Not So Normal City Life | Teen Ink

Not So Normal City Life

November 12, 2017

I woke up with excruciating pain coming from my leg. The same pain I had felt for nights in a row. With one thing different. Crimson blood was covering my hands; most likely mine. My crimson. My own dried blood on my hands. I climbed out of bed and headed for the shower. I turned on the water and hopped in. Letting cold crisp water cleanse my body getting rid of all the blood, dirt, and mud from the night before.

Finally, all of the blood was off my hands, I got out of the shower, got dressed, made a cup of coffee and wrapped the wound on my leg. As I was dressing the gaping hole in my leg, which had split open once again. I realized… I didn’t, couldn’t remember anything from last night. Normally I could remember everything but today… I couldn’t. I was determined on remembering what happened. All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door pulling me from my thoughts and back into the real world. Once I got to the door, I looked through the peephole, that I could still barely see out of, it was a man dressed in uniform. A very familiar one at that. I heard another knock on a couple words that confirmed my suspicions.

It was the police, not being able to remember anything from last night I panicked, was that not my blood on my hands earlier this morning. My mind was going a mile a minute, but the only thought that kept coming back was RUN! I raced towards my bedroom window and… jumped. Being what I was I knew I would survive, with a scratch or two of course. After I got away from the city, I stopped and collected my thoughts that ran through my mind a couple minutes ago. Had I killed someone, murdered an innocent human being, lost control of my form, or did they just want to question me ask me of my whereabouts from last night. If so that would make me look even more guilty than I probably was. All I knew was that I couldn’t head back to the crowded city for a few days, so I headed towards the woods.

After walking for what seemed like five miles I came upon a vacant cabin. I entered and sat down, removed my old and tattered sneakers to see worn down and frayed socks. I pulled off my socks to unveil a bunch of bloody scabs and blisters formed from my rugged and long walk. If I was in my form that wouldn’t have happened. Later on, after I rested I decided I would go on a hunt. So I got down on all fours and started the changing process. I let my bones reform and my tail and ears pop out. It was excruciatingly painful as all of my furs grew back. I let out a sharp yelp as my claws came out, then once the change seemed complete I headed towards a mirror to make sure the change was all done. It was so I set out for dinner.

As I ran I felt the cool summer breeze run down my reformed spin. When I got far enough from my cabin, I stopped and took in a big sniff hoping to smell a dear nearby. Sadly nothing, so I moved on. Eventually, I picked up a scent a familiar one at that. Was it a deer, no not quite right, bunny? Fox? I finally figured it out. It was a wild boar. I didn’t pick up on the scent often, but when I did, I didn’t lose it. I started out full sprint and slowed down to a stop as I got near so I didn’t spook it. Waiting for the boar to graze I laid down, watching silently. Finally, the boar put its head down to graze. This was the perfect chance. I leaped out towards the boar and bit right down on its neck until it went limp. Tonight I would feast!

I had finally reached my cabin around sunset. In order to cook the boar I had dragged back I would need to change, another unpleasant experience. Once I had finally changed back I noticed the wound on my leg had started to bleed again. Quickly I dressed it in new bandages. I went out to grab my cow so I could cook it. After I had gotten the fire started, I skinned the boar, it was a gruesome process but it was worth it for a meal. I put the bloodied meat over the fire and watched carefully as it cooked.

Finally, it was cooked enough to eat, so I took it off the crackling fire and put it on a plate that I had grabbed from the cabin. When I was full, I put the food away and headed towards the bedroom. The room was musty and smelled of pine needles there was a lot of dust on the shelves, luckily the bed still had sheets, probably not the cleanest but still sheets. I climbed in and went to bed knowing that I was going to have a long day tomorrow.

When I woke up in the morning my clothes were covered in sweat, and the bedsheets were drenched. I must’ve had the same dream and not remembered. I decided I would have to go into town to get some more clothes, so I wasn't wearing the same sweat covered clothes every day. That's when I noticed I didn’t have my wallet, it was in my room… back at the apartment. If the police were still there how was I going to get in and out? I could use the roof of the building or maybe climb in through the fire escape. I’m just going to risk it.
As I approached the building I saw no cops, but when I entered I did. I turned around as fast as possible, went to the back and climbed up the fire escape. It was a long climb up that ladder. Half of the time I thought the ladder would crumble beneath my feet as I was making my way up. When I peered through the door window I didn’t see any cops so I entered. I had no idea what floor I was on, I looked around and found a room number that read 873. Great just my luck, not the sixth floor, so there could be cops guarding my room or not.
After I made it to my floor, I heard murmuring in the distance it drew closer but left quickly. I cracked the door ever so slightly so I could see out. Nothing nor no one was there, it was so desolate there could have been a tumbleweed passing by and would have blended right in. As I neared my room, more people passed by. As they did, I kept my head down and didn’t draw attention to myself. Finally, I reached my apartment, I bent down to pick up the spare key under the mat unlocked the door and walked in to see… everything was where it was when I left. Except for the yellow police tape.

Stunned I stood in front of the police tape. What had I done, I guess I had killed someone, murdered an innocent. But what if they thought I had disappeared, been abducted, or even worse, killed. My family must be so distraught if they had heard about it. I turned on the tv and changed the channel to the news. There was a report of a missing person… and a murder. The news anchor announced that yesterday a 23-year-old woman had been abducted, as a picture of a woman with bright blue hair and a messy pixie cut appeared on the screen. Is that. It was. Me. Apparently, I was abducted? That's what they thought at least. I heard the door open and someone with a high pitched voice yell ’That's her! Get her!’ Out of instinct I ran, I don’t know why but I did. I didn’t need to get away but I did.

As I approached the store where I would get my new clothes, something caught my eye. It was a cart selling newspapers, one of the papers had my face on it. I picked it up and read it hoping to get more intel on what was truly going on. I finally got to the second article, after reading about my abduction, the one about the murder. It was also a story about me, except how could I be kidnapped and also commit murder? On the same day. I flipped back to the other story, then noticed the girl's name was Mary Sutter, m-my twin. My sister was abducted and I murdered someone, well this, is just great. There was one positive thing though, I didn't murder someone while in my form. But I can’t say the same for Mary.

Instead of going to the store I had planned to go to, I decided to go to one of the lesser known stores out of the city. When I neared the store it was getting close to lunch. After I got back I had to cook up the leftover meat from last night in order to stop an unwanted change from happening. The unwanted ones are the most painful.

With my hunger sated, I decided to go out for a run in the woods. The change started. This time it wasn’t as painful seeing that I wasn’t hungry like before. Still not trusting the form to change, I checked the mirror to make sure it was done. When I looked in the mirror, to my surprise my coat had changed colors with the seasons as summer was officially starting. It was thinner and a fawn-like color with a hint of red. When I turned around to head out something caught my eye. This something wasn’t like it had always been. This time it was light blue. My tail… was dark blue fading into a lighter blue which eventually turned into a beautiful golden blonde. Ignoring it I continued heading out for my run.

At first, on my run, I didn’t plan to go hunting, but then I saw an elk. The elk looked like an infant from where I was at first, but as I drew close I say it was a full-blown adult. Without antlers! This day just went from terrible to great! I charged after the elk, jumped on its back but it kicked me off swiftly. I headed right towards the neck this time instead of trying to knock it down as I did before. Luckily I managed to take down the elk without getting too hurt. That’s when I realized I had just killed an elk for the first time. It was a lot to haul back by myself but this would definitely be worth it.

Eventually, I dragged back the carcass to the cabin, I went back to my normal form, but less favored one at this point. When I walked in to start the fire I was shocked to see the police walking about. Quickly I headed back out and changed back. Slowly I snuck up on them then, attacked! I managed to kill two and knock out one before I got shot in the paw with a tranquilizer. Fighting the chemicals in the dart I fell on the floor. I felt my body starting to go back to its normal self. Then I went to sleep, knocked out from the dart stuck in my hand, and no longer my paw.

Finally, I woke up but not where I wanted to be. I was in a cell. Chained down against my will. I noticed the way I was chained down would kill me if I tried to change and that's when a detective showed up to question me. That's the story of how I got here, and how my identity got exposed. My identity as a… werewolf.

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