Mr. Ryan Andrews | Teen Ink

Mr. Ryan Andrews

April 11, 2022
By 2haideman BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2haideman BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

7:20, first day, first hour of Arrowhead High school, English 9. I never was a big English guy but I was always open to reading. But I wasn’t sure how this class was going to go at the start, as I never liked an English class in the past. But this was different. The way that Mr. Andrews taught, the way he treated his students, and how he treated everyone was how I wanted to act.

I had him both freshman and sophomore year. His positivity in his teaching and his coaching did change me. I've played all kinds of sports as a kid from football, basketball, and hockey. But I found the most love and the biggest future in golf. Although he was only a teacher for my freshman and sophomore year, he was an amazing golf coach for my junior year.

The thing about a golf coach is that it's a lot different from other team sports. It's sometimes difficult to coach kids because no person plays the game the same. But Mr. Andrews did exactly what the team and I looked for in a coach. He made us love the sport and he encouraged us to get better. He always pushed us to practice perfectly, but not past the point to wear us out. And I couldn't have asked for it any better because no one wants to practice a sport that they get worn out of.

I would never attribute our success last year to just the players. We played some great golf at times but only because we enjoyed who our teammates and coaches were. Thankfully Mr. Andrews gave us the environment of a supportive team and a supportive coach all year and I will forever be appreciative of that.

I have built a trust with Mr. Andrews over the past four years. Unlike many teachers, I trust him with many things. I make mistakes as someone who is trying to learn and get better everyday, but learning what is right, taking responsibility, and coming back as an even better person is something that he has taught me over time.

Luckily I have Mr. Andrews as a teacher this year in College Strategies. But I also have him as a golf coach for my senior season. I wouldn't ask for any other coach this season as my last season was the best year of my life, even if we didn't perform our best at the end of the year we still had a great run. I am participating as a captain this year with my teammate Grant. And I look forward to what's to come. Finishing what we started a few years ago, and giving the team its shot at state this year.

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