The Old Man | Teen Ink

The Old Man

January 25, 2017
By herrond98 BRONZE, Midland, Michigan
herrond98 BRONZE, Midland, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It has been cold outside; the leaves were beginning to change color.  New York City is beautiful during this time of year.  The children around the area are very familiar with the Johnson’s Sweet Lick Candy Shoppe.  It is owned and operated by an old WW2 veteran.  His name is Greg Somerset.  Most children just call him Mr. Sunset.  He loves his job because of how many smiles he gets to see everyday.  Every morning children and their parents smile and wave politely at him.  He is well known throughout the community for having a great attitude and having a positive outlook on everything.  Parents never question the safety of their children around him. The smell of the sweet caramel cooking is the signal that he is open.  

Every morning before Greg opens his shop he takes the trash out in the alley way.  It is a common routine that he has to fight off the nasty cats and dogs that eat all of his trash.  He does this every morning without a second thought.  One morning he decided to wait to take the trash out because Greg was waiting to open because Sundays are the  busiest day of the week. 

When Greg went to open the door he realized that there were absolutely no kids lined up.  Greg was very surprised, but not concerned at the moment.  Greg decided that since he had no business yet, he mine as well take the trash out.  As he opened the back door he saw a group of teenagers smoking behind his dumpster.  “Goodmorning, gentlemen, i am sorry but you are going to have to find a different spot to hangout.  This is my property and i think you might be scaring the children away.”  said Greg. 

“Sorry old man, i don’t see anyones name in this dumpster so i am going to have to ask you to leave.” replied the gang member who was standing in the front of the pack of teenagers.  Greg was now deciding what to do.  “I fought for your freedom, and your right to be able to do what you want when you want.  I killed and lost many men, and iam not about to step back from you cowards” Greg said with confidence.  Before they even responded they clocked Greg across the temple and knocked him of his.

Greg stood up holding his head but with five guys brutally beating him he was only able to stay up for a short while before he was put right back down.  Right before the gang members left, they shot greg in the abdomen.  Greg was rushed to the hospital where he was immediately thrown into the surgery room for a urgent attempt to save his life.
When greg woke up from his surgery it didn't take him to long to realize what had happened.  When he returned to his store more than a month later he saw that he had been robbed.  He had forgot to turn on his security cameras due to the un-planned attack.  He saw his whole life savings, and passion down the drain.  He knew exactly who was involved but the NYPD can not do anything with it because of the lack of evidence. 

This has changed a lot.  Gregs viewpoint on everything has taken a turn for the worst.  He views the country's justice system as a joke.  “How could this happen to me and not have a single drop of punishment for the offender.”

It became sunday morning and the kids all came by, the old man never unlocked the doors.  The children went home and explained to their parents what was happening.  The parents were very concerned and decided to go check up on greg.  Nobody could ever find him.  Greg had been missing for almost 2 weeks now.  The kids were all sad that their favorite place for fun had just closed for no reason.  LIttle did people know Greg has been living in the basement of his shop waiting for the day the gang members decide to try him again.  Greg has a full proof plan to get these gangsters thrown into the hands of the city's finest. 

Greg was dead asleep at 2am when he had heard the familiar sound of the voices that had almost put Greg into the grave.  He immediately stood up and grabbed his glock that he is legally allowed to carry.  As he stepped outside he realized that the it was the same teenagers that had been there months earlier.  “look who it is! You didn't get enough last time old man?” 

Greg had cameras set up in this alley ready for this moment.  “I will not back down to you cowards, this a place for business and you need to be on your way.” replied Greg. “you and what army?” replied the gangsters.  At this moment Greg had pulled out his glock knowing this would cause the gang members to retaliate.  At that very moment Greg had received 3 shots to the chest.  Before he knew it the members were gone.  What they had not realized is that the security footage has been hooked up to the NYPD.  “It wasn’t the war that destroyed me;it was the city.”  Greg was willing to lay down his life in order to put these men in prison.  It was more than a candy shop, it was a place that represented his life.

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