February 15, 2023
By willplatten1 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
willplatten1 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

During my time as a high school student, I have faced many challenges socially and mentally. 

Moving from Denver to Pewaukee and going to Arrowhead, I wasn't exactly excited to attend a new  high school.  Again. Being the new student is not easy. It's actually my sixth time so I'm used to it. I had a new student orientation a few weeks before the first day. I was not happy. Although I was incredibly nervous to walk through the door, the minute I walked in I was greeted by Ms. Gordon. Arrowhead’s North Campus Assistant Principal. 

After a few introductory remarks, she kindly stated that “if you need anything, never hesitate to ask.” With a sigh of relief, I continued walking,  and approached the commons. There I learned the names of a few new students and met some of my future classmates. But on the first day, I still didn't know what to expect. 

A few first day struggles did appear, but Ms. Gordon was there to help every step of the way. I was having trouble navigating the new online resources, and had a slight panic attack in Physics first period. The day already wasn't going well. Ms. Gordon, however, came to the rescue and assured me that there was nothing to worry about. The anvil of first day stress was surely crushing me, but Ms. G easily lifted it by coming to my aid.

As the week went on it became easier to become more comfortable at school. Any time I wasn't feeling right or was a bit stressed, I would always go seek safety in Ms. Gordon's Office. The four blue ways made me feel like it was a shelter from the dreadful outside hallways. By the end of the week, she had taught me how to be brave. I didn't know it yet, but Ms. Gordon instilled a very important lesson.

 Our conversations would consist of topics anywhere from the disturbing thoughts I had that morning, or the vape/smoke detectors in the bathrooms. Her smile is so contagious it is crazy. 

“Guess what, I even have cameras in the parking lot…”

“no nay!” I would respond in disbelief. 

I will always remember my candy visits or daily tea talk. Ms. Gordon made me feel at home here at Arrowhead and I will be forever thankful for her. She has truly changed my life and I will always credit her for that.

But what really made Ms. Gordon special to me is that she could tell when I was having a rough week. Drowning in anxiety and suffering from dysthymia, she would hand-write postcards and mail them to my home. The cards felt like a life raft in the tossing waves of overthinking. Filled with colorful stickers and motivating words, they always brightened my day. 

I realized that she used empathy to understand how I was feeling. It's the first time I've had an educator care about my mental health and well-being. My day is instantly better with the small wave and smile she gives when we pass in the hallway. She made an amazing effort to always make me feel welcome in the arrowhead community, and I will forever praise her for that. Ms. Gordon, you are an amazing person. Thank you for being the light in my darkness.

The author's comments:

My piece is about someone who inspires me to be kind to others.

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