Dark Spaces | Teen Ink

Dark Spaces

January 20, 2017
By Anonymous

I sighed and picked up the phone with contempt. My whole day felt as if it was dragging along very slowly but that was nothing new. When I woke up this morning, I was determined to make the best of the day and be content and possibly happy, but as every day, that never happened. Instead I found myself in bed all day trying to muster up the courage to get up. When I finally had to because of work, it took all the strength I had to take a shower and get dressed.
I answered the phone with minimum enthusiasm.
“Hello, this is Pizza Planet. My name is Andrea. How may I help you today?” I asked.
“Um, I would like a tray of pizza please,” said a low voice.
“Okay, but what type of pizza?” I inquired.
The customer wanted plain and requested it to be delivered. Basically, this ruined my whole night because it was almost time for me to go home and I was looking forward to leaving right at closing time. With another sigh I got in the company’s vehicle. I looked at the address of the house she was going to and realized I did not recognize the street. I put the address in my GPS and started driving. My mind started to wander to another time, when I was happy and motivated in life.
Before, I had been second in the class rank, at my school. I worked hard for that spot and used to stay up all night studying usually because after school I had work and sports. Always, I was striving to be the best that I could be. I loved my life and herself and because of that I was always trying to make other people feel as good about themselves as I felt about myself. This part of my life was up until eleventh grade. Now at 21, I am working at a pizza store on government money, barely making ends meet and most alarming of all, I really do not care about this situation I have put myself in at all.
I was starting to get very tired and struggled to keep my eyes open. I felt weighed down more than usual and it was affecting my driving. I decided to put the window down to let cold air come into the car to attempt to wake up.
Suddenly, I arrived on the street. Everything was eerily quiet unlike the busy, noisy streets which I had just left. There were no lamp posts so it was immediate darkness other than the car’s headlights. It was such a drastic change and I felt very suddenly, deep down in my core, that something was very wrong. The houses on the street were old fashioned Victorian designed and they felt as if they were staring down on me, making me feel uncomfortable. Everything inside me was yearning to get away from the street full of darkness.
  I pulled up to the house that the GPS instructed me too. It was slightly more modern than the other houses that I passed. The roof and windows were white and the rest was black which I found unusual because I never saw a house quite like this one before. Suddenly, I felt very awake. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I went around to the passenger door and grabbed the pizza box. I wanted to go home very much so, I decided to go through with the delivery as fast as possible. I ran up the stairs and knocked quickly three times.
The door suddenly opened and I was face to face with a middle aged man. He was dressed as if he just came back from a party with a blue suit jacket that matched his blue eyes. He was of average height, but was not really filled out. His black hair was gelled back and shined as bright as his eyes. He grinned at me as he took the pizza from me and put in on a table next to the door. I took that chance to look inside the house because how other people lived their lives interested me. He seemed to be a very clean and organized person, with all of the house looking as if it were in a designer magazine. The tiled floors were spotless and while my house had things just placed randomly, his house had everything put away neatly on shelves and I didn’t see anything that seemed out of place.
He looked up at me after setting the pizza down and smiled again.
“I must have forgot my wallet on the couch,” he exclaimed.
I nodded and said okay and waited as he walked away to get the wallet.
He stopped and turned around to my surprise. “Do you want to see the rest of the house? It is rather nice I must say”.
I shook my head no adamantly. This was too much I thought. I started to shake a little out of fear because the whole situation seemed odd.
“Can you just bring the money to me and hurry because I need to get home,” I asked loudly.
He shook his head no and started approaching me fast. I took a step backward to get out of the house and nearly tripped on the step and then he was there, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me inside. His fist withdrew from his side and then, all I saw was black.
When I wake up I am instantly awakened by pain all over my body. I feel as if I am going to throw up. Next, I notice my hands are behind my back so I try to move them but they are stuck. I realize then that my whole body is tied to the chair and I can’t move.  I open my eyes and all is black.
“The lights must be off,’ I think.
Instantly, to my right, I hear a loud crash and I flinch full of fear. The lights suddenly come on and it takes me a second to focus on my surroundings. I hear running and then screaming and look over to see a girl my age on the ground. She looks to be in pain and her eyes are wide with fear. The girl is in the same situation as I am and seems to have rocked her chair backwards to the point it fell on the ground. The floors are carpet, thankfully, or she might not have had the opportunity to be screaming right now.
I follow her gaze to see the man who ordered the pizzas off me grinning down at her. He is holding a knife in one hand.
He looks over at me suddenly and exclaims, “Look who decided to wake up and join the fun!”
He walks over to me and continues smiling. He bends down so we are at eye level with each other and puts the knife on my throat.
“I have been watching you for a while now,” he says.
I start shaking out of fright. Who was this man? Why was he following me? What does he want from me?
He starts to laugh and then stops just as suddenly.
“I bet you want to know why you are with me right now. Well, I will tell you. Your father promised me you as long as we had a deal. I am a lawyer you see and I have that little issue you have with daddy all wrapped up so no lawyer would believe you if you called the police and went to court. I get to have you all to myself now and you will soon be wishing you were with your father,” he said grinning.
I gasped. How can this be happening? I thought all that was in the past. I closed my eyes remembering how in eleventh grade my father would beat me and molested me constantly. Everything I had worked so hard in school for seemed to be pointless because all I could focus on was the pain physically and mentally. He would tell me no one would ever want me but him and I was worthless and would always be his. I am now five towns away from him so he can not find me but apparently, all that is fruitless, because this man knows where I am, who talks to my father.
“What do you want from me,” I gasp.
“I want to own you. From now on you are not your fathers. You are mine. You will do what I want, whenever I want it. Your life is already worth nothing anyways. Now you have a point, to please me. I want you to be my wife and the girl over there will be my second wife when you get boring. You both will be whoever I want you to be at the moment I want it. Do you understand?” he asked.
I nodded submissively realizing my life was over. There was nothing I could do to change my fate. I could not fight back. If I tried to run he would surely catch me. I looked my master in the eyes and knew I was powerless against him. His gaze was cold and hard as ice. Now those eyes will be the ones who control me the rest of my life. This has to be okay because there is nothing I can do but live here with him and try to please him. 
Dark Spaces
I sighed and picked up the phone with contempt. My whole day felt as if it was dragging along very slowly but that was nothing new. When I woke up this morning, I was determined to make the best of the day and be content and possibly happy, but as every day, that never happened. Instead I found myself in bed all day trying to muster up the courage to get up. When I finally had to because of work, it took all the strength I had to take a shower and get dressed.
I answered the phone with minimum enthusiasm.
“Hello, this is Pizza Planet. My name is Andrea. How may I help you today?” I asked.
“Um, I would like a tray of pizza please,” said a low voice.
“Okay, but what type of pizza?” I inquired.
The customer wanted plain and requested it to be delivered. Basically, this ruined my whole night because it was almost time for me to go home and I was looking forward to leaving right at closing time. With another sigh I got in the company’s vehicle. I looked at the address of the house she was going to and realized I did not recognize the street. I put the address in my GPS and started driving. My mind started to wander to another time, when I was happy and motivated in life.
Before, I had been second in the class rank, at my school. I worked hard for that spot and used to stay up all night studying usually because after school I had work and sports. Always, I was striving to be the best that I could be. I loved my life and herself and because of that I was always trying to make other people feel as good about themselves as I felt about myself. This part of my life was up until eleventh grade. Now at 21, I am working at a pizza store on government money, barely making ends meet and most alarming of all, I really do not care about this situation I have put myself in at all.
I was starting to get very tired and struggled to keep my eyes open. I felt weighed down more than usual and it was affecting my driving. I decided to put the window down to let cold air come into the car to attempt to wake up.
Suddenly, I arrived on the street. Everything was eerily quiet unlike the busy, noisy streets which I had just left. There were no lamp posts so it was immediate darkness other than the car’s headlights. It was such a drastic change and I felt very suddenly, deep down in my core, that something was very wrong. The houses on the street were old fashioned Victorian designed and they felt as if they were staring down on me, making me feel uncomfortable. Everything inside me was yearning to get away from the street full of darkness.
  I pulled up to the house that the GPS instructed me too. It was slightly more modern than the other houses that I passed. The roof and windows were white and the rest was black which I found unusual because I never saw a house quite like this one before. Suddenly, I felt very awake. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I went around to the passenger door and grabbed the pizza box. I wanted to go home very much so, I decided to go through with the delivery as fast as possible. I ran up the stairs and knocked quickly three times.
The door suddenly opened and I was face to face with a middle aged man. He was dressed as if he just came back from a party with a blue suit jacket that matched his blue eyes. He was of average height, but was not really filled out. His black hair was gelled back and shined as bright as his eyes. He grinned at me as he took the pizza from me and put in on a table next to the door. I took that chance to look inside the house because how other people lived their lives interested me. He seemed to be a very clean and organized person, with all of the house looking as if it were in a designer magazine. The tiled floors were spotless and while my house had things just placed randomly, his house had everything put away neatly on shelves and I didn’t see anything that seemed out of place.
He looked up at me after setting the pizza down and smiled again.
“I must have forgot my wallet on the couch,” he exclaimed.
I nodded and said okay and waited as he walked away to get the wallet.
He stopped and turned around to my surprise. “Do you want to see the rest of the house? It is rather nice I must say”.
I shook my head no adamantly. This was too much I thought. I started to shake a little out of fear because the whole situation seemed odd.
“Can you just bring the money to me and hurry because I need to get home,” I asked loudly.
He shook his head no and started approaching me fast. I took a step backward to get out of the house and nearly tripped on the step and then he was there, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me inside. His fist withdrew from his side and then, all I saw was black.
When I wake up I am instantly awakened by pain all over my body. I feel as if I am going to throw up. Next, I notice my hands are behind my back so I try to move them but they are stuck. I realize then that my whole body is tied to the chair and I can’t move.  I open my eyes and all is black.
“The lights must be off,’ I think.
Instantly, to my right, I hear a loud crash and I flinch full of fear. The lights suddenly come on and it takes me a second to focus on my surroundings. I hear running and then screaming and look over to see a girl my age on the ground. She looks to be in pain and her eyes are wide with fear. The girl is in the same situation as I am and seems to have rocked her chair backwards to the point it fell on the ground. The floors are carpet, thankfully, or she might not have had the opportunity to be screaming right now.
I follow her gaze to see the man who ordered the pizzas off me grinning down at her. He is holding a knife in one hand.
He looks over at me suddenly and exclaims, “Look who decided to wake up and join the fun!”
He walks over to me and continues smiling. He bends down so we are at eye level with each other and puts the knife on my throat.
“I have been watching you for a while now,” he says.
I start shaking out of fright. Who was this man? Why was he following me? What does he want from me?
He starts to laugh and then stops just as suddenly.
“I bet you want to know why you are with me right now. Well, I will tell you. Your father promised me you as long as we had a deal. I am a lawyer you see and I have that little issue you have with daddy all wrapped up so no lawyer would believe you if you called the police and went to court. I get to have you all to myself now and you will soon be wishing you were with your father,” he said grinning.
I gasped. How can this be happening? I thought all that was in the past. I closed my eyes remembering how in eleventh grade my father would beat me and molested me constantly. Everything I had worked so hard in school for seemed to be pointless because all I could focus on was the pain physically and mentally. He would tell me no one would ever want me but him and I was worthless and would always be his. I am now five towns away from him so he can not find me but apparently, all that is fruitless, because this man knows where I am, who talks to my father.
“What do you want from me,” I gasp.
“I want to own you. From now on you are not your fathers. You are mine. You will do what I want, whenever I want it. Your life is already worth nothing anyways. Now you have a point, to please me. I want you to be my wife and the girl over there will be my second wife when you get boring. You both will be whoever I want you to be at the moment I want it. Do you understand?” he asked.
I nodded submissively realizing my life was over. There was nothing I could do to change my fate. I could not fight back. If I tried to run he would surely catch me. I looked my master in the eyes and knew I was powerless against him. His gaze was cold and hard as ice. Now those eyes will be the ones who control me the rest of my life. This has to be okay because there is nothing I can do but live here with him and try to please him. 

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