life. I am inside a black hole. I can't even yell out her name because like I said earlier. I have no Idea what her name is! A bright light is shot into my face. Looked like a spotlight from where I am standing. I can finally see, and I find myself tied down to a chair. I can feel myself panicking inside.  She comes out of the darkness. Her long, black, straight hair is now red in big, puffy, curls. Her sangria red gown is now a short jet black leather dress. She starts dancing around me. Her moves hypnotize me. My head moves with the movements of her body. She dances like a cobra snake. Me being tied down to the chair is torture. The more she dances the more my desire for her grows. She starts dancing further and further away. I am suddenly free. A bright heavenly like light blinds me completely. After a few seconds I get my sight back and the first thing I see is rocks. I am surrounded by big rocks. I twirl around and find her standing at the very end of one of the rocks. She is staring down at the endless pit that is one step away from her. She carries something on her right hand but I can't quite distinguish what it is from where I am standing. I blink and by the time my eyes open again, I have her right in front of me. Now I am the one that's a step away from falling down into the endless pit. She places her left hand on the right side of my neck and pulls me closer to her. Her lips are less than a centimeter away from mine  when BANG! The sound of a gun echoes through the rocks. I feel my body wobbling. As I reach for her right hand, I feel a gun pointing straight to my heart. She pulls herself back and removes the gun, placing it on her lips. She kisses it and then places it on my lips putting force on it causing me to lose balance. I can feel myself falling. Further and further, like the rain. I can still see her staring down at me. Except it's not really her anymore. It is la static image of the devil disguised as a woman. Then it's an angel. Then its her again. I can see a smirk on her face. I can feel my heart beat slowly drifting away. I can see the light fading. I can feel myself dying.

The author's comments:

Story inspired by “Sail” by Awolnation

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