Terri Carnell | Teen Ink

Terri Carnell

February 14, 2013
By derek1995 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
derek1995 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

English, the classes where writing is nitpicked, and books are given far-fetched reviews on “hidden themes” and “underlying messages.” It’s the class where students are driven like slaves to write papers on topics that I’m convinced nobody cares about and pupils are excruciatingly over-tested on their ability to put a damn comma in the right place. I’d be lying if I said I was a big fan of these classes, but during my senior year, one person knew the trick to convert me into an excited writer and an avid reader.
From the day I first walked into room 199 for her class, I could tell there was something different about her. Her expression and enthusiasm visibly radiated and infected the students. Terri Carnell took a new approach to teaching our Advanced Composition class. She used word games, daily student presentations, and project customization to ensure her zombie-like students would maintain focus.
At the beginning of every class period, we would learn vocabulary words. Mrs. Carnell had her students independently present these words in front of the class, and it allowed for some pretty goofy videos to be seen. It was her belief that these videos would help students remember these difficult words; and sure enough, it worked. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the “clandestine” cat video that Johnny posted, or the “garbled” news report, where the sports anchorwoman couldn’t quite get a word out.
She allowed students to write about whatever they wanted; this was a key aspect to keeping me interested. Though several assignments were given, the papers I wrote in this class seemed to flow straight from my brain onto the paper. By allowing me to write exactly was on my mind, I had freedom of expression, while knowing I would not be judged by my teacher or my peers.
Finally, Mrs. Carnell listens to what students have going on in their lives. She was genuinely interested when I told her about the sports I’m involved in and the music that I choose to listen to. In the past, she’s even given kids a ride on prom night! She is that person who you can ask for a favor, without fear of rejection or interrogation. Having an educator that differs from the norm of robotic teaching machines was truly a breath of fresh air that I will not soon forget.
I will forever remember Mrs. Carnell’s incredible learning environment. Whether it be the goofy memory methods, paper customization, or the listening ear she lent me, Mrs. Carnell showed me learning and working hard doesn’t have to come painfully.

The author's comments:
Terri Carnell taught me Advanced Composition my first semester of my senior year.

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