Mrs. Amy Corragio | Teen Ink

Mrs. Amy Corragio

April 8, 2022
By 3schleifer BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3schleifer BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am not the best school student, not that I am dumb, or uneducated, or a problem. I am just not the best student, school is not a challenge for me, it's just that I lack interest in school and do not really appeal to it. I sadly find it a waste of time besides a simple diploma. I normally do the bare minimum each year just to get by school but that all changed when I met Mrs Coraggio, Mrs Coraggio although a study hall teacher, had the biggest impact on my success junior year.

Each day, day in and day out she would make sure I would do my work no matter what and would stay on top of my grades more than I even would. She really wanted the best for me and tried her hardest to make sure I succeeded. Everyday she would help find me news articles for my American Problems class so I would get my participation points, she made sure I did my math homework everyday and would get on me about it if I didn't.

Even though I didn't want her too, she took my phone away so I could do my work because it was a disatraction. She made sure my grades were on point and I had my goals set out since the beginning of the year and that I stuck with them. And all the times I would get mad or not want to work she would allow me to get water or walk around to take a break. Not only did she care about my school work but she also cared about me as a person, everyday she would also check in on me to see what was new in my day. Even on the boring days, or days I didn't feel like talking she still cared and made sure to check in and that I was alright.

So coming to the end of the year I would like to say thank you, for keeping me motivated, for understanding me as a person, and keeping me on the right track.I hope I have a study hall with you next year.

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