Mr. Zuercher | Teen Ink

Mr. Zuercher

March 9, 2020
By Anonymous

Never before have I taken such a rigorous course, coming to North Campus of Arrowhead High School, which holds the juniors and seniors. I was nervous for my physics and engineering combined class. Walking into this class with sweaty palms, I noticed a smiling face that reminded me of Elvis with bushy sideburns. 

From that first day, I knew Mr. Zuercher was going to be a teacher I would remember long after graduation. He was a down to earth and genuine person, telling stories about his knuckle-head days in high school; he was just like the rest of us. 

Lab days were the most popular days with Mr. Z. He made labs interesting and interactive, while still cracking jokes. The most memorable experience was during our projectile launcher project. During this project, groups struggled. He spent time with every group to get the best results possible for everybody’s design. Mr. Zuercher took his time with every group without making us feel like he was in a rush. 

Coming into class every day for 80 minutes was demotivating, but as soon as I walked in and saw Mr. Zuercher laughing along with students the feelings of dread disappeared. The greatest take away from that class was how much my work ethic changed. His words and lessons from his past made me feel how similar we all are and what we can all achieve. 

Thank you, Mr. Zuercher, for giving your students the best every single day. You made me forget any problem I had going on during our 80 minutes every day. I will never forget the banters we had about what you’ve done to your truck or what you got hunting the previous weekends. Most importantly you helped me decide on what I want to do for the rest of my life as an Industrial Engineer. You deserve more back than just these words, I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me and all the people you’ve taught.

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