Ms. Bonlender | Teen Ink

Ms. Bonlender

March 10, 2020
By AhsWriterUnamed BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsWriterUnamed BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Going the Extra Mile

As a new student at a high school like Arrowhead to get lost or feel forgotten in a student population like the one at Arrowhead is quite common. I came into Arrowhead expecting to fit right in, but the transition from grade school to high school wasn’t as smooth and effortless as I imagined. The friends I knew vanished and I was forced to make new ones. 

Math class was my first class, a block class, which was hard enough as it is, so for my first class at Arrowhead with new faces, and a classroom at the end of the hallway. That's when I noticed Ms. Bonlender for who she really was. Sweet, caring, and kind hearted. 

She cared about my development as a student, as a person and as a friend. While I may have struggled in her class if it wasn’t for her welcoming me into her classroom with warm welcoming arms, I most likely have struggled throughout the rest of high school. She made sure I stayed on task and contributed in class, staying engaged and made sure I as well as the other students in the class understood the information, she gave me the extra help that most teachers wouldn’t.

When I wouldn’t know what to do or how to solve a problem or life skill, Ms. Bonlender would assist me. Whether she allowed me to be myself in a classroom environment and discover who I truly was, or enforcing discipline when it was asked upon. During the halloween season, there was a competition where during that homecoming week you were allowed to wear a costume. I of course was one of the few students to bring a costume and before a quiz she told me if I wore that during my quiz she’d give me extra credit. Not only did I wear the chicken suit, but I attempted to do the chicken dance. Ultimately I ended up just running around the classroom clapping my hands and looking like a fool.

When I look back on my high school experience and the educators I have had in the past, I won’t remember what I got in the class or what I wore, but the information I learned and the educators that taught me said information. Ms. Bonlender boosted my self-confidence and allowed me to become who I am today, and for that I am forever grateful.

Thank you, Ms. Bonlender.

Bucks in 6!!!

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