Rude Co-Workers | Teen Ink

Rude Co-Workers MAG

By Anonymous

   Rude Co-workers

by Linnie D., Phoenix, AZ I can still hear my mother's words reverberating, "Just give them time. They'll start to like you." But I wasn't sure. I never felt welcome at my neighborhood library for three reasons: the looks, the silent treatment and turned backs that followed me. I thought volunteering was a great way to give back to the community, but as I experienced the cruelty of co-workers, I wasn't so sure.

Before I volunteered at the library, no one had ever treated me with such disrespect. You can say that my parents kept me in a bubble, but is that so bad? When I experienced cruelty from people who were supposed to be on my side, the bubble popped.

Every weekday I walked into the dreadful edifice and onto the moldy, worn carpet. I could hear every step. I would arrive promptly at 8: 50 a.m. to see the ominous eyes of co-workers I would try to ignore.

"Hi, Veronica. How are you doing today?" I said. Her sinistrous eyes rolled at me and she snorted like a pig. I shrugged and turned away. I walked into the staff room.

"Where is that smell coming from?" I asked one of the staff members. I could already feel her hatred.

"Well, you just walked in so you should just ask yourself that question," she replied. My hand started to rise and form a fist, but she wasn't worth it. I lowered my hand and gave her a look that said, Next time watch out. After the incident, I decided to get some water. My tongue felt like a desert.

"Linnie, the supervisor wants to speak with you," one of the workers said. Oh great, what now? I thought nervously. The coldness of the office door knob penetrating my palm made me even more nervous. As I opened it I felt the cold rush of the air conditioner smack me across the face. I had expected an old grouch, and was surprised to see a smiling young lady.

"Please sit down," she said. "I just want to thank you for everything you've done for this library." I couldn't believe it! The softness of her words echoed through my mind, but the whispers of the workers outside the door took away all my happiness. I guess they didn't think it was feasible for me to get a compliment from somebody so important. As I was listening to all the supervisor's compliments, I put my hand under the chair but all I felt was newly hardened gum. It's amazing the things you notice when someone is talking. I noticed the smell of her perfume; I think it was some flower scent. I also was aware of how she kept fidgeting and touching her papers.

"Thank you for your time and keep up the good work," she ended.

"No, thank you." I stood up and shook her cold, timid hand. As I walked out of her office and into the staff room, I could see the co-workers staring at me with sinister looks. Why did it bother me so much? The whispers continued. They weren't even scared I could hear them. I walked into the main part of the library and sat down.

Even though it didn't seem like it, I learned something in dealing with rude co-workers. I need to quit feeling sorry for myself, open my eyes and be aware of the real world. If I don't face the fact that people can really be mean when I get out there, the real world is going to eat me alive.

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i love this so much!