Teens and Drugs | Teen Ink

Teens and Drugs

February 13, 2015
By destiney2639 BRONZE, Malrborough, Massachusetts
destiney2639 BRONZE, Malrborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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when at a party theres always the pressure to fall into doing drugs. It's a good thing some teens know the results of doing them.

So many teens do drugs nowadays that it's so easy to fall into them. Teens that have depression do it because they say it helps them relax, Or some to fit in. Others need money so they sell it. But then without them noticing there comes addiction. They start to feel like they need the drug to be happy. The temptation to do the drug is so powerful nowadays. “Who Do you feel is the biggest influence on  drugs?” Most teens said public advertising like in songs, music videos, magazines, and social media. Its so easy to plaster it on social media. People complain about their kids falling into them yet they expose their children to it.

The teens who are depressed that say they smoke to feel relief, Maybe if they got more help with that there would be less  search for happiness, for  say smoking marijuana. If people paid more attention there might be less teens smoking it “How does doing drugs make you feel?” An unknown user from a survey on survey monkey had said “good, high, different”.  Maybe If they know that someone cares about them they wouldn't be thriving to have that “happiness”. The most common drug teens use is marijuana. A main reason teens do it is to “remove stress and just get away” Yet they do not know the negative effects that marijuana can have on them. Researchers say marijuana has a negative effect on attention, memory, and learning for school.

Research says that kids who do drugs have a poorer school outcome then kids who don't do them. If we show the kids that there is hope maybe things would get a little better. Have them realize that everything going to be okay.

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