The Girl | Teen Ink

The Girl

January 27, 2017
By Anonymous

The girl
Late at night- Asali Davin is held up in an abandoned factory.  The factory smelled of age, filth and rust.  The holes in the roof providing the slightest bit of light.  Nature has run this factory for years and now Asali hids in it. Asali is sitting in the floor manager's office watching tv and eating. 
“When are you going to leave Asali?” the girl asks as she appears behind Asali.
“When are you going to leave me ALONE!” Asali screamed.
“No need to get mad Asali, I’m just trying to help you. I’m your friend.”
“No, no, no you are not my f***ing friend.  You want me dead.”
“No I don’t.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Why are you here?”
“You are avoiding the question.  You want me dead and that’s it. Who are you?”
The girl looked Asali in the eyes then giggled and skipped out the door and she was gone.  Who was this girl?  Was she one of his victims?  He doesn’t remember a nine year old girl.  Why were hear eyes so blue, almost blinding to him.  Asali had so many questions.  The girl had be gone for a hour when Asali heard a noise outside the office.  He drops to the floor and has a pistol in one hand and a knife in the other.  He now uses the mirror that he set up so he could see out the manager's window without being seen. Asali sits there waiting.  If it is nothing Asali will still stay in this position all night.  Asali waits and waits, suddenly something moves.  Unable to make out the shape or size something moved to a dead end in the factory.  Asali thinks that he can ambush who or whatever it is, he slowly gets up from his positions.  He exits the office and tip toes to the dead end.  Asali finally is close enough to see what it is.  His back is to a large shelf that is a wall to the dead end.  Asali peaks the corner and sees nothing.  How could this be? He definitely saw something.  Asali panics and starts to run back to the office.  As he is running he trips and is knocked unconscious.  Asali wakes up tied to a old wooden chair with a bag over his face.  Asali feels extreme pain every move makes something stab him more.  Asali sees light come through the bag he screams more.  The bag is removed and Asali is temporarily blinded by the bright light in the room he is in.  When he regains sight the first thing he sees is a hooded figure who quickly stabs Asali in the chest.  Asali wakes up with a jump.  He fell asleep watching tv.  Asali then hears the noise again and once again he is down in the position staring out at the factory with the mirror.  Then there is more noise that Asali does not recognize, voices. 
“Watch your foot dumb***.”
“Awe, S***! Man! Uhhh!”
Asali could melt the mirror at this point nothing escapes his sight on the mirror.  It sound slike two young kids who just walked into their own graves.  Asali brands his gun and knife to himself. 
“So why am I here again?”
“Just quit your b****ing and follow.”
Asali is ready, he is letting them come to him.  He can hear two sets of footsteps, one stepped into a puddle.  He focuses at the door to the office ready to ambush.  The footsteps stop, they are close, but they’ve stopped.
“Dude let’s get the **** outta here!”
Asali looks back to the mirror and sees a teenager staring right at him through the mirror.  The teenagers turn around and began to run.  Asali opens the door and fires at the one that saw him.  Asali fires 13 rounds at the kid.  Yet he is still up and running.  Asali knew at least one shot hit why isn’t he screaming in pain or bleeding.  Asali watches him leave through the side door, he follows and the kid is gone.  No blood anywhere, nothing.  Asali is terrified, he had know idea what was happening.  He began to run into the forest that is adjacent to the factory.  He is sprinting through the forest looking for the kid. Asali comes to a paved road and stops.  He looks around, no cars.  Asali crosses, once at the other side Asali checks all of his pockets.  He doesn’t have it.  He replays the last minutes through his head and he doesn’t remember grabbing it.  He forgot it, he turns around faces the forest and starts sprinting back through the forest to the factory.  Asali trips and Is knocked unconscious.
He wakes up again in the chair no bag this time.  He screams in pain for a while.   The room is dark Asali hears a door open behind him the light comes on.  Now a man stands in front of Asali.  His holding a knife, before Asali can ask what is happening the man stabs him in the chest.  As he plunged the knife his hood slides back and Asali gets a glimpse of the man's face.  He wakes up on the other side of the road.  Asali checks his pockets and doesn’t have it.  He has to have with him so he starts to run back through the forest to the factory.  Being as erratic as he can.  He still trips and is knocked unconscious.  Asali wakes in a different room than the others.  He has a bag on his head and he removes it.  He looks around the room to see a knife a door and a light switch.  He inhales through his nose and is hit by a terrible gut wrenching smell.  Asali looks around the room and sees the girl on the floor with her throat cut.  She has been dead for a while, she is decomposing.  Asali grabs the knife and then waits.  He is baffled by what was happening to him. Suddenly there is screaming coming from the other side of the door.  Asali is lost in his own thought and the screaming breaks him from it.  He feels extreme pain in his head.  He thinks the screaming did this to him.  He opens the door, another room with a man tied to a chair with a bag on his head.  Asali realizes the room he is in the one his being seeing in the other dreams.  Asali removes the bag to see his own face.  But it isn’t him that he remembers.  Asali never had those scars or those open cuts.  Asali was terrified.  He was still screaming, Asali standing felt all of the pain.  He fell back holding himself and jabbed himself with the knife he screams twice at the same time.  Asali looks at the blade he makes a decision.  He couldn’t take it so he did it.  He stabbed the man that couldn’t be him in the chest.  Asali was yanked back into real world where he found himself on the ground with his own knife in his chest.  Asali just lays there and lets himself bleed to death.  Asali finally feels some relief.   He hears footsteps he looks it’s the girl.  She walks up to him. 
“Yay!” she shouts. 
“You got what you wanted, let me ask who the hell are you and why did you want me dead?” Asali gurgled through his own blood now filling his mouth.
“Nope I can’t tell you because you won’t let me.”
“What?  Please tell me!  I need to know.  I allow you to tell me.  Please.”  Asali spat with his last breath.
“I’d tell you my name, but the dead don’t have memories.  Good bye Asali I always hated you.” 
Asali looks at her as she slowly fades away.
Morning- Garrett Johnson wakes up in his bed filthy.  His room is dark, but he can feel the dirt and can smell the filth. 
“What the **** was I doing last night?” He asked himself.  He gets up and walks to his shower.  He gets in, closes the curtain, and the girl appears.  His tall figure is silhouetted to her as she sits and waits on the counter.  Waiting for him to notice her.  Garrett finishes up and starts to exit the shower as he sees her staring at him.
“AHH WHAT THE F***?!?!” Garrett yells at her.  He loses his footing and pulls the curtain down with him.
The girl laughs so hard she gets teary eyed. 
“That was hilarious Garrett!  Good way to start our conversation.” 
“Who the **** are you? And how the f*** did you get in here?”
“I got in here somehow, but I can’t explain that to you.  Garrett I was wondering did you notice the bullet holes in you while you were in their?”
Garrett lifts up the shower curtain and sees holes, red blood gushing holes.  He is petrified he feels nothing but the pain from the fall in the shower. 
“WHAT THE **** IS HAPPENIN?!?!” Garrett screams.
“Calm down so those two bullet holes represent the days you have left on this world whether you like it or not.  I guess I’m here to help you do the things you want to do.”
“What no now way is that true!  Why don’t I feel anything?  Why don’t these hurt?”
“Well you should have died at the factory, but I traded you for someone else, but you still have to come.  Sorry.”
“What? That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Well I think it’s best to just accept it.”  The girl jumped off the counter and extended a hand to Garrett.  He got up on his own and asked her to leave the bathroom.  She opened the door and went into his room.  Garrett got dressed slowly trying to make sense of it.  His clothes weren’t being soaked by the holes.
“Why isn’t this bleeding through?” Garrett asked as he opened the bathroom door.
“Because technically you are dead and the things you do won’t be remembered by the people in this world.  So it’s basically a simulation so you can have some last moments with people.  And those bullet holes only exist for you and me.”
“Oh god this is really heavy.”
“Yeah, so what do you want to do today?”  she asked playfully almost like she completely forgot what was happening. 
“What the ****?” Garrett put a cigarette in his mouth then lit it as he was pondering what to do.  Garrett was lost, “What am I supposed to do?  If I’m going to die just let me die no need for this stressful s***.”
“Noted, you seem awfully complacent with the fact of your death?”
“Because death has no meaning.”
“But you don’t seem all that worried about not experiencing a lot of life”
“Because I don’t care.  Because life has no meaning either we're just here. I don’t even care what your name is.”
“It’s Abigail, Abigail Davin.”
“Well Abigail I don’t care about my life and majority of the world doesn’t either and I was just riding it out.”
“Hmmm.  What now then?”
“I don’t know.  Abigail what do you want to do?”
Abigail smiled and then faded away Garrett did the same.  He found himself in a old house.  It was trashed the smell of animal s*** and rot assaulted Garrett's nose.  He was in a kids room or what was left of it.  Garrett looked around for Abigail, he opened the door into small hallway.  There were pictures on the wall.  They were pictures of Abigail, but no one else.  One photo looked like Abigail was just floating in air.  Someone must have been holding her, but they weren’t there.  As Garrett was examining the photos Abigail appeared behind him.
“My Mom and Dad were in those photos, but I erased them because they both died.”
“What? How? Why would you do that?”
“To get rid of the memories.”
“What the memories?”
Abigail’s mood immediately changed.  Garrett aw her get physically sad. 
“My Father was an angry man who lost his mind.  He killed my Mother then killed me.”  Abigail cried,  “ he was also the man who killed you.”
“Holy s***.” Garrett stood there petrified looking at the photos and then back to Abigail,
“Oh god I’m sorry.  Why did you want to come here?”
“Because my Father died last night and I wanted to burn this place down.  I can’t do it so I was hoping you could.”
“How would I do that?”
“There is cans of gasoline in the garage. I’ll help you spread it all over then you start the fire.”
“Okay, I guess.”  Garrett started headed towards the garage. He had never been in the house before, but for some reason he knew where he was going.  He opened the door of the garage to five cans of gasoline.  He handed the smallest to Abigail.  He gabbed two and started pouring.  In the kitchen, the living room, upstairs, bedrooms, and the basement.  It no longer smelled of s*** and rot, just gas.  Abigail meet Garrett in the living room. 
“Okay that’s done.” Garrett said as he looked around. 
“Yeah okay you can light it.”  Abigail said.
“Hey can I just go after this?  Like die?  I don’t want anymore time in this s*** world of s*** people.”
“Are you sure?”
“Definitely.”  Garrett smiled as he pulled is lighter from his pocket.  Opened it struck the flint and created a flame.  The room was engulfed in flames with in seconds.  Garrett watched the explosion in slow motion.  He looked at Abigail, she smiled and extended her hand.  In it is a coin with names on it.  Garrett reads three names and they are his own, Abigail and Asali.  Garrett reached out to grab it and he was gone.

The author's comments:

It's a mystery that is very strange. 

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