It's There | Teen Ink

It's There

November 28, 2017
By _Jaedyn_ BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
_Jaedyn_ BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since a kid I’ve had this problem. The kind I always thought would go away as soon as I grow up a bit but scars don't go away do they? I see things that i'm sure it's rare for other people to see. It all seems a bit too paranormal. I see things like uhh… let's say shadows that run, stand, and stare with blurry white eyes equivalent to two small moons shining in the sky on a starless night. They never leave my side when I feel depressed but atleast I will never be lonely right? Heh… yea I know that isn't true because they aren't exactly nice paranormal beings either. I am afraid of the dark.

Alright so picture this; you’re sitting in your room trying to fall asleep then you hear a glass cup or something of the sort fall from your table, you get up to go check it out and you see nothing so you lay back down close your eyes but you feel like you're being watched so you open your eyes and see this tall skinny shadow, eyes of white towering over you just looking. Freaky right? Yea I thought so too but it gets worse. In the dark it follows matching its footsteps with your own, creeping around you never get a moment to yourself in the dark because he or she no it… is always there with you. Why me? What do I have that others don’t? Why is it following me? Why can’t I be left alone? What the **** is going on. All I know is don’t acknowledge it. Do not look at it for too long, don't speak to it, don’t even think about it. You do not want to anger it.

The next few days after looking at that tall white eyed silhouette I woke up with scars, physical scars that hurt and I thought would never leave. Seven of them at the end of the week, one for each day but I had no idea they were there until the seventh one. I panicked while looking in the mirror with the light on I was gonna show someone and get help but I felt a slight chill down my spine that carried me back to my room light off and trying to sleep. Surprisingly this time my tall shadowy friend wasn’t watching me this time, maybe he couldn’t stay here too long, either way I’m in no way complaining I can finally sleep well. The next morning the scars were gone and I felt like I was going crazy and telling the story would only cause them to think so too. I just lived my day out normally like nothing ever happened enjoying it because I don’t know what will happen. I went back home after school and everybody was gone. Everyone either going to work or college and the store, so it was just me. It spoke… I'm sure it’s a him because of his heart pumping breathy voice so deep you can’t only hear it, you feel it. It had said “You’re all alone now but worry not.” My heart started beating as he continued, “we are alone together.” I ran to grab the phone to call someone then the lights cut out and I heard very loud banging noise. More of them showed up, shadows with white eyes running around my house whispering and I shouted to see if anyone could hear me and unexpectedly the door bursts open lights turning on and all the shadows disappeared while I sat there rocking and shivering in a corner fear struck all across me. Woman that bursted through the door was my neighbor who took my hand and asked me what had happened, just as I prepared to explain I saw a shadow and shut my mouth completely.
Two months passed by and I haven’t seen another shadow since. I enjoyed my life again and I was so thankful that there were no more shadows showing up that I believed that the woman that saved me that day was a saint. I would bring her gifts almost everyday, things like desserts that I had cooked that day. Then to my displeasure I was given note that we were moving. Very disappointed I go over to the woman's house, made her a dessert and told her I was moving. I hugged her went back home and went to sleep early due to the work I had coming up the next day to move. I slept peacefully with no worries, hours passed four to be exact then I woke up dehydrated, just after getting a drink I felt a pain in my back. I checked the mirror and to my horror I caught vision of a scar. Scars don’t go away do they?

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